At least six killed after factory owner calls in military in Hlaing Tharyar
Police publicly executed a woman who was the leader of the workers.
The class character of the expansion of COVID-19: The case of Peru’s Capital City Lima
At the end of December 2019, the world was notified about the existence of a new coronavirus in the city of Wuhan in China. This virus, SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19), rapidly spread and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020.
Your privileges are not Universal
Stencilled in red on the walls of Santiago, Chile is a statement of fact: ‘your privileges are not universal’ (tus privilegios no son universales).
What coronavirus taught us about the ruling class
If half a million people in the United States were murdered by an evil cult, the leaders of which said that they would keep killing thousands a day to satisfy their rapacious urge for power and money, what do you think the response would be?
Class, Gender, Race & Colonialism: The ‘Intersectionality’ of Marx
It is important to see both Marx’s brilliant generalisations about capitalist society and the very concrete ways in which he examined not only class, but also gender, race, and colonialism, and what today would be called the intersectionality of all of these. His underlying revolutionary humanism was the enemy of all forms of abstraction that denied the variety and multiplicity of human experience. For these reasons, no thinker speaks to us today with such force and clarity.
Leith Mullings, 1945-2020: Anthropologist behind the Sojourner Syndrome
Leith Mullings, an anthropologist whose work on what she dubbed the Sojourner Syndrome created a baseline understanding of the “weathering” that the amplified stresses of race, class, and inequality have on African Americans, and in particular African American women, died of cancer on December 12.
A sense of the political
How can we spread the idea that politics is not the exclusive field of social actors who formally hold a given position? Politics, as the Revolution has shown since its first days, is the everyday arena in which we clarify everything that makes sense in our lives.
Airbnb’s A’s and B’s
This is most clearly shown in what is allowed by the powers that run the financial system.
We are grass. We grow on everything
Farmers and agricultural workers from northern India marched along various national highways toward India’s capital of New Delhi as part of the general strike on 26 November.
Profits over people: Frontline workers during the pandemic
It wasn’t that long ago that the country celebrated frontline workers by banging pots in the evening to thank them for the risks they took doing their jobs during the pandemic.
Biden, the emcee at the Billionaires’ Ball
The Lords of Capital use periods of crisis to devour the less-rich and reshape the political economy to their further advantage, so that the Joe Bidens of the world jump higher and come quicker when summoned.
Billionaires and the Pandemic
WEALTH distribution data are notoriously difficult to interpret. This is because variations in stock prices affect wealth distribution, so that a stock market boom suddenly makes the rich appear much richer, while a stock market collapse makes wealth distribution less unequal overnight.
Peter Linebaugh interview
Peter Linebaugh interviewed by Johnny Flynn of Independent Left.
Silence is violence
If I’m not a part of the solution, then I’m a part of the problem.
Amidst pandemic, while billions struggle for survival, billionaires’ wealth tops $10 trillion
Billionaires are “smart” enough. Their wealth now, in this pandemic, tops trillions of dollars.
Marxism and intersectionality
Ashley Bohrer has provided this important piece of scholarship with her new book, Marxism and Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality under Contemporary Capitalism.
The increasingly impossible middle class
IN 2010 THE Commerce Department prepared data for the Obama administration’s Middle Class Task Force, headed by Vice President Joe Biden. Sidestepping knotty problems–see below–of just who was middle class, part of their study proposed a host of expectations that a middle class family would hold.
From Paul Wolfowitz (2005-2007) to David Malpass (2019-…): the U.S. President’s men control the World Bank
In 2020, the World Bank (WB) and the IMF are 76 years old. These two international financial institutions (IFI), founded in 1944, are dominated by the USA and a few major allied powers who work to generalize policies that run counter the interests of the world’s populations.
How the rich are burning our future
Annual global carbon emissions grew by 60% between 1990 and 2015, approximately doubling total global cumulative emissions in 25 years and catapulting the world towards catastrophic climate change.
Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley – “Lost Voices”
Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley – “Lost Voices” (CUPSI 2015)