Killing the most beautiful things we own
The fight over the Amazon is not new, but the scale of its potential destruction has considerably increased. The protagonists of the murder of the Amazon are clear: capitalist firms of different scales and the political class that enables them.
We refuse to stop dreaming
Above all, we’d like to demand the right to dream. For us, the present is unacceptable. We demand the future.
We are the invisible. We are the invincible. We will overcome.
The mood in Caracas (Venezuela) is sombre. It appears that the attempted coup against the government that began on 23 January is now substantially over (as the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza tells me).
How the U.S. is strangling Haiti as it attempts regime change in Venezuela
Last week, the people of Haiti erupted in protests over fuel price hikes. Behind the protests lie a story of corruption by the elite, blatantly insensitive IMF policies, predatory pricing by U.S. oil firms and the fallout of the economic war on Venezuela.
The President of the United States is more the president of my country than the president of my country
Is the President of Venezuela the President of Venezuela or is the President of the United States the President of Venezuela? There is absurdity here.
Phrasebook of imperialism
This Tricontinental Newsletter on a phrasebook for imperialism is intriguing if shorter than usual.
Twelve step method to conduct regime change
What happened to Chile in 1973 is precisely what the United States has attempted to do in many other countries of the Global South. The most recent target for the US government—and Western big business—is Venezuela.
What the mountain taught the mouse
Inequality is sexist. It is also transphobic and racist. This is a reality demonstrated by Oxfam’s recent report on wealth and inequality, and a reality well understood by the people who live it.
America has its gunsights on Venezuela
It is plain as day that the United States wants to overthrow the government in Venezuela.
My hopes lie shattered
Late last year, U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton went to Miami (USA), where he coined a new–chilling–phrase: troika of tyranny. It echoed former U.S. President George W. Bush’s phrase, axis of evil. Bush’s axis included Iran, Iraq and North Korea.
Struggles that make the land proud
On 8 and 9 January, over 160 million workers went on strike in India from a broad range of sectors, from industrial workers to health care workers. This has been one of the largest general strikes in the world.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a revolution
On January 1 in India, 5.5 million women formed a 620-kilometer wall across the length of the state of Kerala to fight for women’s rights to the Sabrimala temple. On the same day, Cuba celebrated 60 years since the 1959 revolution, which has been a persistent thorn in the side of global capital ever since.
The butcher washes his hands before weighing the meat
It has been almost a year since we got off the ground. Our offices across the world humming with activity. You have received forty-four newsletters from us, eleven dossiers and one notebook and one working document. More is on the way as we enter our second calendar year.
We want cash while waiting for Communism
Susan Ram, who is writing a book on the French Left for LeftWord Books (New Delhi), has a crisp assessment of the yellow vest (gilets jaunes) movement and of its fifth week of demonstration–Act V Macron Démission (Macron Resign). It is anger and determination that defines the yellow vest protest.
We have no choice but to live like human beings
One in eight people across the world live in informal settlements. This, despite the “right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family” as declared by the International Declaration of Human Rights. Reality, however, is very far from this.
This economic policy has been a disaster, a calamity for the country’s public life
As AMLO begins his presidential term in Mexico, he has been confronted by years of neoliberal policies, policies crafted by institutions like the IMF and the World Bank, who praised the selling off of Mexico’s assets as a model. When protestors contest this agenda—as they recently did at the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires—, the reply from leaders comes written in tear gas. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of farmers and thousands more of those who stood with them marched across Delhi to demand a parliamentary session to address the agrarian crisis.
Promote the health of all the people of the world
Earlier this month, in Savar (Bangladesh), over 1400 delegates came to the fourth People’s Health Assembly–first held in 2000 by popular health organisations to drive a global dynamic to champion public health measures. At the centre of the discussions were increased health inequalities–between the rich and the poor certainly, but also sharply between affluent states and states that have found their wealth robbed by colonialism and the adverse order produced over the past fifty years.
If the field cannot feed the farmer, then burn the field
A few days from now–on 29-30 November–a very large number of people will gather in New Delhi, the capital of India, to say that they stand with India’s farmers (kisans).
You only run for the border when you see the whole city running as well
Sitting in his office, Donald Trump meets with the head of his economic advisors Gary Cohn. Cohn jokes with Trump. He says, make a speech and say that the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border is ready to be built: the materials are on hand, labour is eager. The only thing that engineers are worrying about is how to spell–over the 2000-kilometre border–the word TRUMP.
With Samir Amin by our side
Brazil’s election result is appalling. Jair Bolsonaro, who will take office early next year, will be the most extremist head of government on the planet. If he cuts down the Amazon Rain Forest–as he promises–it will be catastrophic for life.