•  | Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs | MR Online

    Cuba rejects presence of U.S. nuclear submarine in Guantanamo Bay

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs categorically rejects the entry into Guantanamo Bay, on July 5, 2023, of a nuclear-powered submarine that remained until July 8 at the U.S. military base located there, which constitutes a provocative escalation by the United States, whose political or strategic motives are unknown.

  •  | It took Haiti 122 years to pay off its debt of independence a neocolonial strategy that remains in place and leads to chronic underdevelopment Photo Juvenal Balán | MR Online

    Cuba, Haiti, the Helms-Burton and the crime of insubordination

    Empires never forgive rebels; an insubordinate rebel plants a seed that can sprout many generations later.

  •  | Miguel Mario Díaz Canel Bermúdez | MR Online

    Díaz-Canel joins Red Bandana sit-in

    Yesterday, November 14, around noon, President Miguel Díaz-Canel arrived at Havana’s Central Park to join the sit-in organized by the Red Bandana collective, an initiative of social network activists, members of Cuban civil society organizations, and promoters of community projects.

  •  | Photo Freddy Pérez Cabrera | MR Online

    Volcano vs. volcano

    On the anniversary of his birth, we recall the volcanic strength Ernesto Guevara carried within, already evident in the young man who met Fidel in Mexico.

  •  | Cuba will vaccinate its entire population against COVID 19 in 2021 | MR Online

    Cuba will vaccinate its entire population against COVID-19 in 2021

    Dr. Eduardo Martínez, president of the BioCubaFarma state pharmaceutical enterprise group, reports that work is advancing to expand production capacity of Cuba’s candidate vaccine Soberana 02.

  •  | Four centuries of infamy | MR Online

    Four centuries of infamy

    Before Europeans arrived in America, Portuguese seafarers snatched the first Africans from their homelands to be sold and exploited in the Iberian Peninsula.

  •  | Throughout the current health emergency Cuban families have promoted good health practices and continue to play a leading role in the education of younger generations Photo Ariel Cecilio Lemus Alvarez | MR Online

    Families, in times of pandemic and always

    Families vary, in terms of their composition, structure, and functioning, but all play a key role in society and require special attention from government.

  •  | United States and transnational corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean | MR Online

    The real interest of the United States and transnational corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean

    What are the real interests of the U.S. and corporations in the region? Freedom, democracy, human rights? No. Their goal is to preserve imperialist domination of our natural resources.

  •  | The preliminary results of the elections in Bolivia confirm decisive popular support for the government of Evo Morales Photo  ABI | MR Online

    Bolivia on alert: Coup plot underway!

    Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez denounces destabilization campaign and violence.

  •  | Photo  ebccombr | MR Online

    Brazil: The dangers of being young and Black

    The latest statistics released by the UN show that some 23,000 young Blacks die violently every year in Brazil, equivalent to one every 23 minutes.

  •  | More than 20000 Cuban collaborators 61 of whom are women remain in Venezuela fighting to save lives and ensuring the well being of the population of this sister nation Photo  Omara García | MR Online

    Cuban “troops” saving lives in Venezuela

    Cubans are truly committed to the principle of sovereignty, we are protective of our independence, and we would never do to others what we would not allow to be done to ourselves.

  •  | The Venezuelan people have resisted US governments attempts destabilize e country Photo  AP | MR Online

    Venezuela confronts fabricated chaos

    Against all imperialist logic, the Venezuelan people refuse to be subjugated.

  •  | Photo by Manuel Will | MR Online

    Traces of the CIA in Venezuela’s nationwide power outage

    A CIA has had its eyes on the country’s vulnerability for years, looking to use an electrical failure to promote destabilization and put an end to the Bolivarian Revolution.

  •  | Legitamacy of Maduro | MR Online

    The legitimacy of Venezuela’s President

    The right-wing opposition in Venezuela, openly directed by the United States, is attempting a coup to impose an interim president, a figure not recognized in the country’s Constitution, disregarding the will of 6,248,864 citizens who voted for Nicolás Maduro.

  •  |  | MR Online

    U.S. military adventure against Venezuela must be stopped

    Cuba condemns the U.S. government’s escalating preparations for a military adventure in Venezuela and calls on the international community to mobilize to prevent its consummation.

  •  |  | MR Online

    Interview with Maduro

    Granma International reproduces excerpts from Ignacio Ramonet’s interview with the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

  •  | Eduardo Bolsonaro in Miami with Cuban born terrorist Orlando Gutiérrez Photo Twitter | MR Online

    Bolsonaro against Cuba

    Bolsonaro has his eyes on Washington and the Trump administration, which is looking to the Jair-Eduardo pair, father and son, to facilitate its attacks on Cuba and Venezuela.

  •  | Photo  TELESUR | MR Online

    The defeat of democracy in Brazil

    Many wonder how it is possible, following the democratic governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Lula, and Dilma Rousseff, that Brazilians have elected as President a shady federal deputy and die-hard defender of the military dictatorship that ruledthe country 1964-1985.

  •  | Photo  La Voz del Sandinismo | MR Online

    In the wake of coup attempts in Nicaragua

    Ongoing violence meant to destabilize the country and oust President Ortega, has cost the lives of 198 persons and severely damaged the economy.

  •  | Fidel during the inauguration of Ameijeiras Hospital December 3 1982 Photo  Jorge Oller | MR Online

    The optimism of a victor

    Finding a formula to describe Fidel is no easy task.