Race, gender and social reproduction in British capitalism, 1945-78
How can we understand the way that capitalism comes to be gendered and racialised?
Venezuela’s Maduro unveils renewed ‘young and feminist’ cabinet
The president has expanded his team beyond the ruling PSUV with the surprise incorporation of Tupamaro’s Hipolito Abreu.
Times up for Capitalist Patriarchal Racism—and not just for the men who perform it
As we head into the 2018 elections feminists of all sorts must make sure that there is a revolutionary commitment to restructure the massive system of oppression maintained by sexual violence. Becoming a part of the existing structure is not enough—nor is simply being female.
Zillah Eisenstein and Damayan: race, gender and socialism
Zillah Eisenstein is one of the foremost political theorists and activists of our time.
Engels and women’s oppression
What does Engels say about the root of women’s oppression? Is there validity to his argument today?
The whitesplaining of history is over
When the academy was the exclusive playground of white men, it produced the theories of race, gender, and Western cultural superiority that underwrote imperialism abroad and inequality at home. In recent decades, women and people of color have been critical to producing new knowledge breaking down those long-dominant narratives. Sociological research confirms that greater diversity improves scholarship.
Cuban women: A revolution within the revolution
It is almost impossible to talk about future projects in Cuba or the work done over all these years to construct a socialist society, without mentioning the role of women in decision making and their contribution in key spaces since the triumph of the Revolution on January 1, 1959.
Where does women’s oppression come from?
The liberation of women must be at the heart of the struggle for socialism, argues the MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY
Missing Shulamith and the dialectic of #MeToo
I was 24 years old in 1970, when I read Shulamith Firestone’s The Dialectic of Sex, a year younger than she was when she wrote the book. The book catapulted me from the limitations of the Left organization of which I was a member into the world of Women’s Liberation. There was no going back once I saw and felt the chauvinism of the Left, how women’s issues were seen as tangential to the more important priorities of “real” radical politics, rather than seeing feminism as “central and directly radical in itself.”
DC school board member: ‘Feminists need rape’
The Washington, DC Public Charter School Board oversees some 120 public charter schools in the nation’s capitol, serving more than 43,000 students. And one member of that school board, John Goldman, is an MRA with clear white supremacist leanings. He has admitted to having an alter ego, “Jack Murphy,” under which he posted to websites and participated in debates.
Abolition feminism: Theories & practices
Nicos Poulantzas Institute presents Angela Davis for the Eleventh Annual Nicos Poulantzas Memorial Lecture.
The feminist eagles
Long before the present resurrection of this emboldened feminist movement (forcing people to frantically Google the term), I sensed it coming as the teacher advisor of my high school’s feminist club, the Feminist Eagles.
Social Reproduction Theory: going beyond Marx’s Capital
Colin Barker of Manchester rs21 introduced a panel discussion to launch the book Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression at the recent Historical Materialism conference in London . We reproduce Colin’s presentation here.
“Social leaders are murdered because of fights over women”, said Colombia’s Defense Minister
Just a week ago, Colombian social leaders denouncing the murder of another one showed up to the press conference with masks covering their faces in order to avoid risking to lose their own lives—such is the danger of defending human rights in Colombia.
A revolutionary voice for women’s freedom available in English for the first time
Liz Payne reviews The Woman Worker by Nadezhda K Krupskaya.
What is social reproduction theory?
In this short video, Tithi Bhattacharya, editor of ‘Social Reproduction Theory’ (Pluto, 2017), discusses ‘SRT’, and the question of who produces the worker under capitalism?
How capitalism uses gender oppression to rule
Following is the text of a talk delivered by the author on Nov. 4 at the “The Solution is Socialism” educational conference in Connecticut. The conference was hosted by the Youth for Socialist Action chapter at Central Connecticut State University, where the sessions were held.
On the oppression of women and violence against women
It’s been one hell of a week and I have to be honest, I am really angry. Four times this week, I have been told that women are not oppressed under Capitalism in Advanced Capitalist Economies; this has come from the mouths of three men (one of whom is supposedly on the hard left) and one time by a young woman.
Silvia Federici, ‘Caliban and the Witch’
Caliban and the Witch is a reminder that it is the task of feminists and Marxists alike to demand that the sphere of reproduction and continuing forms of colonialism be seen as key sources of value for capitalism and therefore as key sites of struggle against it.
FARC’s insurgent feminism moves from the battlefield to society
Diana Lozado was 21 when she left her home city of Nieva and fled into the jungle to fight with the FARC. She had always been fascinated by the guerrilla movement and its fight against inequality in the countryside, and Lozado wanted to be part of it.