An unimaginable contrast
Much has been written about the immense increase in economic inequality that has occurred of late and various startling figures have been provided by bodies like Oxfam, which has just come out with a report titled ‘Inequality Kills.’
Folk economics
Mainstream economists have, it seems, discovered the existence of economic ideas outside the official discipline of economics.
Why capitalist governments worry more about inflation than unemployment?
Capitalist governments invariably seek to control inflation by enlarging unemployment.
How to lie with inequality statistics
It’s a “simple story,” with clear political implications. Maybe that’s the reason the Krugmans of the world don’t want to tell it. . .
Ballerinas on the Dole with Colleen Hooper
In this episode, we talk with Colleen Hooper (@hoopercolleen), assistant professor of dance at Point Park University. Hooper’s 2017 article in the Dance Research Journal, titled “Ballerinas on the Dole: Dance and the Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA), 1974-1982,” is the subject of most of our conversation.
The Code of families, a document built among all Cubans
This week, Cuba began a historic process as Cubans started to going to more than 78,000 meeting points to discuss the new draft of the Family Code, a broad, complex, but very important process for Cuban families.
In response to capitalist economic turmoil, war funding soars
On Jan. 24, stocks were falling, with the S&P 500 Index down 3.8%, the Dow Industrial Average down 2.7% and the Nasdaq Composite down 4.5%. The widespread sell-off for the Dow and the S&P 500 started on the second trading day in January; and for the Nasdaq in November. The Nasdaq is down nearly 20% from its high in November.
China launches Global South Economic Alliance to challenge U.S. ‘unilateralism’ and ‘Cold-War mentality’
China is leading an international effort to develop alliances to counter U.S. hegemony.
Once again austerity proponents tell it like it isn’t
There appears to be growing consensus among economists and policy makers that inflation is now the main threat to the U.S. economy and the Federal Reserve Board needs to start ratcheting up interest rates to slow down economic activity.
Ruthless criticism
We can trace the development of Marx’s critique through a variety of texts—many of them now quite famous, even if they are rarely mentioned or discussed within economics. There, we can see Marx’s ideas developing and changing, until he began to work on his critique of political economy, finally presented in Capital.
Labor power and wages after women’s labor market incorporation in Argentina
In the past years, there has been a very much welcomed flourishing of Marxist Feminist analyses.
Putin and Xi plot their SWIFT escape
Russia and China’s announcement of an independent financial trading platform will free nations under US sanctions from western intrusion into their commercial activities.
There is no Nobel Prize in economics
Let’s debunk a myth. There is no “Nobel Prize in Economics”. On Nov 27, 1895, when Alfred Nobel signed his will, he left five prizes in alphabetical order to: chemistry, literature, peace, physics, and physiology or medicine. The Nobel Prize in Economics is declared after the Panchapandavas above.
Unlocking U.S. sanctions: China signs construction & energy deals with Cuba
Beijing is slowly unpicking Washington’s foreign policy, sanction by sanction, country by country.
Conspiracy Theorist Anonymous
A support group for conspiracy theorists finds one fictional belief so bonkers even they can’t get behind it.
The Production Gap report
Governments’ planned fossil fuel production remains dangerously out of sync with Paris Agreement limits.
Cryptocurrencies: a view from the left
As cryptocurrencies take the world of finance by storm, Thomas Redshaw examines their rise and what the left should make of them.
China-Africa friendship continues to flourish on vaccine, trade, renewable energy
China-Africa friendship is expected to continue to flourish as cooperation is further deepened in various areas after the ongoing 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) held in Dakar, Senegal.
World inequality
The world has become more unequal in income and wealth in the last 40 years. That’s according to the World Inequality Report 2022.
Chávez the Radical XXVI: ‘What are Privatizations?’
The Bolivarian Revolution represented a break from neoliberal governments. Is the tide turning? Tatuy TV examine that in this episode of “Chávez the Radical.”