Meet the far-right conspiracy idiots who stormed Bookmarks
THE halfwits who went berserk in the central London socialist bookshop Bookmarks on Saturday afternoon are supporters of a oddball far-right group called Make Britain Great Again (MBGA), which is also inconsistently called the People’s Charter Foundation.
The oldest profession
In the second installment of our subseries Rebel Women, Madeleine Johansson gives her thoughts on the topic of ongoing debate, sex work, and how we on the left should relate to it.
Why the attempt to assassinate Maduro?
While many countries claim to be protect civil rights and democracy, their ties to imperialism ensure silence in such moments. They predictably failed to denounce the assassination attempt, even after signing international agreements defining an attempt on the life of a head of state as a “terrorist act.”
López Obrador: no time to lose
Andres Manuel López Obrador has announced the first 13 reforms that he will send to Congress when he assumes the Presidency of Mexico on December 1.
Cuba reiterates unconditional solidarity and support for President Maduro and the Bolivarian Chavista Revolution
The revolutionary Cuban government issued a declaration forcefully denouncing the attempted attack on the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, which occurred Saturday August 4, during a military parade in Caracas.
Failed Terrorist Attack against Venezuelan President Maduro
Jorge Martin looks at some of the consequences of the recent terrorist attack which looked to assassinate President Maduro.
A reserve army of reporters
Capitalists profit from the misery of both those who are unemployed and those who are lucky enough to be working full-time but seeing their work hours increase, their benefits diced, their wages cut. This very much describes the state of modern journalism in 2018.
Capitalism killed our climate momentum not ‘human nature’
This Sunday, the entire New York Times Magazine will be composed of just one article on a single subject: the failure to confront the global climate crisis in the 1980s, a time when the science was settled and the politics seemed to align.
U.S. foments regime change in Nicaragua
Around a dozen thugs attack Bookmarks in central London and threaten to return.
Fascist mob storm socialist bookshop in broad daylight
About a dozen fascists stormed into the bookshop close to the shop’s closing time, attempting to intimidate staff and customers as they destroyed books and materials.
Social Imperialism in the 21st century
A sober analysis of the positions of Owen Jones and Paul Mason on a wide range of issues shows that they are in fact distinctly un-radical, frequently opportunist in nature, and (particularly in Mason’s case) openly reactionary and imperialist.
Microbes are striking back
Our story has a mix of the good and the bad. It shows us that science, as a collective human endeavour, has immense potential. It also shows us that as a society, under capitalism, we often do our best to undermine the fruits of human knowledge.
Socialism is back, with good reason
The spectre of socialism is again haunting world politics.
Reading Marx on migration
If any specter is most clearly haunting the wealthiest states of the world today, it is the specter of nativism. It has become a tired cliché to recount the number and nature of political forces that have risen on the strength of fear of the migrant other, real or imagined.
U.S. militarism marches on
Republicans and Democrats like to claim that they are on opposite sides of important issues. Of course, depending on which way the wind blows, they sometimes change sides, like over support for free trade and federal deficits. Tragically, however, there is no division when it comes to militarism.
U.S. fake World War 2 history underlies permanent bipartisan hostility toward Russia
There’s fake news. And then there’s fake history. Fake news lies about the world as it is. But fake history is the context for fake news. Fake history sanctifies abominations past and present. Fake history erases the struggle over thousands of years between those many who produced the planet’s wealth and the greedy few who appropriate it for themselves.
Republic of Latvia, Apartheid State within the EU
This essay draws upon my personal acquaintance with Alexander Gaponenko, the victim of ongoing cruel and unusual judicial procedures in Riga, Latvia which violate fundamentally the much-touted “values” of the European Union.
We defend the Constituent Assembly
The national leader of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), the economist João Pedro Stédile, is at the frontline for the liberation of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. He predicts that if Lula’s candidacy is prevented, a political crisis will become even more acute.
More than universal healthcare: the meaning of socialism
Young people are turning to socialism, and Democratic Party politicians are adopting the term. But what is socialism?
Science for the People Revival, Geoenginnering Discussion, New York City, July 28, 2018
This is a video from the Science for the People Event in New York City on July 28. It includes a talk by Fred.