100 million Russian books in line for ban
Oleksandra Koval, director of the Ukrainian Book Institute (part of the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture), has claimed that they will begin working towards withdrawing over 100 million so-called ‘propaganda’ books from public libraries in Ukraine.
France has been killing civilians in the Donbass since yesterday
It is now official: French Caesar guns opened fire yesterday on civilian areas in the Donbass and Donetsk. The information came from the CtsKK, the government service of the Donetsk Republic, which is responsible for recording all Ukrainian fire on civilian areas.
Two French journalists under Ukrainian artillery fire for five hours
Yesterday 4 June, Christelle and I were waiting for confirmation of a mission to the front line, with the intention of going to the scene of the shelling of civilians by Ukrainian artillery.
Food, famine and war
If anything proves that famine and food insecurity are man-made rather than due to vagaries of nature and the weather, it is the current food crisis that is putting millions globally close to starvation.
Ukrainian Army terror bombings
Since Sunday, 29 May, Ukrainian artillery has opened fire on exclusively civilian residential areas in the city of Donetsk and other cities in Donbass. The Ukrainian army has always engaged in terror bombing, in order to terrorise the population and kill Russians, since the beginning of the Ukrainian aggression in Eastern Ukraine. In Donetsk, the […]
“The goal is not to help Ukraine, but to fight Putin”
This interview comes to us through the kind courtesy of the Swiss journal, Zeitgeschehen im Fokus. In it, Jacques Baud brings us up-to-date on the Ukraine situation, while providing us with great insights, in his usual, inimitable way. He is in conversation with Thomas Kaiser.
DHS ‘concerned’ over Nazis returning to U.S. after fighting in Ukraine. Why isn’t the media?
U.S. corporate media has provided glowing coverage to Paul Gray, a notorious American white nationalist fighting in Ukraine. A DHS document warns he’s not the only U.S. fascist drawn to Kiev.
Empire solves Ukraine’s Nazi problem with a logo change
“The Azov Battalion has removed a neo-Nazi symbol from its insignia that has helped perpetuate Russian propaganda about Ukraine being in the grip of far-right nationalism,” The Times informs us.
Eight years ago in Odessa
Eight years ago in Odessa, the neofascist element in Ukrainian politics, then led by Dmitro Yarosh’s Right Sector, burned to death, shot, and otherwise killed at least some 45 anti-Maidan regime picketers inside the Trade Union Building.
‘God will sort them out’: Ukrainians of Donbass beg NATO to end war
The Russian “special military operation” in Ukraine reached its 90th day and the Western press continues to be inundated with unverified claims of war crimes Russian forces allegedly have committed. Accusations have been lodged against the Russian military for mass graves in Bucha, a narrative which has been widely accepted in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries.
Retired U.S. general calls for “coalition of the willing” for naval conflict with Russia
This massive escalation by the U.S. and NATO is being billed as a “coalition of the willing,” echoing the words used by the Bush administration to describe the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
The U.S. unilateral sanctions against Russia will produce a global food disaster
“There is really no true solution to the problem of global food security without bringing back the agriculture production of Ukraine and the food and fertilizer production of Russia and Belarus into world markets despite the war.” These blunt words by UN Secretary-General António Guterres accurately describe the present global food crisis.
NATO vs Russia: what happens next
In Davos and beyond, NATO’s upbeat narrative plays like a broken record, while on the ground, Russia is stacking up wins that could sink the Atlantic order.
Ukraine after 90 days of war
Amidst intense fighting under way, Russian forces entered Severodonetsk city in Luhansk, Donbass region, May 24, 2022
The influence of neofascist and other Nationalist groups in Maidan Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a goal of his war in Ukraine the ‘denazification’ of the country.
‘The U.S. doesn’t want peace’
About the Ukraine war, “green” price gouging and the wrong course of the Left Party. A conversation with Oskar Lafontaine.
In the wake of Russian victory in Mariupol
Thank God, Russia eschews any triumphalism over the surrender of the so-called neo-Nazi Azov regiment in the Azovstal factory complex in Mariupol. The Defence Ministry in Moscow announced on Friday that a total of 2,439 “Azov Nazis” and Ukrainian servicemen had laid down their arms since May 16, and that the entire Azovstal complex is now under control of Russian forces.
War and peace: Berlin Bulletin No. 201, May 2, 2022
I’ve been toiling on this Berlin Bulletin for weeks, altering it, agonizing, starting anew. Events are simply too complicated and bitter–in the world and in Germany, too. Most dreadfully in Ukraine.
From UK troll farms to covert psyops: the troubling past of Nina Jankowicz
The Washington Post revealed Wednesday that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s highly controversial “Disinformation Governance Board,” launched with much fanfare just three weeks earlier, was to close, and that its director, Nina Jankowicz—former fellow at the quasi-state Wilson Center think tank, and Ukrainian foreign ministry communications adviser–had resigned.
Dmytro Iaroch, neo-Nazi and ISIS ally
Among the figures of neo-Nazism that supposedly does not exist in Ukraine, there is Dmytro Iaroch, the emblematic figure of one of the worst extremist movements in Europe: Pravy Sektor (Right Sector). His story, like that of many other neo-Nazis in Ukraine, is edifying, and speaks for itself, of what has been happening in Ukraine since well before the Maidan of winter 2013-2014.