We are grass. We grow on everything
Farmers and agricultural workers from northern India marched along various national highways toward India’s capital of New Delhi as part of the general strike on 26 November.
Trump lawyer dumped after claiming Hugo Chavez rigged U.S. election
Sidney Powell’s conspiracy theories went too far for Trump’s legal team after her outlandish claims went viral online.
Crying wolf on election fraud is OK at NYT—if targets are official enemies
President Donald Trump’s categorical refusal to accept what seems like an inevitable and increasingly crushing election loss has many in media rightly worried about the political repercussions of such a move, with some sounding the alarm over a potential coup d’etat in the U.S. (e.g., Salon, 11/11/20; Washington Post, 11/12/20; Guardian, 11/13/20; New Republic, 11/13/20).
No Platform by Evan Smith
Smith’s book demonstrates that the far-right has always played the victim card when it comes to free-speech, writes Houman Barekat.
Births of a Nation, Redux: Surveying Trumpland with Cedric Robinson
What Robinson identified as “the rewhitening of America” a century ago is what we’re seeing play out today.
Susan Rice, scourge of Africa, may become Secretary of State
Rice has been intimately involved in covering up the deaths of more than six million Congolese, and has cultivated close relations with every U.S.-backed tyrant on the continent.
Identity politics, the far right, and masks
On the right, identity politics is leveraged to deliberately divide and fracture workers, pitting them against each other, most frequently on the basis of race, gender, religion, or nationality.
The long shadow of racial fascism
Recent debates have centered on whether it’s appropriate to compare Trump to European fascists. But radical Black thinkers have long argued that racial slavery created its own unique form of American fascism.
Center-Left convergence in Venezuela: A blow to U.S. interventionism
Steve Ellner argues that average Venezuelans understand that U.S. sanctions hurt them—and should be resisted.
American exceptionalism won’t save the U.S. Empire from itself, or stop China’s rise
China’s rise reflects a bourgeoning global movement away from U.S. imperialism and toward self-determination.
Policing the poor and minorities as counter-insurgency
Here are seven counterinsurgency features of policing and the inequities in the criminal justice system.
In stunning display of popular will, protests in Bolivia to Chile force public reckoning of “Chicago Boy” economics
Like in Bolivia, the strength of public opinion in Chile was so immense that the government, led by Chile’s richest man Sebastian Piñera, immediately conceded.
Daniel Ellsberg on the Assange extradition and growing fascism
The week of hearings has heard evidence that exposes the charges against Assange as trumped-up and even ridiculous.
Exposing Trump’s deadly sanctions on Venezuela
KEN LIVINGSTONE looks in-depth at the story of U.S. sanctions on Venezuela.
Authoritarianism is creeping into classrooms
New curriculum guidance will limit critical thinking and cement a neoliberal capitalist consensus. It should be setting off alarm bells, says Remi Joseph-Salisbury
Using human rights to promote war: debunking UN’s new Venezuela report
Red Lines host Anya Parampil debunks a new report issued by the UN Human Right’s Council which accuses Venezuela’s government of “crimes against humanity”. Transcript below.
Trump’s turn from immigration to the enemy within
Trump’s shift from demonizing immigrants to targeting leftists is straight out of the fascist playbook.
From Paul Wolfowitz (2005-2007) to David Malpass (2019-…): the U.S. President’s men control the World Bank
In 2020, the World Bank (WB) and the IMF are 76 years old. These two international financial institutions (IFI), founded in 1944, are dominated by the USA and a few major allied powers who work to generalize policies that run counter the interests of the world’s populations.
The Court of God: How a Catholic secret society took over SCOTUS
With his latest SCOTUS nomination, Trump advances the designs of a clique of ultra-conservatives with ties to a Catholic secret society and Cold War stalwarts leading the U.S. to the brink of overt fascism.
Hate: A key strategy of the Venezuelan opposition
Psychologist Fernando Giuliani analyses the retaliatory feelings of those who wish to annihilate the Bolivarian Revolution, which have been overheating during the pandemic.