Black Lives Matter & The Question of Violence | Gary Younge
“Riots are often justified, what’s the French Revolution but a riot blessed by history”
Community control Vs. defunding the police: A critical analysis
Defunding the police might end the armed and uniformed force as we know it, but the ruling class will then hire mercenaries to protect their wealth and enforce their will.
“A Question of Land and Existence”: An Introduction to Marx’s Anti-colonialism
Although a thorough assessment of Marx’s anti-colonial politics would have to devote substantial critical attention to its many limitations, my emphasis here is not on these limitations, but rather on aspects of Marx’s anti-colonialism that remain relevant, illuminating, and worthy of serious consideration today.
A mass uprising is here, protect if from the ruling class
The media described the uprising as a “riot” involved in violence and property destruction but the movement responded by using videos to show black organizers trying to stop people, some of whom seemed to be undercover police or white supremacists.
“Indian racism towards Black people is almost worse than white peoples’ racism” An Interview with Arundhati Roy
We ourselves live in a pretty sick society that seems incapable of feelings of sisterhood, brotherhood, solidarity.
Turkey’s big bet has put Libya in center of a global power struggle
The series of debilitating military setbacks that Libya’s renegade general Khalifa Haftar suffered in recent months have spurred diplomatic activities over the conflict in the country. But the war is far from over.
Media are slowly starting to be serious about police violence
As the George Floyd protests against police violence erupted around the nation, a massive amount of evidence of police brutality was widely captured through social media. Unfortunately, very little of it made it to mainstream outlets until much later.
Living is no laughing matter
The United States government has withdrawn its support for the World Health Organisation (WHO) based on accusations that the WHO has not been forthcoming about the novel coronavirus and based on U.S. President Donald Trump’s questioning of the WHO’s independence from China, calling the organisation a ‘puppet of China’.
The problem of external debt
There is a massive problem of external debt building up for the third world, of which the recent Argentine debt crisis was only one manifestation. At the root of the problem is the collapse of primary commodity prices in the world market which began in April 2011.
America’s unfinished revolution: Where do the George Floyd protests go from here?
It takes but a few minutes for the ruling elite to recast collective calls for an end to state violence against black people into images of the criminality of black protesters and to call for an end to looting.
Iran’s skyrocketing stock exchange signals historic political shift
In Iran, this spring brings a historic opportunity for neoliberal opposition parties personified by President Rouhani. The utopian dream will now get its first chance to prove itself as a cash-starved Islamic Republic embarks on its boldest ever embrace of privatization of state-owned companies.
Inauthentic behavior: SouthFront is the latest victim of the Facebook banhammer
The censorship of alternative media is becoming more widespread. The latest victim to fall to Facebook and YouTube’s overzealous banhammer is well-known conflict watchdog website, SouthFront.
Freedom Rider: Rebellion, confusion, scoundrels and Kente cloth
Black rebellion brings insecurity to those in power, as editors, mayors and even long dead criminals are being called to account.
Viruses & imperialism
Despite conspiracy theories, there is no evidence whatsoever that the virus was manufactured in or escaped from a laboratory, in China or anywhere else. Such accusations ignore how easy viral transmission can be when other factors come into play.
Fred Hampton: Black Panther and red revolutionary
Fred Hampton’s politics are a lesson in how to fight racism and capitalism together, argues Sean Ledwith
Tear down the racist statues, end racist debt and pay for reparations
Bring down the statues, surely. But more than that: cancel the debt and provide reparations to the formerly colonized for the centuries of theft and brutality.
A consumer economy?
Richard Heinberg is a very important scholar and an apparently lovely human being. His books are always penetrating, and both his contribution to and his review of Michael Moore’s corporate-green-censored movie, Planet of the Humans, demonstrate his continuing efforts to speak crucially unheard truths.
The economy: we are still in big trouble
The announcement by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that the federal unemployment rate declined to 13.3 percent in May, from 14.7 percent in April, took most analysts by surprise. The economy added 2.5 million jobs in May, the first increase in employment since February. Most economists had predicted further job losses and a rise in the unemployment rate to as high as 20 percent.
Power over policing
Reform efforts will fail. Only a power shift to communities can improve public safety.
Top 16 euphemisms U.S. headline writers used for police beating the shit out of people
“Mayor Downplays Rough Police Treatment of NYC Protesters” (AP, 6/5/20)