Walter Benjamin’s Marxist critique
The works of Walter Benjamin confuse the majority of his readers, but this does not need to continue.
Remove the stain
A blot on the nation.
Why time’s up for China’s ‘shadow education’ industry
Last month, China announced strict new regulations on academic tutoring and training classes for young children. How did the industry get so big, so fast?
The CIA’s outsourced torture is lost to history
The CIA’s notorious practice of kidnapping and displacement gave birth to the post-9/11 torture program. We know nearly nothing about it.
Robbing the soil, 1: Commons and classes before capitalism
“All progress in capitalist agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the worker, but of robbing the soil.” (Karl Marx)
Percy Bysshe Shelley: romanticism and revolution
Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, in Crime and Punishment, wrote, “The darker the night, the brighter the stars”.
Capitalism and alienation
Capitalism is deeply unjust. It is a system under which labour power has itself become a commodity and is bought and sold on the market like any other object of exchange
SpyCops: How the UK police infiltrated over 1,000 political groups
As part of their false personas, many officers entered romantic relationships with politcal activists, leading to the births of a number of children whose mothers were completely unaware of their partners’ double lives.
Sports apartheid: Israel’s Olympic team did not include a single Palestinian citizen of Israel
Palestinian citizens of Israel are 20 percent of the population. But not a single one was on Israel’s 90-member Olympic team.
Biden Admin offers hand of friendship to Bolsonaro
Latest U.S. government visit is further evidence that the Biden administration has no qualms about supporting Brazil’s far-right military-dominated regime.
The Uncontrollability of Globalizing Capital
We live in an age of unprecedented historical crisis. Its severity can be gauged by the fact that we are not facing a more or less extensive cyclic crisis of capitalism as experienced in the past, but the deepening structural crisis of the capital system itself.
Security U.S. fears of China nuclear expansion… déjà vu of Soviet missile gap hype
Media reports from the U.S. this week–regurgitated by the European press–highlighted concerns that China is embarking on a massive scale-up of underground silos for launching nuclear weapons.
Glen Ford: A remarkable revolutionary
He is one of the few among us who lived by Amilcar Cabral’s iconic words, Tell no lies, claim no easy victories!
The far Right’s manufactured meaning of Critical Race Theory
Right-wing commentators claim to know what CRT is, while showing no interest in engaging with its ideas, and only very rarely quote the words of its proponents.
With COVID-19, World Health Organisation’s fall from grace is complete
In complete contrast to its founding ideals, the WHO is now captured by wealthy countries and corporations at the cost of millions of poor globally.
Review of Keti Chukhrov – ‘Practicing the Good: Desire and Boredom in Soviet Socialism’
As the title reveals, Chukhrov is particularly interested in two aspects of Soviet socialism: desire and boredom. For a libidinally conditioned capitalist subject, socialism as a non-libidinal economy appears boring and unsexy.
China eradicates absolute poverty while billionaires go for a joyride to space: The Thirty-First Newsletter (2021)
During this bleak period, in late February 2021, China’s president Xi Jinping announced that–counter to this general global downturn–China had eradicated extreme poverty. What does this announcement mean?
Chávez the Radical XXVII: ‘Beware of a Bolivarian Oligarchy!’
In this episode of “Chávez the Radical,” Chávez stresses that a new oligarchy cannot emerge from revolutionary ranks.
Mobilizations force Biden to enact new eviction ban
The new eviction moratorium was put in place amid protests at the federal capital led by progressive legislator Cori Bush, along with various social movements in the U.S.
Opinion: From ‘friendly’ state to enmity state
As Texas Republicans pit neighbor against neighbor, we must respond by rebuking bigotry and embracing progress.