Wise People Know That Winning a War Is No Better Than Losing One
U.S. President Donald Trump and his ‘war council’–led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo–have amplified their aggression against China.
Tale of two capitalisms
Marxian economists recognize, just like mainstream economists, that capitalism has radically transformed the world in recent decades, continuing and in some cases accelerating long-term trends.
All eyes on Wet’suwet’en
Suzanne Dhaliwal, in collaboration with Indigenous Climate Action, explains how the struggle to end Canada’s colonial violence is continuing in the face of fossil fuel extractivism.
A progressive prosecutor faces off with Portland’s aggressive police
Portland’s new district attorney said he wouldn’t prosecute most protesters. Police kept arresting them anyway.
The strategic aspects of the Great AgroVenezuela Mission
The Great AgroVenezuela Mission was born on January 25, 2011 under the leadership of President Hugo Chávez, and was launched from the Agricultural Social Property Unit “La Productora” in the municipality of Ospino in the state of Portuguesa, with the aim of promoting food security and sovereignty in the country.
Gorgon Stare: A “persistent eye in the sky” may be coming to a City near you
The military and the drone manufacturers, principally General Atomics, are arguing that the technology has advanced far enough that flying 79-ft. wingspan, six-ton drones over populated areas and alongside commercial air traffic is safe.
Four centuries of infamy
Before Europeans arrived in America, Portuguese seafarers snatched the first Africans from their homelands to be sold and exploited in the Iberian Peninsula.
1978: Ernest Mandel – We must dream. Anticipation and hope as categories of historical materialism
This text was the contribution of Ernest Mandel to a 1978 commemorative colloquium for the Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch (1885–1977) and was first published in 1980.
Against advertising
Advertising is a constant feature of our everyday lives. John Molyneux argues that as a result, we often ignore its real and unsavoury function: capitalist propaganda par excellence.
CBC doubles down on erasing Palestine
Activists are determined to hold the broadcaster to account for minimizing Palestine’s national identity
Greta Thunberg champions the plight of climate refugees
“Climate crisis could displace 1.2 billion people by 2050,” says Greta Thunberg
The revolutionary answers of C.L.R. James
The Black Lives Matter movement across the U.S. against police violence and racist inequality is one of the most dynamic political developments in years.
Contemporary relevance of Marxian economics
My goal is to write a textbook that can fulfill two purposes: first, a stand-alone book for courses that are focused on Marxian economics or survey courses that have a section devoted to Marxian economics; second, it will also be useful as a companion text in a course that is based on reading all of or major selections from Karl Marx’s Capital.
1987: Ernest Mandel – On the potential of history
For a materialist conception of history, it is necessary to understand that the world cannot be consciously changed without understanding it correctly.
Oregon can’t fight wildfires because its helicopters were sent to Afghanistan
Many of Oregon’s largest firefighting aircraft are not available because the Department of Defense has sent them to Afghanistan to fight in the 20-year-old war.
The interconnectedness of everything-Capitalist contradictions and Marx’s metabolic rift theory
No person is an island. It takes a village. Circle of Life. We are stardust. Seven generations. These truisms reference connections between people and what we owe each other. Appealing to chaos theory, an action, no matter how small, dominoes around the world.
Eyewitness testimony: Death of Portland protester Michael Reinoehl was targeted assassination
An eyewitness has come forward to contradict official claims that Michael Reinoehl, a left-wing opponent of police violence who was killed in Lacey, Washington on September 3, died in a shootout with police.
CBC owes the people of Palestine an apology
Over 2,000 people have written to the CBC to condemn its deletion of the word “Palestine” and its subsequent apology for uttering it. Still, the broadcaster insists the word falls outside its standards.
A victory for students and parents: SPLC, allies win case blocking DeVos from diverting COVID-19 relief funds away from public schools
A federal court has sent a clear message to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos: You cannot use a national crisis as an excuse to advance your education privatization agenda by siphoning desperately needed COVID-19 relief money away from public schools.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the dual nature of science
Over two decades ago, Professor Richard Levins, one of the founders of Science for the People, described this phenomenon as the “dual nature” of science.(1) On one hand, scientific investigations discover truths about material reality that are independent of ideology or politics.