Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19
Leo Victor Panitch, one of the intellectual pillars of the Canadian left and a leading scholar of the global depredations of neoliberalism, died Saturday from COVID-19. He was 75.
Dashiell Hammett
He was recognized immediately for lifting a previously disreputable style of fiction into literary prominence.
Celebrating the Life of Samir Amin
For Samir Amin’s anniversary on Sept 4, Global University for Sustainability invited Samir’s friends to reminisce their interactions with Samir and celebrate the very rich life that Samir lived.
Essays in memory of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019)
‘Once they are taken to be ideas about a historical world-system, whose development itself involves “underdevelopment,” indeed is based on it, [Marx’s theses] are not only valid, but they are revolutionary as well.’
‘He was a militant till his last breath’
Samir Amin’s works are not the only things he left behind. His legacy was a guide to those who want to change the world.
Samir Amin
Samir Amin is, incontestably, the greatest intellectual—luckily, a Marxist!
The organic intellectual: Remembering Samir Amin two years on
‘In our era, when we consider the destructive (ecological and military) might at the disposal of the powers-that-be, the risk, denounced by Marx in his time, that war will end up destroying all the opposing camps, is real. The alternate path demands the lucid and organized intervention of the internationalist front of workers and peoples.’
The revolutionary life of Dr. Alan Berkman
I was dear friends with Dr. Alan Berkman and his physician wife and comrade Dr. Barbara Zeller. “They shared a deep moral commitment to make medical care available to all,” as Barbara Ehrenreich has written, “even if it took a revolution to achieve.”
Persecuted Egyptian LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazy dies of suicide
30-year-old Sara Hagezy was in exile in Canada since her release from jail in 2018. She was arrested after she waved a rainbow flag at a concert in Cairo
Vale Jack Mundey: Inspirational Australian Union Leader
Jack Mundey, the leader of the NSW Builders Labourers’ Federation between 1968 and 1974 has passed away at the age of 90. An initiator of the “green bans”, Jack was a Marxist who rediscovered the ecological essence of Marxism.
President Thomas Sankara: A 70th birthday tribute
Thomas Sankara’s passion was Africa’s advancement; his experimental field was Burkina Faso. What President Sankara wanted to see in Africa, he strategized, mobilized and implemented in Burkina Faso. He would then present his successes to African leaders, while encouraging them to surpass his achievements.
Wallerstein without anesthetics
The death of Immanuel Wallerstein deprives us of an exceptional mind and an astute critic of capitalist society. This is a doubly lamentable loss at a moment as critical as the present, when the international system suffers under the combined pressures of the tensions provoked by the decline of U.S. imperialism and of the systemic crisis of capitalism.
Immanuel Wallerstein, anti-capitalist intellectual, dies at 88
Wallerstein was a renowned critic of capitalism whose work was aimed at fighting for justice and change.
Marta Harnecker, presente!
The international left has lost one of its most lucid intellectual, pedagogical educators and determined activists with the passing of Marta Harnecker on June 14, aged 82.
Marta Harnecker (1937-2019)
We mourn the passing of our dear comrade, Marta Harnecker.
Mahmood Mamdani on Marxist intellectual Samir Amin
Samir Amin’s life resembled that of Karl Marx: a man without a homeland, but one whose home was a chosen commitment to a historical project.
William Blum, U.S. Policy critic derided by NYT, dies at 85
You know you’ve lived well—well enough to rattle the establishment—when the New York Times smears you in the obituary it runs about you (FAIR.org, 6/20/13).
Samir Amin: September 3, 1931-August 12, 2018
“Increased awareness will not happen through successive adaptations to the requirements of capitalist accumulation, but through awareness of the necessity of breaking with those requirements.” —Samir Amin
Requiem for a steelworker: Mon Valley memories of Oil Can Eddie
Four decades ago Ed Sadlowski was the elected leader of 130,000 blue-collar workers, part of a United Steelworkers (USW) membership then totaling 1.4 million, about twice what it is today.
Ashok Mitra: the doyen among Left intellectuals in India
Ashok Mitra who passed away on May1, 2018, was the doyen among Left intellectuals in the country, held in the highest esteem by one and all for his absolute integrity, his outstanding intellect and his commitment to the cause of the working people.