Job Guarantee as Historical Struggle with David Stein
In our inaugural episode, we consider the recent resurgence of full employment politics in the United States from both a political and historical perspective with historian David Stein (@davidpstein).
Ten attempts to destabilize the recently re-elected Venezuelan government
Granma outlines ten of the destabilizing actions made public in the last 48 hours against the legitimate government of Nicolás Maduro.
Steven Pinker’s ideas about progress are fatally flawed. These eight graphs show why
It’s time to reclaim the mantle of “Progress” for progressives. By falsely tethering the concept of progress to free market economics and centrist values, Steven Pinker has tried to appropriate a great idea for which he has no rightful claim.
The truth shall make you free
Over the course of the nineteenth century, the violence of white civilization — its destruction of Africa, devastation of the Americas, and plunder of Asia — was obscured, or else rationalized, by a growing accretion of lies about the darker races and their civilizations, lies masquerading as truth, as Western art and science were directed towards the ideological consolidation of European values of beauty, truth, freedom, innovation, and development.
The Specter of Marxism: interview with John Bellamy Foster
There is no doubt that the Marxian theoretical critique of capitalism is more relevant today than ever and is exerting enormous and growing influence in many parts of the world, a mark of the deepening crisis of the system, and the rise of dissent
Marx after Marx
On Karl Marx’s 200th Birth Anniversary SFI organised a lecture on Marx After Marx delivered by Prof. Prabhat Patnaik.
We’re back in Marx’s story
Last September Aaron Bastani sat down with the world’s leading expert on Karl Marx; David Harvey. They discussed the relevance of Marx today, productivity, China and so much more. Enjoy.
Making excuses for Russiagate
As months turn into nearly two years and no solid evidence emerges to nail Russia for nabbing Election 2016, some big Russia-gate cheerleaders are starting to cover their tracks, as Daniel Lazare explains.
Karl Marx & the social sciences
In this bicentennial year of Karl Marx’s birth, there has been a great deal of celebration of his work and ideas. Many essays appeared in the global media during the first week of this month –Marx was born on May 05, 1818 – emphasized the relevance of his critique of capitalism even today.
The surprising popularity of ‘far Left’ policies
“The Far Left Is Winning the Democratic Civil War” was the headline over a Washington Post report (5/16/18) on the results of recent primary elections.
Meeting Marx: Chinese youth dig Marxism’s appeal
Meet Karl Marx. This is not only a wreath and a silent tribute before Marx’s grave in London’s Highgate cemetery.
Chavismo will be socialist or it will cease to exist
If there was something Hugo Chavez longed to build in Venezuela, it was a transition to 21st century socialism, writes Marco Teruggi.
Marx and Metabolism: lost in translation?
Why wasn’t Marx’s concept of metabolic rift recognized until recently? Changed circumstances, unpublished works, and bad translations all played a role.
Ten Marxist ideas that define the 21st century
No matter how hard the propaganda machine has tried to refute Marx’s analysis, his ideas have stood the test of time.
200 Years later, why Marx remains relevant in an Indian context
The year 2018 marks the bicentenary of Karl Marx, a philosopher and thinker who is partially understood without being read by his critics.
“Bloody Gina,” the CIA, and the Senate
Why Gina Haspel’s confirmation hearing was a democratic farce.
Dystopia: the live feed
Yesterday on the TV screen, I watched a beautiful black Israeli singer of Ethiopian origin sing ‘Halleluja’ as part of the festive opening ceremony of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.
Karl Marx: forgotten man in Russia
Two hundred years after his birth, a handful of Russian academics want Karl Marx to be a household name.
Antonio Gramsci: Our Marx
Are we Marxists? Do Marxists exist? Stupidity, thou alone art immortal. The question will probably be taken up again over the next few days, the period around Marx’s centenary, and will bring forth rivers of ink and idiocy.
Karl Marx in Bangladesh, Part 2
Did Maulana Bhashani—the famous Red Maulana—ever read Marx? I recently asked this question to a prominent biographer of Bhashani—Syed Abul Maksud.