Statement of Support for Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police
Between 1963 and 1972, there were more than 750 Black-led urban revolts in the United States in 525 cities. How did sociologists react?
“Indian racism towards Black people is almost worse than white peoples’ racism” An Interview with Arundhati Roy
We ourselves live in a pretty sick society that seems incapable of feelings of sisterhood, brotherhood, solidarity.
Fred Hampton: Black Panther and red revolutionary
Fred Hampton’s politics are a lesson in how to fight racism and capitalism together, argues Sean Ledwith
Tear down the racist statues, end racist debt and pay for reparations
Bring down the statues, surely. But more than that: cancel the debt and provide reparations to the formerly colonized for the centuries of theft and brutality.
Top 16 euphemisms U.S. headline writers used for police beating the shit out of people
“Mayor Downplays Rough Police Treatment of NYC Protesters” (AP, 6/5/20)
The U.S. rebellion for black lives
As protests rage across America against police brutality and systemic racism, Akunna Eneh, an activist from Boston, argues that the movement sparked by the murder of George Floyd has exposed the true face of American society.
The police murder of George Floyd sparks mass protests throughout the world
This weekend, hundreds of thousands of workers and youth will protest the police murder of George Floyd, not only in the United States, but in Australia, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Brazil, South Korea and many other countries.
Black deaths at the hands of law enforcement are linked to historical lynchings
U.S. counties where lynchings were more prevalent from 1877 to 1950 have more officer-involved killings
‘Fight The Power’ by Public Enemy
The opening quotation, “Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared troops refuse to fight! Matter of fact, it’s safe to say that they would rather switch than fight!,” was taken from Chicago attorney and civil rights activist, Thomas “TNT” Todd.
Royalty “Letter To Your Flag” | 2018 Youth Speaks Teen Poetry Slam
Unapologetically honest, attendees witnessed some of the Bay’s most outspoken youth poets.
From George Floyd back to the structural violence of capitalism
Across the country—in city after city—the people have erupted in righteous indignation to George Floyd’s recorded lynching. His extrajudicial murder set off a rebellion that had been primed by the highly publicized white-vigilante murder of Ahmaud Arbery and the botched, “no-knock” police raid that killed Breonna Taylor in her bed.
The murder of George Floyd is normal in an abnormal society
There is no need to wonder why George Floyd (age 46) was murdered in broad daylight in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, 2020. The script of his death is written deep in the ugly drama of U.S. history.
Cornel West: ‘Neo-fascist gangster’ Trump and neoliberal Democrats expose America as ‘failed social experiment’
West explained the current anger over Floyd’s murder by police—one of whom, officer Derek Chauvin, was arrested Friday and charged with 3rd-degree murder and manslaughter—adds to a “perfect storm” of multiple failures and inequities that pre-exist under an American imperial system that people like Martin Luther King, Jr. and others have been warning about since the middle of last century.
Minneapolis police leader defending George Floyd’s killers tied to ‘white power’-linked biker gang
From The Grayzone vault: The record of a pro-Trump Minneapolis police leader defending the killers of George Floyd reveals a past marred in accusations of racist violence, including charges from fellow police officers that he once wore a “white power” badge on his motorcycle jacket.
The blue plague and black death
George Floyd’s death by Blue Plague in Minneapolis was widely condemned by the same parties that have encouraged and funded the spread of the fatal contagion.
Killer Mike – “Reagan” (Official Music Video)
The hyper-political R.A.P. Music track gets a hyper-political animated video.
Race—a capitalist invention
Scientists are struggling to understand how Covid-19 affects people differently. Socialist Worker shows that the construct of race has more basis in exploitation than biology.
Tova Charles & Zai Sadler performing “Hair” at Write About Now Poetry.
The Black Plague
The rapidity with which the pandemic has consumed black communities provides an unvarnished look into the dynamics of race and class that existed long before it emerged.
They murdered him, and gave us Obama & Biden
Tupac Shakur passionately explains his views on generosity and responsibility, traits he feels some people with extreme wealth like Donald Trump lack, in this MTV News clip from 1992.