Reply to Trump: Global warming explained in three easy tweets
On October 14, on the CBS television program 60 Minutes, the President of the United States admitted that climate change is not a hoax. It is probably happening, he said, but he doesn’t know what is causing it, and he thinks it might change back.
Confronting imperialism means winning back the power to imagine alternatives
Vijay Prashad talks to Daniel Whittall about socialism, anti-imperialism and the new global research network Tricontinental.
Goosing the corporate goose
No, the stock market is not predictable. And no one knows the exact causes of last week’s carnage on Wall Street—with the Dow down 4.2 percent, the S&P 4.1 percent and the Nasdaq 3.7 percent, representing their worst weekly performances since March.
The need for mass mobilization as multi-lateral top down agreements fail
We must demand immediate, scientifically rational, and enforceable emissions-reduction targets for each country that take into account historical CO2 emissions, and, relatedly, provision of the necessary technological and financial support to less-developed (and less culpable) countries.
Plastics and fossil fuels
Follow the History of Technological Systems.
Marx & the Earth: An Anti-Critique
If there is one thing from which Green thinking and practice suffers, it is the lack of an over-arching historical and socioeconomic conceptualisation of the dynamics making for the trashing of the environment as habit for humans and other creatures.
The U.S. medical system: healthy profits at people’s expense
The health-care industry overtook the retail sector as the nation’s largest employer in December, giving local economies and their workers a stake in the industry’s growth. Health jobs surpassed manufacturing jobs in 2008.
Bolsanaro supporters carve swastika into woman
GROUP of men claiming to be supporters of far-right Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro carried out a sickening physical attack on an opposition supporter this week, carving a swastika into her stomach with a knife.
The color of economic anxiety
Is the collapse of Democratic fortunes due to economic anxiety? Of course. Just ask black Milwaukeeans.
Brazil is falling under an evil political spell
Bolsonaro—an open advocate of racism, sexism, torture, and police execution squads—represents the resurrection of the fascist political tradition. That tradition discards norms of decency, tolerance, compromise and due process whenever they obstruct taking power.
Future of western democracy being played out in Brazil
Geopolitical and global economic reverberations will be immense. The Brazilian dilemma illuminates all the contradictions surrounding the Right populist offensive across the West, juxtaposed to the inexorable collapse of the Left. The stakes could not be higher.
Hype and facts on free trade
Voices questioning the claim that nations and the majority of their people stand to gain from global trade are growing louder. The one difference now is that the leading protagonist of protectionism is not a developing country, but global hegemon United States under Donald Trump.
Court upholds ruling that Dutch government must drastically cut greenhouse gases
A Dutch appeals court erupted into cheers today as it upheld a 2015 ruling ordering the government to cut the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25 per cent by 2020.
A peace train in Morocco teaches Youth to become advocates for peace and tolerance
A peace train in Morocco teaches Youth to become advocates for peace and tolerance.
Marx and the Earth
In the latest installment of our “Not One Step Back!” reading series, we take a listener recommendation and look at the introduction to “Marx and the Earth: An Anti-Critique” by John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett.
Black Lives Matter activists hail ‘historic’ verdict as killer of Laquan McDonald convicted of murder
“In Chicago instead of funding healthcare, the things we need, we have been divested from. And that’s part of a neoliberal project that’s been hegemonic since the 1970s… capitalism sets the conditions for everything that’s happened.”
Stedile on Brazil elections
MST leader on the presidential race between Workers’ Party’s Fernando Haddad and far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro.
Brazil: left unites in support of Haddad as candidate works to woo voters
The Democratic Labor Party, which got 12.5 percent of the vote, confirmed its support for Workers’ Party candidate Fernando Haddad.
Victory for Valve Turners in Minnesota!
We are pleased to announce a victory in our Minnesota Valve Turner case! This trial was a rollercoaster with many twists and turns, but all three defendants were acquitted of their charges this morning in court. They were acquitted, not on the necessity defense, but because the prosecution could not meet the burden of proof that they had committed a crime.
The coming military vision of state censorship
A key meeting of cabinet members from the U.S.-led Five Eyes (UK, U.S., Aus, Can, NZ) global spying network was held in Australia in late August, which went totally unreported by the mainstream media, mainly because Britain’s representative used the cloak of Brexit to disguise it, ironically via social media.