How to answer Trump? Make America a socialist country
Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders won’t align with Venezuela out of fear of being labeled “authoritarian” by the ruling elite.
The President of the United States is more the president of my country than the president of my country
Is the President of Venezuela the President of Venezuela or is the President of the United States the President of Venezuela? There is absurdity here.
A visit to mysterious U.S. Air Firm accused of arming right-wing insurgency in Venezuela
Jeb Sprague entered the offices of 21Air, a shadowy air cargo company accused of ferrying arms to Venezuela, and demanded answers about its role in the U.S.-led coup
The global networks of neofascism
Phil Hearse explores the worldwide allegiances which bind rising fascist movements across the world into a coordinated force.
Guaido ‘appoints’ new oil executives as Trump vows ‘all options on table’
Trump has repeatedly refused to rule out a military option.
Sweezy on the Rise of Fascism
Both Sweezy and Dimitrov agree that fascism arises in the middle class and becomes a threat when the bourgeoisie embraces it, but Sweezy’s unique contribution is to demonstrate fascism’s relationship to the postwar transitional period of class equilibrium.
Inside the neoliberal laboratory preparing for the theft of Venezuela’s economy
Among the academics pushing hard for regime change in Venezuela is Ricardo Hausmann, now an adviser to Juan Guaido, who has “already drafted a plan to rebuild the nation, from economy to energy.”
Myth of the Medieval Jewish Moneylender with Julie Mell
On this episode, Scott Ferguson and Maxximilian Seijo speak with Mell about these and other connections that may be drawn between her own and neochartalism’s critical projects.
Executive summary: The economic consequences of the boycott of Venezuela
The international financial blockade imposed by the United States against Venezuela has caused the South American country to lose 350,000 million dollars in production of goods and services between 2013 and 2017, according to the research carried out by the Economic Debates Unit of the Latin American Geopolitics Strategic Center (CELAG).
Lawfare: Using “Transition” status to justify intervention in Venezuela
On February 4, twelve days after Juan Guaidó’s self-juramentation, the National Assembly held an ordinary session to discuss and approve an instrument called “Statute Governing the Transition to Democracy to Restore the Validity of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Either Washington or Venezuela, savage capitalism or socialism
Luis Britto Garcia is perhaps Venezuela’s most highly regarded public intellectual. A firm supporter of the Bolivarian Process, he has written numerous plays, novels, historical investigations and film scripts and is also an incisive commentator on politics in the region.
President Nicolás Maduro’s message to the American people
I am Nicolás Maduro, constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and I want to send a message to the American people to alert them to the media, communication and psychological warfare campaign that is developing in the international media and, above all, in the U.S. media against Venezuela.
U.S. withdrawal from INF Treaty marks a dangerous move towards nuclear escalation
The U.S. has cited Russian violations of the treaty as the reason for their withdrawal. This is despite Russia offering to open up its weapons systems for U.S. inspection. The treaty requires a six-month notice period following which the country no longer has to abide by the treaty.
Internal U.S. Gov’t document outlines program of ‘economic warfare’ on Venezuela
An internal government document reveals tactics of “economic warfare” and “financial weapons” the U.S. is using against Venezuela in the name of “furthering capitalism.”
Canada Labour Congress with 3M members, denounces Trudeau’s support for intervention in Venezuela
The CLC vehemently rejects a militarized solution to this crisis; the people of Latin America have not forgotten the brutal history of military rule in the region.
America has its gunsights on Venezuela
It is plain as day that the United States wants to overthrow the government in Venezuela.
How the U.S. spent Billions to change the outcome of elections around the World
The U.S. military state overthrows democratically-elected governments that it deems to be a threat to corporate interests.
The economic and social plan of the Bolsonaro government
“Reformed” captain Jair Bolsonaro already committed to the “market” the handover of all decisions in the economic area to large capital, under the hegemony of financial capital and foreign corporations (as personified in Paulo Guedes and his Chicago Boys, including Levy in the Brazilian Development Bank-BNDES).
Brazil’s road to neo-fascism
Pedro Rocha de Oliveira considers the context of Jair Bolsonaro’s rise to power in Brazil.
Bolsonaro against Cuba
Bolsonaro has his eyes on Washington and the Trump administration, which is looking to the Jair-Eduardo pair, father and son, to facilitate its attacks on Cuba and Venezuela.