Our Own Words: Fem & Trans, Past & Future
Words for different flavors of trans people come and go, gathering different assortments of us together and drawing different lines between us.
Women and nature: Towards an ecosocialist feminism
For Marxist ecofeminists, the domination of men over women in society and nature at large is therefore not a result of patriarchal ideas alone.
Dossier No. 38: Uncovering the crisis: Care work in the time of Coronavirus
The pandemic has sharpened and transformed pre-existing inequalities, reconfiguring the processes that sustain and guarantee life.
Class, Gender, Race & Colonialism: The ‘Intersectionality’ of Marx
It is important to see both Marx’s brilliant generalisations about capitalist society and the very concrete ways in which he examined not only class, but also gender, race, and colonialism, and what today would be called the intersectionality of all of these. His underlying revolutionary humanism was the enemy of all forms of abstraction that denied the variety and multiplicity of human experience. For these reasons, no thinker speaks to us today with such force and clarity.
Queen of the Bolsheviks
Now forgotten, Dr. Marie Equi (1872–1952) was a physician for working-class women and children, a lesbian, and a dynamic and flamboyant political activist. She was a “firebrand in the causes of suffrage, labor and peace, in Portland in the ’teens, ’20s, and ’30s.” A reformer turned revolutionary, Equi earned the nickname “Queen of the Bolsheviks,” one which spoke to her often imperious character as well as to her politics.
A racist endeavor: Zionist Israel’s Black Jewish victims of color
Even when reports of its racism escape this ideological censorship, examples of racism in Israel are treated as isolated incidents, rather than systemic characteristics of the entire racist regime.
Intersectional frameworks and Marxist analysis
This panel will provide an updated reflection on the relationship between Marxism and intersectionality and offer a critical gaze of what intersectionality adds (and possibly subtracts from) contemporary Marxism that is inclusive, enabling and powerful in building political practice.
Normal is gone—where do we go from here?
Your parents at the dinner table laugh and say revolution will not happen in two months. You respond saying perhaps they are right—revolution may not occur in the next two months. But, as Che Guevara said, “the revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”
Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley – “Lost Voices”
Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley – “Lost Voices” (CUPSI 2015)
The BIGGEST housing takeover in the U.S.! Positive Leftist News!
The BIGGEST housing takeover in the U.S.! Positive Leftist News! September 2020
Michele Bachmann says “transgender Black Marxists” are trying to “overthrow the United States”
She says they’re going to start a Communist revolution to elect Joe Biden & bring about a global currency. Seriously.
Reform won’t end police sexual violence
The legal right to sexual violence is part and parcel of policing. This will not end until we eliminate police discretion over women’s bodies.
Persecuted Egyptian LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazy dies of suicide
30-year-old Sara Hagezy was in exile in Canada since her release from jail in 2018. She was arrested after she waved a rainbow flag at a concert in Cairo
Cuba witnesses Nation’s first transgender marriage
Cuba witnessed the nation’s first transgender legal union this week when a couple was married at the Palace of Marriages of San Francisno de Paula in Havana, the National Center for Sex Education (Cenesex) reports.
Amid crisis and sanctions, LGBTI activists continue to demand change
One of the sectors hardest hit by Venezuela’s economic crisis is the nation’s LGBTI community. Lacking access to life-saving medicines and denied certain rights, activists say there is still much to be done within the revolution.
Gender, Labor, & Law with Emma Caterine
In this episode, we speak with Emma Caterine (@emmacaterineDSA), a law graduate and writer with more than a decade of experience working within economic justice, feminist, LGBTQ, and racial justice movements. We talk Democratic Socialists of America, MMT, the advantages of a federal jobs guarantee over a universal basic income, the place for sex work in a jobs guarantee program.
Understanding Puerto Rico’s debt crisis through Marx, monsters and a queer decolonial lens
Colorlines talks to Philadelphia poet laureate Raquel Salas Rivera about their new book, “lo terciario/the tertiary,” which revisits Karl Marx’s “Capital” to examine Puerto Rico’s debt crisis from a queer decolonial lens.
From gender to Jamaica
It didn’t affect many people directly, but even small victories are welcome these days. Germany’s Constitutional Court just ruled that no-one should be forced to declare themselves officially male or female. It thus created a third open category anyone can opt for (or be opted by parents when still a child). I think everyone can […]
100 years ago, a forgotten soviet revolution in LGBTQ rights
The socialist October Revolution in 1917 brought about fundamental, thoroughgoing changes in Russian society. Millions of people in the largest country on Earth quickly found themselves far freer than they had ever been under the despotic, anti-Semitic Tsar, the strictures of the church, and the brutality of Russian capitalism and landlordism.
Jamaica, traffic lights, threats and knees
The left can only succeed and make gains by taking the lead in overcoming confusion and directing anger against those truly responsible for issues impacting the working class: in direct opposition to the scapegoating of conservatives and liberals alike.