General Strike in Greece: “Next Thursday Would Be a Good Day for Solidarity Action All around the World” — Nikos Lountos
“Our community is expanding: MRZine viewers have increased in number, as have the readers of our editions published outside the United States and in languages other than English. We sense a sharp increase in interest in our perspective and its history. Many in our community have made use of the MR archive we […]
Same-Sex Marriage
Same-Sex Marriage: Part 1, “It’s Amazing” Slide presentation on all the things the LGBT community has achieved and will surely get. Same-Sex Marriage: Part 2, “Oh, My God!” Slide presentation on biblical arguments to support same-sex marriage. Same-Sex Marriage: Part 3, “What It Is All About” Slide presentation on the reasons why full marriage […]
Thomas Ferguson and Robert Johnson, Authors of “Bridge Loan to Nowhere”
Play now: Download: mp3 file Cf: “Bridge Loan to Nowhere,” The Nation (22 September 2008) This interview was broadcast on the “Media Matters with Bob McChesney” program (AM580) on 28 September 2008. | | Print
The Slap
Ehsan Amani was born in 1948. For many years he worked in advertising and acted in feature films such as Crimson Gold, Abadan, and Kandelus Gardens. He directs short films and documentaries. “The Slap” is Amani’s contribution to Pangea Day, a global event bringing the world together through film. | | Print
The Wall of Hate
“O there are times, we must confess To harboring a whim — we Like to picture old Karl Marx Sliding down our chimney” — Susie Day“Help fund the good fight. By contributing to MR, you help reinforce the left and reclaim the future.” — Richard D. Vogel “To do my part, I just […]
“Gender and Mathematical Ability”: A Brief Comment
Richard York and Brett Clark’s cogent essay “Gender and Mathematical Ability: The Toll of Biological Determinism” (MR, November 2007) brings to mind the extreme complexities and biases entangled in separating genetic from environmental factors. I suggest the following example to illustrate the point. Suppose we are confronted with the hypothesis that there exists a […]
The Internationale
Visit Alistair Hulett at www.alistairhulett.com. Alistair Hulett‘s “The Internationale” is included in his Dance of the Underclass, available from AKPress. | | Print
This World
This world — a banquet of flowers just above hell. Kobayashi Issa was born on 15 June 1763 in Kashiwabara, Shinano Province (Shinanomachi, Nagano Prefecture today). Denied his inheritance by his stepmother and stepbrother, he made a living as an impoverished traveling teacher of poetry. The language of his poems is as simple and […]
Address before the 61st Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 19 September 2006
Madam President, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Distinguished Heads of Delegation, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen I praise the merciful, all-knowing and almighty God for blessing me with another opportunity to address this Assembly on behalf of the great nation of Iran and to bring a number of issues to the attention of the […]
Will US Hijack UN Resolution on Iran?
In an article published by the Mail & Guardian Online on June 27, titled “Iran Cannot Engage in Serious Talks with US,” I briefly explained some of the reasons why Iran would not be able to engage in serious talks with the United States or accept the European incentives package offered in exchange for […]
(for Ash and his birthplace) Within the rubble, Child’s face, doll’s face, unblinking Blushing in red dawn Russell Ragsdale is a chef in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Visit his blog: Yuckelbel’s Canon.
In One Sigh
In one sigh, Death in a third world, A hand lies withered and curled, Peals of death rain down on a child, Artists of life are ruined and defiled, My ovaries sag with hate, I am death to procreate, In one sigh. Ros Csikc-Cyr is an activist. Her poetry offers a perspective on issues […]
The Cry of the People: The Commune in Image [Le cri du peuple: la commune en image]
Jacques Tardi, à qui l’on doit notamment l’extraordinaire La guerre des tranchées, s’est lancé en 2001 dans l’adaptation en bande dessinée du roman libertaire de Jean Vautrin sur la Commune de Paris, Le cri du peuple*. Le projet devait tenir en trois tomes, mais Tardi a finalement décidé de consacrer à l’insoutenable répression des Versaillais […]
The Bamako Appeal
The Bamako Appeal aims at contributing to the emergence of a new popular and historical subject, and at consolidating the gains made at these meetings. It seeks to advance the principle of the right to an equitable existence for everyone; to affirm a collective life of peace, justice and diversity; and to promote the means to reach these goals at the local level and for all of humanity.