The political tide sweeping South America won’t accept predatory capitalism
The slogan is pithy—Neoliberalismo nunca más (Neoliberalism Never Again). It was chanted in the streets of Santiago, Chile; it was drawn on the walls in Buenos Aires, Argentina; and in a more sober register, it is mentioned in a seminar in Mexico City, Mexico.
Unpacking the super exploitation of black women
The situational systematic position of Black women, particularly in the US, has long been explained throughout the decades whether it has been called “triple oppression”, “double jeopardy”, or more notably, “intersectionality”.
Bolivian right-wing activates ‘electoral fraud’ contingency plan against Morales
President Evo Morales emerged victorious in the first round of presidential elections in Bolivia held on October 20 but the opposition is set on rejecting the results
Bedouin mass eviction – Israel to drive Palestinians off their historic lands
Last week 36,000 Bedouin–all of them Israeli citizens–discovered that their state is about to make them refugees in their own country, driving them into holding camps. These Israelis, it seems, are the wrong kind.
Weaponizing Venezuela’s ex-ruling elite
When we think “immigrants in America” we rarely consider those who are privileged and weaponized in service of American Empire.
British workers
As we wait impatiently while the Brits go through the interminable travail of Brexit, let us have a look at who they are. Not directly in a social, cultural or political sense, but by reviewing the data on UK employment. Work gives a foundation for people’s daily lives and will, in turn, have an impact on society, culture and politics.
Globalisation’s corroding edifice
The World Bank’s World Development Report (WDR), published every year since 1978, plays a similar role to that of the state of the union address in the US, in which the president hopes to keep the faith of the Congress and public.
Police ban on Extinction Rebellion is an attack on our civil liberties
The threat to our civil liberties from the police banning Extinction Rebellion protests is dangerous and we must resist, argues Sweta Choudhury.
After 1,600 arrests, Extinction Rebellion fights for right to protest in UK
Facing a total ban on their protest in London, the activists are now embroiled in a struggle for their right to assemble.
More than 30,000 teachers and staff strike in Chicago, Illinois
Pickets appeared at Chicago Public Schools city-wide Thursday morning as 32,000 teachers and staff struck for the first time since 2012. Educators are fighting for smaller class sizes and more nurses, librarians, social workers and other support staff, along with increased spending to improve conditions in all schools.
Grassroots Communication fights back! A conversation with Jessica Pernia
A founding member of Tatuy TV speaks about what it means to be a group of revolutionary journalists in hard times.
Back to the wall
The same American myths that drove frontier expansion now support closing the borders.
Dossier 21: The neoliberal attack on rural India
If human agency, driven by a model of economics and development gone berserk, is a major driving factor in the changes upon us, there is plenty to be learned from this region and many like it.
No Depression in Heaven with Alison Collis Greene
In this episode of Money on the Left, we speak with historian Alison Collis Greene about her book No Depression in Heaven with an eye toward contemporary debates around the Green New Deal. Subtitled The Great Depression, the New Deal, and the Transformation of Religion in the Delta, Greene’s book critiques what she calls the […]
FX & Imperialism
What affects the exchange rate of a country’s currency? The answer depends on where that country stands in the world economy. Not simply because an exchange rate is the value of one currency versus another, so that you must weigh up two or more countries.
Under capitalism, even water is a tool of oppression
All life depends on water. It covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface, makes up 60 percent of our bodies and literally falls from the sky. It’s abundant and indispensable. But under capitalism, even water is a tool of social domination.
Navigating Educational Empowerment Through Life Conditions: A Study of Rural Women in Indian Punjab
Though the voices of rural women in India are some of the least heard, they are not mere passive victims. Many rural women strongly condemn their marginalization and pauperization—highlighting the flawed and biased developmental polices of the state, which they hold largely responsible for their hardships.
Oil lobbyists attempt to influence pipeline safety legislation to further criminalize pipeline protests
THE OIL AND GAS industry is seeking to harness must-pass federal safety legislation to enact sweeping provisions that would criminalize activism against pipelines. The measures would make it a felony for individuals to tamper with pipeline facilities or obstruct pipeline construction, documents obtained by The Intercept and Documented show.
Capitalism ‘solves’ the Nitrogen Crisis: A brief history
Part Three of Ian Angus’s examination of the disruption of the global nitrogen cycle by an economic system that values profits more than life itself.
Victims left behind in U.S. Agent Orange cleanup efforts
Vietnamese victims have yet to receive compensation–and many live in desperate poverty.