Subjects Archives: Media

  • Ahed Tamimi as Wonder Woman

    A plea for Ahed Tamimi’s protection

    The Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick of Che Guevara black and red portrait fame has done it again: He has painted a minimalist poster of another iconic leader of her people and of a worldwide liberation movement, this time of an oppressed child who had slapped power with her bare truth. When I read his rationale for painting the new portrait I cried. The man’s pacifism, sincerity, and especially his concern for Ahed Tamimi’s life touched me.

  • Berkeley free speech movement in 1964 PHOTO: Chris Kjobech

    The fight over free speech on campus

    On university campuses around the world, “free speech” is becoming the favourite slogan of the right, sure to be raised during campus political controversies.

  • Google's offices in London

    Google’s stranglehold on information

    Last September, Verge writer Cat Ferguson uncovered that Google had unwittingly allowed shady generators to manipulate its AdWords system.

  • Daring democracy

    How the anti-democracy movement use media to command the narrative

    As far back as 1835, perhaps our nation’s earliest and most astute observer, Alexis de Tocqueville, understood the power of the media. He described the press as “the chief democratic instrument of freedom.” But today our “instrument of freedom” seems to mean the freedom to enrich oneself privately, whatever it takes. How did we get to this sad state?

  • The Origin Of The Millennial Label

    The origin of the millennial label (and how mainstream media fails to point it out)

    Here’s an experiment for you-ask five people if they know where the “millennial” label came from. Chances are that none of them will know. In fact, not much is known about the meaning of the label, other than it being a synonym for “young people” or a catch-all term for those who are “x-to-x” years old.

  • Black feminist views of justice

    Is equality enough?

    Race/isms Book Forum is a new series aimed at bringing established and emerging voices together in conversation around recent work that critically engages our world’s racial scripts, past and present. The structure of the forum is straightforward. We invite three to four thinkers to grapple with a book, highlighting a section of it, and then provide the author(s) an opportunity to respond however they see fit.

  • Black Panther

    ‘Black Panther’ is not the movie we deserve

    Even in a comic-book movie, black American men are relegated to the lowest rung of political regard. So low that the sole white leading character in the movie, the CIA operative Everett Ross (Martin Freeman), gets to be a hero who helps save Wakanda.

  • School shootings have become and epidemic

    School shooting: a U.S. epidemic

    How does the rate of school shootings in the U.S. compare with countries where is more difficult to obtain guns?

  • Jeremy Corbyn

    Reds under the Bed

    The British conservative media and party establishment are renewing their attempts to paint Jeremy Corbyn as a traitor. But given the failure of this approach in the past, why would they attempt it again?

  • Detail from Jean-François Millet, Des glaneuses, 1857. via Wikimedia Commons.

    Mapping social reproduction theory

    Let us slightly modify the question “who teaches the teacher?” and ask this of Marxism: If workers’ labor produces all the wealth in society, who then produces the worker? Put another way: What kinds of processes enable the worker to arrive at the doors of her place of work every day so that she can produce the wealth of society?

  • North Korea is more rational than you think: An interview with Bruce Cumings There is more to the hermit kingdom than is seen in the media

    North Korea is more rational than you think: An interview with Bruce Cumings

    With the Olympic Winter Games right around the corner, tension on the Korean Peninsula is again the focal point of international affairs. After months of increasing provocation between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump — highlighted by missile tests and sabre-rattling on both sides — signs of a rapprochement are emerging.

  • The Young Karl Marx film screening @ 290 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ON M4K 1N6, Canada, Toronto [11 January]

    Review of ‘The Young Marx’

    Scott McLemee reviews The Young Karl Marx, which, on the eve of 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth, contains themes of economic crises and inequalities that remain relevant today.

  • Tiki Torch March

    DC school board member: ‘Feminists need rape’

    The Washington, DC Public Charter School Board oversees some 120 public charter schools in the nation’s capitol, serving more than 43,000 students. And one member of that school board, John Goldman, is an MRA with clear white supremacist leanings. He has admitted to having an alter ego, “Jack Murphy,” under which he posted to websites and participated in debates.

  • “Hostiles,” the new film directed by Scott Cooper.

    An apology for imperialism in a colourful package

    We all know that Hollywood movies are fictional, right? Even the ones “based on actual events”? But at some level, if a fictional film references actual history and includes stunning visuals, great acting, and a powerful musical score, it can become accepted and internalized as “the truth.”

  • Cindy Cohn featured photo

    ‘You can’t watchdog government if government’s watching all your communication’

     “Congress Advances Bill to Renew NSA Surveillance Program After Trump Briefly Upstages Key Vote” was the headline on a Washington Post article. The lead described the bill as reauthorizing “the government’s authority to conduct foreign surveillance on U.S. soil.”

  • Let them eat crack (photo credit: Bansky)

    Utopia and populism

    My view is that liberal critics of populism, standing on their heads, get it wrong. If made to stand on their feet, they’d have to admit that populism actually represents the failure of liberal democracy.

  • Image: OnceAndFutureLaura/Flickr

    A farewell to Omelas: remembering Ursula Le Guin

    I had a friend who as a child wrote to Ursula Le Guin. He was feeling miserable, bad things had happened to him and he wanted to run away to Earthsea. He told her that he felt ashamed that he wasn’t facing up to life, felt it was a failing that he just wanted to live a fantasy.

  • Mexico's First 'Seduction School', Rape Culture and Femicides | Analysis | teleSUR English

    Mexico’s first ‘seduction school’, rape culture and femicides

    On Sunday, the international press agency EFE did not have enough words to praise the not-even-that-new initiative of a Mexican “seduction school”, lamenting that this kind of workshop remains largely “taboo” in the country.

  • The post movie poster (Directed by Steven Spielberg. Starring Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Alison Brie, Carrie Coon.)

    The Post should be viewed by current editors of The Post

    I was afraid that The Post would give us a Hollywood film version of the publication of the Pentagon Papers and manage never to say what was in the Pentagon Papers. I was afraid it would be turned into a pro-war movie.

  • Public domain image from Trevor Paglen

    An open letter to our community on congress’s vote to extend NSA spying from EFF executive director Cindy Cohn

    Today, the United States Congress struck a significant blow against the basic human right to read, write, learn, and associate free of government’s prying eyes.