Behold: the fallacy of “techo-inevitabilism”
Director Werner Herzog’s documentary ‘Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World’ (2016) begins with “Internet pioneer” Leonard Kleinrock, who welcomes us into the, yes, actual laboratory where it was “born”! To Wagnerian strains in the soundtrack, Kleinrock complacently calls the place “a holy shrine”–quite a revealing phrase for this acolyte of possibly the last of the false religions.
Breaking through the western media propaganda coverage of Cuba protests
While there are plenty of reasons for ordinary Cubans to currently feel disenchanted about life on the island, there are also strong suspicions that these protests were not quite the grassroots uprising they were made out to be in the U.S. press.
Arreaza calls cyberattack on Cuban Foreign Ministry imperial clumsiness
In his Twitter account @jaarreaza, Minister Arreaza wrote, “Another characteristic of the international incitement of aggression against #Cuba. Imperialism is clumsy enough to leave traces of its misdeeds.”
The bay of Tweets: documents point to U.S. hand in Cuba protests
The U.S. government can cause economic misery for the Cuban people, but it cannot, it appears, convince them to overthrow their government.
Pretending not to see brazen lies: the rule of law and nuclear madness
The latest brazen lie is the “rule of law” upheld by U.S. President Joe Biden at the G7 and NATO summits, especially lies about lawlessness surrounding nuclear weapons.
Maintenance of denial
We are witnessing today the final days of a militaristic empire, the rapid descent of an obsolete failed United States. There is nothing unique about America. Empires rise and empires fall throughout time memorial. It is empirically calculated that the average civilization only lasts 340 years.
U.S. targets Nicaraguan presidential election: former solidarity activists echo imperial talking points
Now Uncle Sam has a problem in Nicaragua, where independent polls predict a landslide victory for Daniel Ortega’s leftist Sandinista slate in the November 7thpresidential elections.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics counted only eight strikes in 2020, Payday Report counted 1,200
In the era of COVID and digital movements, strikes look radically different from traditional labor strikes.
Why Human Rights in China and Tigray, But Not in Haiti, Palestine or Colombia?
Over eight days, from June 25-30, Haiti had been subjected to increasing state-sponsored, imperial and gang violence. Massacres killed almost 60 people in Port au Prince, including in Cité Soleil, Delmas and Pétionville, as well as on on Rue Magloire Ambroise.
Vygotsky’s revolutionary educational psychology
Vygotsky’s revolutionary theory of development is one that recognizes the many forms of capacity, intelligence, and potential in all beings.
A senseless cathedral of doom
The principal causes of conflict on the continent, SIPRI summarises, are: ‘state weakness, corruption, ineffective delivery of basic services, competition over natural resources, inequality, and a sense of marginalisation’.
The dual explanation of the crisis, the fake social turnaround by governments, the need for radical responses
The answer is plain to see: the two explanations are not contradictory. A combination of the two enables us to understand what has been happening right before our eyes.
Food supply to 675,000 people cut off after Durban food bank ransacked
FoodForward SA closes branches nationwide because of insecurity.
No climate future without system change
Warnings about how the capitalist mode of production is putting pressure on the earth’s ability to handle all forms of stress have continued to come at an increasing pace.
The other side of ecocide
The other side of ecocide thrives in the fertile ground of radical socioecological theory.
Billionaire dynasties: vampires on humanity
The first decades of the 21st century have been a gilded age for the world’s super-rich. While the mass of humanity has struggled through successive economic crises, accelerating climate and environmental breakdown and now a devastating global pandemic, the billionaire class’s wealth has piled up to ever more dizzying heights.
Food riots show the need for a basic income grant
As rioters target supermarkets, activists call on the government to help those who cannot survive amid rising prices and mass unemployment.
China and the supply chain: a comment on the June 2021 White House review
Contrary to rhetoric from Democrats and Republicans, the U.S. has an economic interest in trade and peace with China
The United States tries to take advantage of the price Cubans are paying for the blockade and the pandemic
This small island of 11 million people has created five vaccine candidates and sent its medical workers through the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade to heal people around the world.
Cuba faces looting, whose hands are behind it?
The Cuba “protest-story” is not a single incident. Similar foreign interference happened in other countries. The Cuba-protest-incident is not going to be last attempt by the Empire.