Subjects Archives: Inequality

  • Ta-Nehisi Coates

    The meritocratic myopia of Ta-Nehisi Coates

    A question that might sound ludicrous to some: what do Trump and liberals have in common? Answer: a penchant for discussing anything other than class and capitalism—seriously.

  • 'What a Rigged Economy Looks Like': Top 10% Now Own 77% of American Wealth

    At the bottom of the wealth pyramid

    Yesterday, I looked at the enormous wealth of U.S. billionaires and the growing gap between them and the rest of the American people.

  • “Halting at Noon.” Slaves kneeling to pray while chained together. (New York Public Library)

    Faith, myths, and Black Prometheus

    The mythologizing thought and rhetoric that sees in human struggles the pitting of god against god is as ancient as any human storytelling. More recently Black Theologians have seen in the history of black people the need to efface a white God who condones oppression and to replace him with a black God of the oppressed. Hickman’s book provides the link that ties the ancient and the modern together.

  • Photo Credit: Resumen Medio Oriente

    Yemen, the most forgotten country in the world

    Since May 2015, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has sustained a permanent military invasion against Yemen, the poorest country of the Middle East. The House of Saud argues that the lands and air attacks are due to the advancement of the Ansarolá movement, born in the core of the Houthis tribe which exercises the Zaydi shi’a Islam.

  • Berlin Bulletin by Victor Grossman

    From gender to Jamaica

    It didn’t affect many people directly, but even small victories are welcome these days. Germany’s Constitutional Court just ruled that no-one should be forced to declare themselves officially male or female. It thus created a third open category anyone can opt for (or be opted by parents when still a child). I think everyone can […]

  • The South produces epistemologically-based theory—it’s not just a provider of native experimentation

    A century after the Bolshevik Revolution

    In the world we’re living in, it’s not enough to solve the tension between capital and work, the ongoing crisis of civilization urgently demands that we address the tension between capital and nature, which is currently compromising the existence of life in our planet.

  • Women in the FARC make up an estimated 45 percent of the guerrilla force. Source: Flickr / Silvia Andrea Moreno

    FARC’s insurgent feminism moves from the battlefield to society

    Diana Lozado was 21 when she left her home city of Nieva and fled into the jungle to fight with the FARC. She had always been fascinated by the guerrilla movement and its fight against inequality in the countryside, and Lozado wanted to be part of it.

  • Shoppers at the clothing retailer Zara were confronted with the company's unfair business practices recently, as factory workers attached notes to products drawing attention to the wages they were owed. (Photo: MIke Mozart/Flickr/cc)

    ‘I made this… but didn’t get paid’: Garment workers appeal directly to shoppers

    Factory workers draw attention to mistreatment and unpaid wages with notes hidden inside clothing items.

  • Carlos Latuff (2016): Israel denies water to Palestine West Bank

    Balfour at 100: A legacy of racism and propaganda

    The coming months mark the centennial of Palestine’s forcible incorporation into the British Empire. In November 1917, British foreign secretary Lord Arthur Balfour declared his government’s support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”; in December, Jerusalem fell to British troops.

  • The queen has been implicated in the revelations (Pic: DurhamDundee/Flickr)

    Paradise Papers: Tax havens show the hypocrisy of the rich

    Another glimpse into the lives of the rich and famous has come to light.

  • “Medicine heals doubts as well as diseases.” —Karl Marx

    Offline: Medicine and Marx

    When President Xi Jinping addressed the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last month, he spoke of “the scientific truth of Marxism-Leninism”. Marxism (with Chinese characteristics), as President Xi went on to set out, is to be the foundation for a Healthy China.

  • The Du Bois Center at Great Barrington » Black Reconstruction by W. E. B. Du Bois

    W. E. B. Du Bois’s “Black Reconstruction” and the new (Marxist) historiography

    What follows is the paper I gave this past weekend at the ninth annual meeting of the Society for U.S. Intellectual History in Dallas. I received excellent comments from our chair, Amy Wood, and from several audience members–comments that have made me rethink some of my argument. But I publish here without editing in the hopes that I receive more comments.

  • Homosexual desire in revolutionary Russia

    100 years ago, a forgotten soviet revolution in LGBTQ rights

    The socialist October Revolution in 1917 brought about fundamental, thoroughgoing changes in Russian society. Millions of people in the largest country on Earth quickly found themselves far freer than they had ever been under the despotic, anti-Semitic Tsar, the strictures of the church, and the brutality of Russian capitalism and landlordism.

  • Amazon box (Photo by Mike Seyfang)

    Radical municipalism

    Last week saw a flurry of humiliating pitches by North American cities for Amazon to pick them as the location of the corporation’s second headquarters.

  • Photo Credit: Jorge Gonzales (flickr)

    The imposition of class

    The recent success of authoritarian-populist politicians and the critique of globalisation, unemployment and social insecurity they advocate has prompted renewed attention to the question of class. In Germany, this debate has been accompanied by discussions surrounding the publication of Didier Eribon’s recent book, Returning to Reims.

  • Halloween candy.

    This year’s real Halloween horror

    The Mars family has made billions selling us M&Ms, Snickers, and countless other Halloween treats for a century now.  But when it comes to paying tax, the Mars family seems to be all tricks and no treats.

  • Reconcile this

    The world joined most South Africans in cheering when Nelson Mandela was finally released from prison, the apartheid regime was largely dismantled, and multiracial elections were eventually held.

  • Shredded Grants. Union of Concerned Scientists.

    Trashing science in Government grants isn’t normal

    There is now a political appointee of the Trump administration at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), John Konkus, reviewing grant solicitations and proposals in the public affairs office.

  • "Create popular power, transition to the Communal State."

    The implications of Marxist state theory and how they play out in Venezuela

    The implications of Marxist state theories developed by Nicos Poulantzas and Ralph Miliband are useful for framing issues related to leftist strategy in twenty-first century Venezuela. A relationship exists between each of the theories and three issues facing the Chavista movement: whether the bourgeoisie (or sectors of it) displays a sense of ‘class consciousness’; the viability of tactical and strategic alliances between the left and groups linked to the capitalist structure; and whether socialism is to be achieved through stages, abrupt revolutionary changes, or ongoing state radicalization over a period of time. During Poulantzas’ lifetime, his concept of the state as a ‘strategic battlefield’ lent itself to the left’s promotion of ‘strategic alliances’ with parties to its right. The same concept is compatible with the ‘process of change’ in Venezuela, in which autonomous movements play a fundamental role in transforming the old state and the construction of new state structures.

  • Video of Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy Conference: Olivier Blanchard and Lawrence H. Summers.

    Laughter is the best medicine

    Only mainstream macroeconomists could possibly have thought that capitalism is self stabilizing. The rest of us—who have read Marx and Keynes…—actually knew something about the roots of capitalist instability.