Charlottesville is America: the myth of the white supremacist tidal wave
However, white supremacy is not a tidal wave. And it isn’t a lurking storm that seeks to wreak havoc on the shores of the US either. That happened centuries ago, when English colonizers laid their claim to the North American mainland circa the mid to late 17th Century.
Your up-to-date guide to avoiding internet censorship
While Google’s Information Age dominance has long been recognized to have some unsavory consequences, the massive technology corporation has, in recent months, taken to directly censoring content and traffic to a variety of independent media outlets across the political spectrum — essentially muting the voices of any site or author who does not toe the establishment line.
U.S.-N. Korean conflict: impotent fury?
The Trump presidency in its first two hundred days has rattled U.S. imperialist strategists, going from one blunder to another. Trump’s bluster of “fire and fury” against North Korea has further complicated this dangerously spiraling conflict.
Pentagon denounces American nazis while arming Ukrainian nazis
Official U.S. condemnation of Nazis, fascists and extremists is just American public relations rhetoric. Evidently, the condemnation has no credibility in terms of objective reality.
Why isn’t the mainstream media honest about U.S. torture?
It’s been almost 10 years since US citizens learned that their government was engaging in torture. Why does the media continue to sugarcoat this state-sanctioned crime by calling it “enhanced interrogation?”
A revolutionary lifeline: teaching Fanon in a postcolonial world
Frantz Fanon remains one of the most important writers on postcolonial issues in the world today. Although he died quite young, his many books and essays are a reminder of his immense intelligence, passion, and foresight.
The hidden environmental impacts of “platform capitalism”
New technological platforms like Uber are promising to reshape society: but what is the impact for people and the world we live in? What does this mean for our environment?
Eugene, OR: Neo-Nazis launch campaign against local community
People in Eugene, Oregon have a history of coming together and fighting as a community: against logging, against the dominant system, and against development. Now we have to do the same against Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and white supremacists.
Land (in) justice in Brazil
The implementation of austerity measures in the Brazilian countryside, then, casts a long shadow on the potential of farming and land reform to provide the next generation with a sustainable future. It threatens decades of progress made by land justice warriors.
Linguistic data analysis of 3 billion Reddit comments shows the alt-right is getting stronger
We’re witnessing the radicalization of young white men through the medium of frog memes. In order to see it, all you need to do is look at the words coming out of their mouths. The alt-right isn’t yet united, but it soon will be.
Mobilizing against the fascist creep
When economic crisis grips a nation, when contradictions within the ruling class and the state create instability and social upheaval, fascists act as the foot soldiers of capitalism. Their function is to disrupt and destroy efforts on the part of the working-class and oppressed masses to organize against their miserable conditions.
New School announces Harry Magdoff and Paul Sweezy fellowships
During their storied careers, Magdoff and Sweezy edited the journal Monthly Review, which Sweezy co-founded in 1949, and which still stands as the longest continuously published socialist magazine in the United States.
Charlottesville: what you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself
To claim, as “liberals” do now, that such marches as in Charlottesville, “is not what and who we are”, is a lie. Ask people from outside the U.S. how the empire appears and acts towards them.
Congo Genocide: An interview with Sylvestre Mido
Genocost asks that nations formally recognize August 2nd as Congo Genocide Commemoration Day.
Trump again refuses to take resposibility for a resurgence of white nationalism
After the deadly clash between hundreds of white supremacists and counter-protesters today in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Trump called for Americans to “come together.”
Report: reversing inequality
Understanding there is extreme income and wealth inequality that has been growing and having negative impacts on our society is one thing, but having the majority of the proposed solutions fail to address deeper systemic drivers isn’t going to help get us on a better track.
Daniel Ellsberg talked to us about leaking in the age of Trump
The Trump administration is determined to bust leakers, both in the White House and across U.S. intelligence agencies, who it feels continue to undermine and humiliate the president.
North Korea’s “not quite” ICBM can’t hit the lower 48 states
The flight tests on July 4 and 28 were a carefully choreographed deception by North Korea to create a false impression that the Hwasong-14 is a near-ICBM that poses a nuclear threat to the continental U.S.
Remembering the Gulf of Tonkin, and the consequences of wanting to believe
Americans, Schanberg said, are “the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth.”
Why the United States did not demonstrate the bomb’s power, ahead of Hiroshima
Would non-use at the end of a brutal total war have created a taboo against the use of nuclear weapons as strong as resulted from the demonstrated horror of their effects against the two Japanese cities? Perhaps not.