Chinese woman fights back against sexual harassment—with a mop
A video clip has emerged showing a female office worker beating her over-eager boss with a cleaning instrument, to the delight of women viewers.
Our Own Words: Fem & Trans, Past & Future
Words for different flavors of trans people come and go, gathering different assortments of us together and drawing different lines between us.
If the minimum wage had increased as much as Wall Street bonuses since 1985, it would be worth $44 today
The 2020 bonus pool for 182,100 securities industry employees could pay for more than 1 million jobs paying $15 per hour for a year.
Social reproduction and a just post-COVID world
After over a year of suffering, death, and profound transformations of everyday life, International Women’s Day 2021 is an opportunity to take stock of the COVID-19 crisis so far and craft visions for a future centred on the value of social reproduction.
What you call love is unpaid work
Women around the world spend an average of four hours and twenty-five minutes per day on unpaid care work, while men spend an average of one hour and twenty-three minutes per day on the same kind of work.
Whose feminism? Palestine’s feminism
Palestinians affirm, yet again, that one cannot be a feminist while supporting gendered violence, settler-colonialism, indigenous dispossession, and apartheid.
Lilia D. Monzó’s “A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity”
A Book review symposium on Lilia D. Monzó’s “A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity” (2019, Peter Lang Publishing) by Kitonga, Macrine, Magill, and Rodriguez — Editors
8M: For a revolutionary feminism, which is not a cover photo but a struggle against all exploitation
March 8 commemorates the revolutionary working woman. The communist Clara Zetkin proposed the commemoration at the conference of socialist women in 1910, to honor the struggle of women against capitalist exploitation.
Women and nature: Towards an ecosocialist feminism
For Marxist ecofeminists, the domination of men over women in society and nature at large is therefore not a result of patriarchal ideas alone.
International Women’s Day: A militant celebration
Women’s Day or Working Women’s Day is a day of international solidarity, and a day for reviewing the strength and organization of proletarian women.
Rosa Luxemburg at 150: a revolutionary legacy
Rosa Luxemburg, one of the great leaders in the history of the socialist movement, was born in Poland (then a province of the Russian empire) 150 years ago this month, on 5 March 1871.
Leading from the front: The role of women in Farmers’ movement
As lakhs of farmers continue their protest against the new farm legislations introduced by the Modi government, a remarkable number of women are not only braving the rough weather by participating in these demonstrations but are also leading from the front.
Popular narrative culture: the haunted mirror of capitalism’s failing social contract
In the post-Christmas edition of the United Kingdom’s daily socialist newspaper the Morning Star, the editorial commented on the holiday television broadcast of the 1983 film Educating Rita. In it, author Jim Leman pointed out that the 1980s story of a mature working-class hairdresser attempting to enter university, encouraged by a benign academic on tenure, could not happen today.
Class, Gender, Race & Colonialism: The ‘Intersectionality’ of Marx
It is important to see both Marx’s brilliant generalisations about capitalist society and the very concrete ways in which he examined not only class, but also gender, race, and colonialism, and what today would be called the intersectionality of all of these. His underlying revolutionary humanism was the enemy of all forms of abstraction that denied the variety and multiplicity of human experience. For these reasons, no thinker speaks to us today with such force and clarity.
‘We need to talk about abortion as necessary healthcare and a social good’
CounterSpin interview with Kimberly Inez McGuire on abortion realities.
Marxism and feminism – Marxism and Women’s Liberation extract
Lindsey German discusses Marxism’s contribution to analyzing women’s oppression in this extract from Marxism and Women’s Liberation
A victory for the movement in the streets: inside Argentina’s abortion win
On 30 December, Argentina’s Senate voted to legalise abortion after many years of mass protests around the issue. In the wake of this important victory, Red Flag spoke to Cele Fierro, an activist with the anti-capitalist feminist group Juntas a la Izquierda and a member of the national leadership of the Movimiento de los Trabajadores (MST) in Argentina.
Queen of the Bolsheviks
Now forgotten, Dr. Marie Equi (1872–1952) was a physician for working-class women and children, a lesbian, and a dynamic and flamboyant political activist. She was a “firebrand in the causes of suffrage, labor and peace, in Portland in the ’teens, ’20s, and ’30s.” A reformer turned revolutionary, Equi earned the nickname “Queen of the Bolsheviks,” one which spoke to her often imperious character as well as to her politics.
Black Women, mothers, workers: The frontlines of the MTST
The reason the MTST is overwhelmingly made up of Black women is precisely because of their role in society. Women are primarily responsible for home life.
Indian women revive non-violent civil disobedience movements against the extinguishment of citizenship rights
On 11 December 2019 one of the largest peaceful Civil Disobedience Movements in India after Indian Independence in defence of the Constitution and Constitutional rights, began under the leadership of Indian Muslim women in Delhi.