One year without Fidel – the foundations of our patriotism
No other Latin American Marxist was such a preacher of Marti’s ideas than Fidel Castro.
The New York Times and the U.S. Border wall: A love story
The New York Times’ radical reasonableness offers us a clear vision of the ways one can continuously adapt its position to the political context as to be in position of respectful negotiation with the status quo.
Killings, evacuations, rights violations on weekend after talks termination
The ink has yet to dry on President Rodrigo Duterte’s Proclamation No. 360 signed last Thursday but killings and harassments of activists, indigenous peoples and human rights defenders have already increased over the weekend.
Labor market conundrum
Nary a day goes by that President Trump and/or the talking heads on CNBC fail to mention the following unemployment chart as evidence that “everything is awesome” with the U.S. economy…
Between Como and confinement: Gramsci’s early Leninism
In May 1924, near the small town of Como, close to the border of Italy and Switzerland, the two great figures of early Italian communism faced each other at a meeting of the Parti Communista d’Italia (PCI) leadership.
Duterte is a big liar
Duterte is a consistent political swindler and demagogue who depends heavily on lying.
What is social reproduction theory?
In this short video, Tithi Bhattacharya, editor of ‘Social Reproduction Theory’ (Pluto, 2017), discusses ‘SRT’, and the question of who produces the worker under capitalism?
Karl Marx “returns” to Germany as 200th birth anniversary approaches
In the fatherland of Karl Marx, the question begs itself: is his Das Kapital still up to date? Over two thirds of respondents voted for “Yes, it is more up to date than ever before.”
Social reproduction theory: What’s the big idea?
Key to social reproduction theory (SRT) is an understanding of the ‘production of goods and services and the production of life are part of one integrated process’, or in other words: acknowledging that race and gender oppression occur capitalistically.
In this article, Susan Ferguson, a contributor to Social Reproduction Theory, shows how SRT can deepen our understanding of everyday life under capitalism. She explores the history of this dialectical approach, its variances, and its potentialities; providing an answer to the question: social reproduction theory, what’s the big idea? -
Obituary: István Mészáros, hungarian Marxist political philosopher who taught at St Andrews
István Mészáros, Marxist political philosopher. Born: Budapest on 19 December 1930. Died: Kent on 1 October 2017.
Venezuelan company lets 55 tons of flour rot
The company received more than US$85 million in government subsidies in 2015 for the production and distribution of food at fair prices.
Not with a bang but with a (prolonged) Whimper
It is probably obvious to everyone that global capitalism is in dire straits, notwithstanding the brave talking up of output recovery that now characterises almost every meeting of the international governing elite. Even so, discussions of the end of capitalism still typically seem overstated and futile, not least because those hoping and mobilising for bringing in an alternative system are everywhere so scattered, weak and demoralised
Engels’ “theoretical moment”?
In Marx and Engels’ Collected Works volume 47, I found a very interesting letter written by Engels to August Bebel. It was written about a month and half after Marx’s death, April 30 1883. Bebel seems to have suggested Engels to move somewhere else in Europe. Engels’ justifications to continue staying in England is quite remarkable.
NUMSA condemns the military coup in Zimbabwe
Pressed by the military forces, the president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, has finally resigned from his seat after 37 years in power. Although his resignation was celebrated by many, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa warns that nothing good ever came from a military coup in Africa.
Against legal fetishism (part two)
Couching Trump as a “lawless” autocrat-in-the-making has become a matter of routine, something of a mantra repeated by “liberals” and “conservatives” alike. The trouble with this characterization is not that it is inaccurate, but rather that it is incomplete.
Against legal fetishism (part one)
Law here, law there, law everywhere. The first nine months of the Trump administration have thrust questions about the force of law, legal strategy and tactics, and the role of judges in the United States’ much-vaunted system of constitutional checks and balances to the fore of public attention.
More than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries issue ‘warning to humanity’
“Our mandate is that we take care of Earth and earthlings and human beings because we’re all family.”
Step by step: How to fabricate news about the ‘default’ in Venezuela
Let us not forget that Standard & Poor, Moody and Fitch rating services are financed by the banks and therefore have no real independence.
How capitalism uses gender oppression to rule
Following is the text of a talk delivered by the author on Nov. 4 at the “The Solution is Socialism” educational conference in Connecticut. The conference was hosted by the Youth for Socialist Action chapter at Central Connecticut State University, where the sessions were held.
150 Years of Capital—with No End in Sight
For Capital’s explosive force to truly unfold, not only was education in general necessary, but also knowledge of the relevant economic and philosophical theories, in order to perceive not just the explicit, but also the implicit critiques.