Andrés Soliz Rada Resigns from the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy [Andrés Soliz Rada Renuncia al Ministerio de Hidrocarburos y Energía]
El siguiente es el texto de la renuncia que el Dr. Andrés Soliz Rada presentó al Sr. Presidente Evo Morales Ayma La Paz, 15 de septiembre de 2006 Señor: Don Evo Morales Ayma Presidente Constitucional de la República Presente. Ref.: Renuncia irrevocable Excelentísimo señor Presidente: El 17 de mayo pasado hice saber a su persona […]
John Bellamy Foster at Modern Times and on Pacifica’s Against the Grain
John Bellamy Foster NAKED IMPERIALISM: The U.S. Pursuit of Global Dominance by John Bellamy FosterREAD EXCERPT BUY THIS BOOK Here are two opportunities to listen to John Bellamy Foster, editor of Monthly Review and the author of Naked Imperialism among many other publications. On Tuesday, 19 September 2006, C.S. Soong, the host of Against the […]
One of the Goals Is to Open Offices in Various Countries of the World: CIM Is Determined Not to Repeat Errors of the Socialism of the 20th Century [Una de las metas es abrir sedes en varios países del mundo Instan a no repetir errores del socialismo del siglo XX]
Michael Lebowitz, Martha Harnecker y Luis Bonilla. Credito: MIGUEL ACURERO Caracas. A pesar de tener activo cinco meses, ayer viernes fue presentado oficialmente el Centro Internacional Miranda (CMI), que tendrá como objetivo determinar los aspectos ideológicos que enmarcarán el proceso de transformación del país hacia el modo del socialismo del siglo XXI, con la participación […]
An Interview with Michael Steinberg
Michael Steinberg, the author of The Fiction of a Thinkable World (published by Monthly Review Press), was interviewed by KKUP on 3 August 2006. Click here to listen to the interview. Michael Steinberg reads from his book at Robin’s Book Store, Philadelphia (Photo by Loret Gnivecki Steinberg) Michael Steinberg is the author of The Fiction […]
Vietnam Needs Your Help TODAYA Letter from Madame Binh!
Vietnam needs your help in the final stage of the process of normalization of relations between our two countries! Legislation granting Vietnam permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) will be voted on very soon in the Congress. PNTR is the normal state of trade relations between the US and the vast majority of the world’s countries. […]
British Muslims: Open Letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair
Prime Minister, As British Muslims we urge you to do more to fight against all those who target civilians with violence, whenever and wherever that happens. It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad. To combat terror the government has focused extensively […]
12 August 2006, Washington, DC Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Occupation Is a Crime
Click on the image for a larger view. An MRZine reader contributed the photographs.
Beyond Same-Sex Marriage: A New Strategic Vision for All Our Families & Relationships
We, the undersigned — lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and allied activists, scholars, educators, writers, artists, lawyers, journalists, and community organizers — seek to offer friends and colleagues everywhere a new vision for securing governmental and private institutional recognition of diverse kinds of partnerships, households, kinship relationships and families. In so doing, we hope […]
Israelis Protest: “We Will Not Die and Will Not Kill in the Service of the United States”
200 people protested against the bombing of Lebanon in Tel Aviv just hours after it started on Wednesday, 13 July 2006. 600-800 people protested on Sunday, 17 July 2006, through the streets of Tel Aviv. The Tel Aviv demonstration against the war grew to 2,500 on Saturday, 22 July 2006, according to Haaretz. “One, two, […]
Enough! Stop the Killing and Destruction in Lebanon, Gaza, and Israel!
Enough! Stop the killing and destruction in Lebanon, Gaza, and Israel! A Demonstration against the Second Lebanon War Saturday, July 22, in Tel Aviv The policy of brute force and war, backed by the Bush administration, exacts a heavy price from Israelis, Lebanese, and Palestinians. The attempt to create a New Regional Order and the […]
McDonough Calls Canada’s Gov’t on War Crime Complicity
July 14, 2006 Hon. Peter MacKay Minister of Foreign Affairs Lester B. Pearson Bldg., A-10 125 Sussex Dr. Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2 Dear Minister, I write to express outrage at your government’s response to the destruction levelled by Israel on the innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon. The world has rightly condemned the killings and […]
Declaration of the Syrian Communist Party
Glory to the Heroic Palestinian Resistance! Shame and Humiliation on the Collaborators! To our steadfast people, The Palestinian people in the occupied territories are being subjected to a humanitarian disaster as a result of the Zionist criminal escalation that has led to the deaths of dozens, the destruction of the vital infrastructure of electric power […]
The Address of the General Secretary of Hizballah, His Excellency Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, to the Nation, the Lebanese People, the Resistance Fighters, the Zionists, and the Arab Leaders
Friday, 14 July 2006 Peace be upon you and the mercy of God and His blessings! Click on the image to watch the program at the Mosaic Archives “Nassrallah Warns of an Open War,” NBN TV, Lebanon, Mosaic: News from the Middle East, 14 July 2006 To begin with, in this first address that I […]
Open Letter to Monthly Review Editors
I received the following open letter from Yassamine Mather, signed by seventeen activists and intellectuals in the Iranian diaspora including herself, and with her permission, I am publishing it here. Among activists and intellectuals on the Left committed to the advancement of women in particular and the working class in general, as well as to […]
Roz Payne Archives Presents: The Black Panther Library
3 Newsreel Films on the Black Panther Party plus A Massive Quantity of Rare and Exclusive Material of Exceptional Quality This is a large box set of 4 disks, each with 340 minutes. The editing has been done. I am looking for total donations $4,000 to help pay for the color and sound correction and […]
Iran and Venezuela Will Review Bilateral Relations and Energy Issues in July [Irán y Venezuela revisarán relaciones bilaterales y tema energético en julio]
Caracas, 28 Jun. ABN. — Con la finalidad hacerle seguimiento a las relaciones bilaterales y discutir sobre el tema energético, los presidentes de la República Islámica de Irán, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad y la República de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, se reunirán en Teherán a finales de julio. Haga click en la foto para agrandar. Hugo Chávez […]
Stop the Israeli Attack in Gaza Immediately!
Stop the Israeli Attack in Gaza Immediately: A Statement by the Alternative Information Center 29 June 2006 The Alternative Information Center (AIC) strongly condemns the Israeli army’s invasion of the Gaza Strip. This invasion is a punishment for the results of the democratic Palestinian elections held in January and is irrelevant to the security of […]
Voices from under Occupation
5 June 2006 marks the 39th anniversary of the beginning of the war that led to Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In observation of this event, the Institute for Middle East Understanding talked with five prominent Palestinians who have experienced the occupation since it began. We asked them for their […]
Join Us with Simultaneous Protests against Boycott of Elected Palestinian Authority
On Saturday, June 3 at 7 PM, a coalition of Israeli peace groups and movements will hold a protest march and rally in Tel-Aviv. We will protest against the boycott of the Palestinian elected authority, against the siege and starvation of the Palestinian people, for negotiations without preconditions — to sum it up, against the […]
LETTER TO KOFI ANNAN: Steps Taken against Iran That Are Not Taken against Israel Lack Credibility
May 18, 2006 To: The Honorable Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations Re: The Iranian threat to withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Your Excellency, Iran’s nuclear projects acquire an alarming significance with Iran’s recent threat to withdraw its acceptance of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The Middle-East is a volatile region. […]