Imperialism, Migrant Labor, and the Nation: The Canadian Example
By centering “human capital” and providing more pathways to work and residency for higher-skilled migrants, despite lower-skilled migrant workers having a far greater desire to temporarily migrate and permanently settle, Canada is able to continually reap the benefits of both high-skilled and low-skilled labor without having to socially reproduce either.
York professor expands global understanding of Karl Marx and Marxism with seven books in three years
Driven and passionate about the significance of Marx’s contributions in politics, sociology, the critique of political economy and philosophy, Musto has delivered seven books within the last three years.
Rethinking Japan’s Red Years
The New Left is generally seen globally as emerging from the aftermath of the “revelations” about Stalin in Khrushchev’s “secret speech”’ at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in early 1956, and the reaction to the Soviet invasion of Hungary later that same year.
Richard Lewontin: the dialectical biologist (1929-2021)
Rare among scientists, Lewontin’s science and politics were guided by a conscious philosophical outlook, which he staunchly and unapologetically defended throughout his life.
A preemptive counter-revolution in Haiti?
Haiti Liberté editor and writer Kim Ives talks about the possible motivations behind the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, revealing developments about a possible uprising that the U.S. press rarely reports.
Rich country hypocrisy exposed by vaccine inequities
World Health Organization Director-General notes, “The global failure to share vaccines equitably is fuelling a two-track pandemic that is now taking its toll on some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.”
North America’s heatwave hell
As temperature records were smashed all up and down the Pacific coast in the last week of June, reports emerged of rolling blackouts, buckling roads, damaged wires and newly sparked wildfires.
Cuban president Díaz-Canel: Revolutionaries to the streets!
This speech provides crucial context and information being covered up by the corporate media in the United States.
“Unchallenged Orientalism”: Why Liberals suddenly love the lab leak theory
The lab leak theory bears a striking resemblance to the WMD hoax of 2002, not only in the fact that one of its key players is literally the same journalist using potentially the same anonymous sources, but also in the bipartisan political and media support it enjoys.
The new ‘Republic of Fear’
The Indian state today seems to proclaim that everything in the country is in danger–whether it is religion, culture, communal harmony or public peace and tranquillity.
10 new albums that resist racists and fascists
Here’s a look back at June’s political news and the best new music that related to it.
The war on woke: how socialists should respond to the culture wars
The Tories are trying to further divide the working class by fuelling culture wars, socialists must fight back on our own terms, argues John Westmoreland
I’ve been a critical race theorist for 30 years. Our opponents are just proving our point for us
Seemingly overnight, my obscure legal specialty became a national lightning rod. What would CRT say about that?
‘Hard Day’s Work for the Poleeseman’
Hard Day’s Work for the Poleesman by K Michael Williams
‘That’s lethal, communities completely exposed to this kind of heat’
CounterSpin interview with Vivek Shandas on climate impacts
The Tokyo Olympics are in peril
The masses of Tokyo want to postpone or cancel the games, but the government says it’s the IOC’s decision, not the host country’s, sovereignty be damned.
The responsibilities of Caribbean intellectuals
The tradition of Caribbean intelligentsia insists on a grounding with the masses against the elites.
Israel attempts to forcibly relocate Bedouin community
The Israeli military forcibly entered the Palestinian village to demolish homes. During the operation, they destroyed tents, water tanks, and food supplies.
Where infrastructure means prisons: a drive into the Naqab and the illusion of Israeli democracy
Out of close to 250,000 Palestinian Beduin in the Naqab, about half live in “unrecognized villages.” This means they get no roads, no electricity or running water, no schools or medical facilities—no services at all.
There’s a dirty tricks campaign underway in Peru to deny the Left’s presidential victory
The campaign to overturn Peru’s presidential election results is one of “unconventional warfare.”