Linguistic data analysis of 3 billion Reddit comments shows the alt-right is getting stronger
We’re witnessing the radicalization of young white men through the medium of frog memes. In order to see it, all you need to do is look at the words coming out of their mouths. The alt-right isn’t yet united, but it soon will be.
Centrist pundits paved way for Trump’s ‘alt-left’ false equivalence
Nominal media liberals, charged with opposing Trump and the emerging far right, have prioritized demonizing the left and in doing so have helped pave the way for Trump’s neo-Nazi whitewashing.
The radicalization process yesterday, today, and tomorrow
On July 21st Paul Le Blanc sat down at his Pittsburgh home with Vaios Triantafyllou for an interview on issues related to a radicalization process that he sees unfolding in the United States today, and possible revolutionary strategies for the future. Le Blanc is uniquely qualified to address these themes, with more than half a […]
Dilemmas of the radical left in a dying capitalist system
In what I call the pan-European world (North America; western, northern, and southern Europe; and Australasia), the basic electoral choice for the last century or so has been between two centrist parties, center-right versus center-left. There have been other parties further left and further right but they were essentially marginal.
Charlottesville and Thuringia
Germany has no exact equivalent of the White House cabal; its leaders are highly educated and circumspect in their speeches. But growing threats in both countries are far too similar.
Mobilizing against the fascist creep
When economic crisis grips a nation, when contradictions within the ruling class and the state create instability and social upheaval, fascists act as the foot soldiers of capitalism. Their function is to disrupt and destroy efforts on the part of the working-class and oppressed masses to organize against their miserable conditions.
Venezuela: Chavistas gain upper hand, big challenges remain
“I believe that failure to recognize the positive aspects of the Maduro presidency undermines efforts at international solidarity, which is very much needed at this moment of such intense hostility and threats on the part of European, North American and South American governments.”
People must self-organize and keep up the pressure on their governments if we are to bring about radical change
There is still an opportunity to get out of the crisis situation and bring about social justice and structural changes that would favour the majority of the population. However if the radical majorities do not seize that opportunity, be sure that the far right will.
The faux antiracism of the Republican Party
As this tragedy unfolds let us hope that people do not forget who the enemies of antiracism are. They won’t be crashing cars into protestors, but their policies should be treated with the same rebuke that we have for Saturday’s driver.
False promises: Trump and the revitalization of the US economy
President Trump likes to talk up his success in promoting the reindustrialization of the United States and the return of good manufacturing jobs. But there is little reason to take his talk seriously.
Charlottesville: what you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself
To claim, as “liberals” do now, that such marches as in Charlottesville, “is not what and who we are”, is a lie. Ask people from outside the U.S. how the empire appears and acts towards them.
Daniel Ellsberg talked to us about leaking in the age of Trump
The Trump administration is determined to bust leakers, both in the White House and across U.S. intelligence agencies, who it feels continue to undermine and humiliate the president.
People celebrate Constituent Assembly in Caracas
The political struggle of the people in Venezuela is now passing a crucial phase. Expressing solidarity with the Venezuelan people is a task in this hour of their struggle.
Reviving the strike
Having nurses’ being asked to work way too hard with far too few staff, leading to unsafe conditions, incredible stress, and burn out – is at the root of just about every healthcare dispute in this country, if not every workplace in America.
Talking about a revolution
The conflict between the needs of the majority and the interests of the few runs throughout our economy.
10 Dead, 200 voting centers attacked as U.S. sanctions Maduro
In total, the Interior Ministry has reported that 21 state security personnel suffered gunshot wounds over the course of the day. Forty-nine people were arrested for attacks on military personnel on Sunday.
Prabhat Patnaik on contemporary capitalism and the shape it takes in India
I think Marxism analyses the contemporary world in a way which nobody else did. Lenin had said the strength of Marxism lies in the fact that it is true. The point is that it is a genuine scientific discovery.
Venezuela sees “historic” turnout in National Constituent Assembly elections
Speaking from the Plaza Bolivar in Caracas shortly after the CNE announcement, President Nicolas Maduro hailed the large vote total as indicative of the new body’s legitimacy.
Land grabs and uneven development in Cambodia
The global labor arbitrage means the only competitive “advantage” available to most countries is forcing workers to accept slave wages and environmental standards low enough to lure in multinationals. If the population resists, the only means available to diffuse it is brutal repression.
Trump is not the Venezuelan supreme court
The US Empire consists of allied governments like Canada, private media companies and prominent NGOs who all share its delusion that it is entitled to decide which government is a “dictatorship” that “must go”. It is a truly formidable and lethal system of misinformation. Leftists should always have done more to challenge the US Empire on Venezuela during the Chavista era, and to challenge imperialism in general. We really need to step up now.