The optimism of a victor
Finding a formula to describe Fidel is no easy task.
Black workers and immigrants: borrow a page from Marx
Tom Broadwater, a brother, recently wrote a commentary titled “Democrats’ Immigration Dogma is Damaging African American Communities.” It appeared in the Afro American newspaper and in Newsweek.
Don’t class warfare me
Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal is no class warrior.
Climate change in the Anthropocene: an unstoppable drive to Hothouse Earth?
Leading Earth System scientists warn: “The Earth System may be approaching a planetary threshold that could lock in a continuing rapid pathway toward much hotter conditions.… Incremental linear changes to the present socioeconomic system are not enough to stabilize the Earth System.”
The fires this time and their implications for ecosocialists
“Deindustrialization.” That’s a word you virtually never hear in the debate around global warming. Not surprising. It’s a word that’s loaded with negative implications: economic collapse, mass layoffs, falling living standards.
Death of a Marxist
Amin’s thesis—in economics—was written while he was active in the French Communist Party. In the thesis, he thought hard about the problems of his native land and other countries despoiled by the colonial menace. For Amin, as with other dependency theorists, the Third World suffered from theft, plunder as well as deindustrialisation, and then unequal exchange.
In memoriam: Samir Amin
Samir Amin, the renowned Marxist thinker and economist, passed away on August 13 in Paris. Born in Cairo on September 3, 1931, to an Egyptian father and a French mother, he had his initial education in Egypt before moving to Paris where he obtained his doctorate in Political Economy.
Facebook suspends teleSUR English without explanation, again
teleSUR English’s page has been removed from Facebook for the second time this year without any specific reason being provided. This is an alarming development in light of the recent shutting down of pages that don’t fit a mainstream narrative.
U.S. now allowing asbestos back into manufacturing and building
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is about to give the go-ahead for the use of Asbestos in manufacturing, building or other use.
Stand up with new hope?
If you regretted (or rejoiced) that the left-wing German scene, rarely mentioned by US media, was an unimportant sideshow, be prepared for a surprising new hope, called Aufstehen: Stand Up—or for its opposite, more fear.
Samir Amin stood for people
Samir Amin transcends all borders capital creates to divide peoples struggling against exploiters, against all divisive politics, against all sectarian ideologies, which serve imperialism. Samir Amin stands for a modern life for peoples while opposes all backward ideas and ideologies serving exploiters.
Magical bootstraps and the struggles of working Americans
A recession is coming, sooner or later. Once it hits, we can expect articles bemoaning the fact that working people didn’t build-up their savings during this record expansion to help them through the hard times. If only they had pinched pennies here and there, skipped a new TV or smart phone, they could have generated some capital that could have been invested…. Ah the missed opportunities.
A note on Samir Amin
Samir Amin’s work will provide inspiration to revolutionaries in their struggle against capital for many years to come.
Venezuela’s monetary revolution vis-à-vis economic sanctions
Nino Pagliccia looks at the impacts of the increasing sanctions against Caracas.
Science fiction and the angel of history
A review of, ‘Sorry to Bother You’.
The hope of ecosocialism
“The gross irrationality of our economic and social system is a measure of what we could do to improve the lives of people and the environment.”
Samir Amin: September 3, 1931-August 12, 2018
“Increased awareness will not happen through successive adaptations to the requirements of capitalist accumulation, but through awareness of the necessity of breaking with those requirements.” —Samir Amin
A NATO-funded team is advising Facebook on flagging ‘propaganda’
Last week, the company said it took down 32 suspicious pages and accounts that purported to be run by leftists and minority activists. While some U.S. officials said they were likely the work of Russian agents, Facebook said it did not know for sure.
Venezuelanalysis: official statement on facebook’s removal of our page
Venezuelanalysis is the only independent English language website covering news and analysis on Venezuela from a progressive perspective & which platforms leftist grassroots voices. It is run by committed journalists, authors and academics & praised by renowned journalists and intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Marta Harnecker and Oliver Stone.
Fredric Jameson and Film Theory
Fredric Jameson is among the most prominent theorists of postmodernism and one of the foremost Marxist critics of his generation. In Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991), film occupies a central place in his account of the formal features of postmodernism and in his analysis of the relationship of postmodern culture to the social and economic forms of “late capitalism”.