Contagion in art
As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, Maeve McGrath takes a look at how artists have depicted plagues and epidemics in times gone past.
American Science: Triumph or Tragedy?
A historian of science himself, Conner is fully cognizant of the accomplishments of American science and technology. In an earlier book, A People’s History of Science: Miners, Midwives and “Low Mechanicks” (2005), he demonstrated the contributions of ordinary citizens to science, but he also warned of the corruptive potential of corporate money and military power.
Anti-Chinese racism sets stage for New McCarthyism
More than a dozen young visiting scholars from China had their visas abruptly terminated in a letter from administration of the University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, on August 26, in a letter dated …August 26!
Frei Betto: “It is Totally Naive to Want to Humanize Capitalism”
Carlos Alberto Libanio Christo, better known as Frei Betto, is a recognized Latin American progressive reference and one of the main figures of the Theology of Liberation.
Kill the Bill, or it will kill us all
Indonesia’s trade unions and social movements are taking to the streets against anti-worker legislation.
Exposing Trump’s deadly sanctions on Venezuela
KEN LIVINGSTONE looks in-depth at the story of U.S. sanctions on Venezuela.
Colonizing the future
Working people are forever kept on the brink of going broke. More than higher wages and better job security, a just economy requires giving them the power to choose and create their own futures.
Blacks in LA nearly four times as likely to be cited by police
The Los Angeles police department (LAPD) gave 63% of its citations for “loitering while standing” to Black residents in recent years, despite African Americans making up just 7% of the city’s population, a new analysis of public records has revealed.
Authoritarianism is creeping into classrooms
New curriculum guidance will limit critical thinking and cement a neoliberal capitalist consensus. It should be setting off alarm bells, says Remi Joseph-Salisbury
Xinjiang: A report and resource compilation
In the mid-2010s, China launched far-reaching de-radicalization and economic development programs in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
Marxism and intersectionality
Ashley Bohrer has provided this important piece of scholarship with her new book, Marxism and Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality under Contemporary Capitalism.
National strike: Indonesia rises up against new anti-worker law
Hundreds of thousands of workers and students in Indonesia have taken to the streets in a powerful wave of strikes and demonstrations opposing the enactment of a new set of laws that would dramatically weaken the rights of the working class and environmental protections.
“Quad” alliance holds summit as U.S. pushes for more aggression vs. China
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in Japan today to attend a high-profile summit of top diplomats from the countries involved in the “Indo-Pacific Quad.”
The case for a socialist Green New Deal
Proposals for a Green New Deal (GND) were multiplying even before the pandemic, but the economic crisis triggered by Coronavirus has given them a new urgency.
Using human rights to promote war: debunking UN’s new Venezuela report
Red Lines host Anya Parampil debunks a new report issued by the UN Human Right’s Council which accuses Venezuela’s government of “crimes against humanity”. Transcript below.
The revolutionary struggle against slavery
French historian Pierre de Vaissière’s description of a slave ship working the Atlantic trade in Saint-Domingue: Creole society and life under the Ancièn Regime, 1629-1789 cannot be forgotten: the hold below is hellish, naked bodies are chained, thrown back and forth by the middle passage seas, excrement is smeared about, and death feels a mere breath away.
Trump’s turn from immigration to the enemy within
Trump’s shift from demonizing immigrants to targeting leftists is straight out of the fascist playbook.
Revolutionary organization in Venezuela
Venezuelan grassroots organizations continue fighting for the socialist project despite very tough conditions. Here is a look at five examples.
Why we focus on Africa
Africa can’t demonstrate independence and power because the entire continent has a giant U.S. military boot on its neck.
The increasingly impossible middle class
IN 2010 THE Commerce Department prepared data for the Obama administration’s Middle Class Task Force, headed by Vice President Joe Biden. Sidestepping knotty problems–see below–of just who was middle class, part of their study proposed a host of expectations that a middle class family would hold.