Canada must prepare for America’s rapid decline
It’s high time that Canada reclaimed its sovereignty, diversified its trade relationships and strengthened its self-sufficiency.
The two Michaels, Canada’s Kovrig and Spavor, caught red-handed spying against China and North Korea
Western Politicians and Media, However, Made It Seem Like They Were Innocent Victims of China’s Authoritarianism.
Marc Garneau CI students say “NO” to silence
Let’s give credit to the roughly 200 brave students who walked out of Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute last month. They were protesting how the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has handled what it considers to be antisemitism within its schools.
British Columbia floods reveal our system’s skewed priorities
This recent disaster is just a hint of the climate-related challenges to come.
Canadian imperialism and the responsibility to ‘Voluntour’
The term ‘voluntourism’ is a portmanteau of the words ‘volunteer’ and ‘tourism’ and refers to a practice in which people, often young upper or middle-class white women in the Global North (Bandyopadhyay and Patil 2017, 645), pay an organization to coordinate their trip to a country in the Global South.
Military knows it looks bad but works with neo-Nazis anyway
The Canadian military seem willing, even eager, to work with neo-Nazis in the Ukraine in order to weaken Russia, something the U.S., NATO and Ukrainian–Canadian groups support.
Trudeau speech latest example of weaponizing antisemitism to defend Israel
Charges of antisemitism are being used as a weapon to weaken Palestinian solidarity. It is time for this tactic to be called out and confronted head-on.
The ‘cancel culture’ of Israel lobby in Canada
The list of good people who have been put through the “cancel culture” ringer by the Israel lobby is long. Hundreds, probably thousands, of Canadians have lost jobs and contracts or simply been tormented by the Israel lobby for supporting Palestinians.
The curious case of Haitian pigs and Canadian imperialism
Pigs and Canadian imperialism. Most people would have difficulty understanding the connection. But for many Haitians the relationship is a historical memory.
Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries
Western governments in the NATO military alliance are developing tactics of “cognitive warfare,” using the supposed threats of China and Russia to justify waging a “battle for your brain” in the “human domain,” to “make everyone a weapon.”
Media ignore politics behind Green leader’s demise
Annamie Paul’s perspective has overwhelmingly shaped coverage of the dramatic and bitter conflict within the Green Party.
Canada supports fascism
While there is no one-size-fits-all definition, fascistic groups are generally violent, authoritarian and racist. They may claim to support freedom or the poor, but largely defend the rich and concentrated power.
Canadian court strikes down Trudeau’s appeal against compensation to Indigenous children
The Justin Trudeau government has been stalling efforts by Indigenous groups to secure compensation to survivors of Canada’s discriminatory child services that has pushed Indigenous children disproportionately into foster care.
For our Nations to live, capitalism must die
What the recent actions of the Mi’kmaq land and water defenders at Elsipogtog demonstrate is that direct actions in the form of Indigenous blockades are both a negation and an affirmation.
Reactionary anti-China propaganda not in Canada’s self-interest
Engler: We must reject great-power rivalry and pursue an independent foreign policy
In the wake of the pandemic: the rebirth of climate mobilizations
One-hundred-thousand students strike. Fifteen-to-twenty thousand demonstrate in Quebec.
Canadian imperialism in Africa
Canadian imperialism in Africa has had a rare social media moment.
Lima Group loses Lima
The Canadian instigated Lima Group has been dealt a probably fatal blow that ought to elicit serious discussion about this country’s foreign policy. But, don’t expect the media or politicians to even mention it.
The United States is the greatest Scofflaw
But the United States government is not alone here. It has several close allies, such as Canada, which is the home to 60 per cent of the world’s mining companies. Canada’s great interest in what lies beneath the soil of the Americas allows it to treat those who live above that soil with the greatest disdain.
Harm reduction guided by the goal of the abolition of prisons and capitalism: an interview with former Direct Action member and ex-prisoner Ann Hansen
I am active with the Prison for Women (P4W) Memorial Collective which has been fighting for a Memorial Garden at the site of the now closed Prison for Women, and a Gallery where the women’s art and writing can be seen in order to give some context to their lives and deaths. We also agitate to improve prison and parole conditions as a harm reduction tactic in order to alleviate some of the suffering, but always within the context of the abolition of prisons and capitalism as the goal, the light that guides us through the darkness.