Russia: After the Presidential Election
See, also, <chtodelat.wordpress.com>; <seansrussiablog.org>; and <www.sublimeoblivion.com>. | Print
She Means It, Man . . .
Laura Oldfield Ford. Savage Messiah. Verso, 2011. HAMLET: Alas poor ghost! GHOST: Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing To what I shall unfold It isn’t just that the alternatives are written over, or out, it is that they return as their own simulacra. Mark Fisher from the introduction to Savage Messiah In Tom McCarthy’s […]
Who Is Killing Whom in Syria? Interview with Jeremy Salt
Jeremy Salt: I don’t think there’s any doubt at all that a large number of military, of civilians, have been killed by armed gangs and by defectors. So, what we actually need to do is to disaggregate these (casualty) figures. How many people have been killed by the Syrian Army? How many of them […]
The March Towards the Abyss
It is not a matter of being optimistic or pessimistic, knowing or not knowing elementary things, of being responsible or not for events. Those who would like to be thought of as politicians should be thrown onto the trash heap of history when, as the norm goes, they have no idea about everything or almost […]
The Last Refuge of Hosni Mubarak
Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist. | Print
The Committee to Protect Journalists Is Mistaken About Turkey
According to the tally of the American Committee to Protect Journalists, there are only eight journalists in jail in Turkey. We, as members of the Freedom for Journalists Platform, comprised of 94 national and local media associations, would like to point out that this is a grave error, unless of course it is deliberate […]
Begging Iran for Drone Back
“Could you maybe give me back my plane?!!” Abbas Goodarzi, born in 1978, is an Iranian cartoonist. This cartoon was first published on his Web site as well as numerous news Web sites in Iran; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at] gmail.com).
Russia: Don’t Step on That Rake Again!
From the editorial board of Skepsis, an appeal to the Russian speople to not to be fooled into thinking their problems can be solved by elections. Don’t Step on That Rake Again! The public mood is changing. Even before the elections, on the streets of Moscow and Petersburg, in the major cities’ (and even […]
Cuban Exile Flotilla Illustrated
Manuel Alfredo: “Attention! Exclusive photo of the main boat of the third-rate gusano flotilla.” Manuel Alfredo: “Exclusive photo of the captain of the third-rate gusano flotilla: Captain Gusa” Miriam Gina Ruje: “Breaking: Photo of the admiral of the third-rate gusano flotilla refusing to abandon his boat.” Manuel Alfredo Martínez Pérez is the Webmaster of […]
The Forgotten
The text in the painting reads the lyrics of a traditional Iraqi folk song: “Those who have forgotten us, when will you remember us? When will we cross your mind? When will you help our situation? Love, you have left us with no explanation; you shut the doors in our face and abandoned us. […]
Occupy Your Education: A Note to Students about Changing the World
The current Occupy Movement has captured people’s imagination and refocused the national discussion on issues of economic injustice, social stratification, and corruptions of American democracy. Contrary to what some people might think, the Occupy Movement is not composed solely of “young, idealistic college kids.” People of many different ages, ethnicities, and ideological persuasions are […]
Camila Vallejo, Proud of Being Communist
The Chilean student leader doesn’t mince her words. “The ideas of communists today have real significance for they make sense in the context of people’s awakening,” said Camila Vallejo, a militant of the Communist Youths and one of the main leaders of the student movement which has been demanding structural reforms of education for […]
Prison vs. Princeton
It costs the state of New Jersey more money to hold a prisoner for one year than to fund one Princeton student’s tuition. Here’s an overview of the disturbing trend of prioritizing prison over higher education in the US. PublicAdministration.Net was created as an online informational resource for individuals looking to pursue public administration-related […]
After Iraq
Obama with a map of the Persian Gulf region in hand: “Excuse me! Does this bus stop at Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Oman?” Gervasio Umpiérrez is a cartoonist based in Montevideo, Uruguay. This cartoon was published on his blog and by Rebelión on 1 November 2011; it is […]
The Time for Action Is Now
“In 1969, a group of black and Puerto Rican students occupied City College demanding the integration of CUNY, which at the time had an overwhelmingly white student body. The occupation spread to other CUNY campuses, forcing the Board of Trustees to implement a ground-breaking new admissions policy.” Such occupations also occurred in the 1980s […]
Good News from Germany (Finally)
Once in a while there’s good news from Europe — yes, even from here in Germany. And because Germany is so central in Europe and so strong, even minor good news from this country can be important. But, till now, there hasn’t been much good news for quite some time! The party called Die Linke, […]
The Israeli Army Shot at Me and 3 Palestinian Kids in Gaza Today
28 October 2011 After a lovely day of drinking excessive amounts of tea with a few families in South Gaza (Faraheen and Khuza’a, to be exact), an Italian colleague, Silvia, who used to live in Khuza’a, suggested walking down the road towards the local school. It was late afternoon, about 4:30 p.m. and dozens […]
The Vampire Squid Turns to Education
In his Republic, Plato analogized elites to guard dogs who must be educated as to whom they must guard against and whom they must protect. One of Plato’s nightmare scenarios was a ruling class that lost the ability to make this distinction and turned wholly predatory on its sustaining population. Enter our present-day banking […]
NATO Has Assassinated Gaddafi — Now the Puppets Can Dance
NATO has assassinated Gaddafi. Now the puppets can dance. This is not about democracy, as the “new” leaders are a combination of his ex-cabinet officials and ex-Mujahideen who took out the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan in the 80s and installed the Taliban for the CIA. Pro-Gaddafi protests in Tripoli have been met with […]
Poverty in Saudi Arabia
Feras Bugnah is a filmmaker in Saudi Arabia. Cf. Carlos Latuff, “Free Feras Bugnah, Filmmaker Arrested for Exposing Poverty in KSA” (MRZine, 18 October 2011). | Print