Capitalism on a Ventilator: A new book analyzes the impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. and China
While China contained COVID-19 and preserved its economy, the U.S. spins lies while hundreds of thousands of its people die for lack of even a semblance of a national health system.
The Geo-politics of EU-China Investment deal
The recently announced EU-China principally agreed investment deal is a watershed moment, marking a first EU-China investment deal of its kind that would open the doors for the EU to make direct investment in China.
The war on China
The propaganda surrounding COVID-19 and China’s response is only the latest escalation in a long term geopolitical strategy by U.S. imperialism to destroy it. Few people on the left or the socialist movement in the imperial core have been paying attention to the historic breakup of the U.S.-China relationship.
China – A Marxist Analysis
Vijay on China: A Marxist Analysis
Propaganda pandemic: The craziest COVID claims of the year
No matter how many Americans die, corporate media is desperate to shore up support at home and attempt to discredit foreign countries for handling the pandemic properly. Behind The Headlines’ Dan Cohen reviews the most absurd COVID propaganda of the year..
Why is the Guardian promoting more Pentagon propaganda?
Recent reporting reinforces the false impression that the United States is threatened by Chinese and Russian expansionism.
Empire, socialism and November /w Leo Panitch
First, whether the pandemic has fundamentally altered the geopolitical balance between the U.S. and other great powers, specifically China. And second, how socialists in the U.S. should approach the November elections. For Panitch, the two issues are intimately connected.
Bilateral swaps in China’s global presence
China’s use of yuan-denominated central bank swaps, while enhancing its influence, is a source of support for developing countries in an unequal international order.
Qiao Collective on challenging U.S. aggression on China, the role of the Western left
On the domestic front, the U.S. propaganda machine mostly works instead to position China as this great, menacing oriental Other. We’ve seen this during the COVID-19 pandemic in Trump’s rhetoric about the “China virus” and in Biden’s attempts at one-upmanship.
Australia sabotaged its own interests in China relations
The destruction over the past five years of Australia’s mutually beneficial diplomatic and trade relationship with China was probably a successful “Five Eyes” information warfare operation, writes Tony Kevin.
Fed up with capitalism, young Chinese brush up on ‘Das Kapital’
With a new generation increasingly burned out by the “996” grind and liberal platitudes of their elders, can Marxism make a comeback?
The new-style pop histories making socialism cool again
Online and on social media, popular historians are helping young Chinese reframe the country’s leftist past in a more positive light.
Pentagon to Biden: Latin America a major battlefield in war with China
The head of SOUTHCOM, Admiral Craig Faller, told Pentagon reporters Wednesday that U.S. imperialism’s “competitive edge [in the region]…is eroding, particularly when it comes to the Chinese influence.”
“Awkwafina is Nora from Queens” demonstrates the depths of New Cold War propaganda against China
In the season finale, the liberal mask comes off and the program morphs into a screed for the U.S.’s New Cold War on China.
The Mao-Roosevelt No meeting, 1945
In January 1945, Mao Tse-tung sent a message to U.S. President Roosevelt asking to visit the U.S. and discuss future relationships with China. The message got blocked by a U.S. diplomat in China, and Roosevelt apparently did not receive it.
U.S.-China relations: Beijing slams State Department report ‘concocted by Cold War fossils’
China has described a U.S. report on how Washington should confront and contain Beijing as having been “concocted by Cold War fossils” who are destined to be “swept into the garbage dump of history”.
Why imperialism is obsolete in Latin America
An interview with Jorge Arreaza, foreign minister of Venezuela.
Why Biden will keep the U.S.-imposed Cold War rolling
Much will certainly change in the world of U.S. foreign policy when Joe Biden enters the White House. There will be a more measured tone, and less reliance upon Twitter to announce U.S. policy.
The jazz age
Amid the swirl of people, carts, and humidity on Shanghai’s Bund, American poet Langston Hughes scanned the streets for a free rickshaw. But no sooner had he secured a ride than he stood up in his seat and yelled out at a passing vehicle, “Hey, man!”
China is working to expand its ties to Latin America
In mid-January 2020, 800 people gathered at Mexico’s Ministry of Economy to celebrate “China Day” with a seminar on Chinese-Mexican relations.