The Momentum video that has divided opinion
I just don’t get why Jeremy Corbyn is so popular.
New Google algorithm restricts access to left-wing, progressive web sites
The company said in a blog post that the central purpose of the change to its search algorithm was to give the search giant greater control in identifying content deemed objectionable by its guidelines. It declared that it had “improved our evaluation methods and made algorithmic updates” in order “to surface more authoritative content.”
Trump hits Venezuela with new sanctions as CIA chief plugs intervention
The Trump government’s latest sanctions against Caracas come just two days after Venezuelan Foreign Minister Samuel Moncada publicly revealed that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was working alongside governments in Mexico and Colombia to topple the Maduro government.
Fighting for Okinawa
Our story though, is much more than three short paragraphs in a textbook. It is a story about a people’s determination for sovereignty in the face of imperialism, resilience in midst of colonization, and perseverance for peace as survivors of war. Our story is urgent and it is a call for global action in the name of peace and justice. The history of Okinawa is a story of resistance but also a call to the world.
Militant particularism and ecosocialism
Marx showed how history was materially transformed through a series of contradictions toward greater complexity, but held out the promise of one particular class representing the universal interests of humanity, if activated within objective conditions by political agency. The problem today is that cyclical and conjunctural crises that have propelled capitalism to hegemonic global reach and to the point of near absolute structural crisis have also eliminated resistance in the form of a consequential collective agent that would avert ecological collapse.
Unions fight inequality
The decline in unionization is one of the most important factors promoting the concentration of income at the upper end of the income distribution. The statement may not surprise you, but the fact that this was the conclusion of an IMF study of the causes of inequality might.
US debates sanctions on Nicaragua for backing Venezuela
The United States Committee on Foreign Relations is due to discuss the bill known as the Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act of 2017, or Nica Act on Thursday. It seeks to add conditions to the provision of aid from international financial institutions to the country.
In retrospect: Das Kapital
The book’s impact on economics, politics and current affairs has been formidable, and aspects of Marx’s thinking have permeated areas of scientific research as disparate as robotics and evolutionary theory.
Does David Roediger disagree with Ellen Meiksins Wood?
How does race relate to class in capitalism? Is it intrinsic and essential to the reproduction of capital, or merely an accidental feature of particular capitals? In this recent essay by Richard Seymour, and originally published on his Patreon, Seymour considers a debate within Marxism on the relationship between class, race and capitalism.
Drone warfare: The death of precision
With Obama’s “precision ethos” behind us and the “Trump doctrine” ahead. Neither is perfect, but latter with the priority for percision gone, is much more dangerous.
Boy Scouts Jamboree compared to Hitler Youth Rally after Trump’s speech
The president spoke to 24,000 Scouts ranging in age from 12 to 18, as eight presidents have before him. Unlike previous presidents, however, Trump appeared to view the event as an opportunity to slam his political opponents and the news media, call for “loyalty,” and rail against the “cesspool” of Washington, D.C., as the audience cheered
The beginning of a crucial week in Venezuela
While President Trump threatens to enact sanctions on Venezuela, this week will be crucial in the insurrectionary offensive of the opposition and imperialism. The hope for human rights and the breakdown of inequality is on its way.
America’s Yemen policy is creating more terrorists
The current civilian slaughter, chaos, and daily indignities in Yemen create the perfect recruitment tool for the expansion of terrorist organizations. Al-Qaeda has been operating in Yemen for a long time.… In addition, IS has begun to make their presence felt in Yemen.
Political economy for radical lawyers
The latest issue of the London Review of International Law features an interesting review essay by Robert Howse, in which he makes the case for progressive international lawyers attending to the discipline of economics and the insights that can be gained from it, in particular from what he sees as more progressive economists. Howse’s essay […]
The mega rich are getting mega richer
The indirect effect of the increase in income inequality is economically more injurious than the erosion of company earnings or a stock market downturn.
Battle to oppose water privatization returns Greece to frontlines of E.U. crisis
Greece is on track to privatize its water systems, while other countries like Germany are in an opposite position of de-privatization due to poor management and exorbitant price hikes.
The politics of everybody
Class is primary—not in the sense of more important, but in the sense of being the limit, the foundation, the point where profit is extracted and the point where it can be challenged. The centrality of class is tactical, not moral.
Right-wing media attempts to rescue ADF, Sessions from explaining secret speech
The Trump administration’s combination of continuously attacking mainstream media and relying on right-wing outlets to carry their message played out again last week in service of the Attorney General.
Corporate media largely silent on Trump’s civilian death toll in Iraq
Neither the recent report on the civilian deaths and war crimes in Mosul (published by Amnesty International), nor the broader issue of the civilian toll in the US war against ISIS, has come close to penetrating US corporate media. Can one imagine this frame in reporting on Russia’s siege of Aleppo? Can one imagine highlighting Syrian and Russian doctors, treating the very civilians their governments just bombed, in such an uncritical manner? Can one imagine the US media blaming all the deaths caused by Russian bombing as the sole fault of those occupying the city?
POLL: 75% of Venezuelans support socialism, 63% distrust opposition
In a recent poll of Venezuelans reveals that the will of the majority flatly contradicts the distortions of mainstream media within and outside of Venezuela.