Japan’s Nuclear Power Plant Workers, Exposed to Radiation, Hidden from Sight
隠された被爆労働:日本の原発労働者 Kenji Higuchi (樋口健二) is a photographer in Japan, acclaimed for his work of documenting the effects of industrial pollution and the exploitation of nuclear power plant workers. This documentary film was released by Channel 4 (UK) in 1995. Cf. Tim Shorrock, “Japan’s Nuclear Nightmare (Part One)” (18 March 2011); Tim Shorrock, “Japan’s Nuclear […]
Arming the Libyan Rebels
Jon Stewart: Jon Stewart: Oh, people, we are now into our third week of a military bombing campaign in Libya, Operation Odyssey Dawn. The operation cleverly named for the Odyssey, a 20-year harrowing journey through a hellscape where nearly everyone is killed. Adding “dawn” . . . so it’s the earliest part of that […]
In Memory of Our Beloved Friend Juliano Mer-Khamis
Juliano Mer-Khamis embodied the uncompromising struggle for freedom and for dignity. With his brutal murder the Palestinian struggle has lost a brilliant, charismatic, and courageous fighter for justice and freedom. Both parts of his life’s work were seamlessly joined. His art was inseparable from his political commitment. The dignity and humanity which his art […]
Syrians Living Abroad, Standing Up for Syria and Bashar
Bashar al-Assad is a lucky man. Even the mother of the Angry Arab (himself no fan of the Syrian president) seems to like him: “As my mom says about him: he is the best educated among Arab leaders (many of whom are illiterate) and it shows.” — Ed. Beirut, Lebanon, 27.03.11 Cairo, Egypt, 31.03.11 Bucharest, […]
Japan’s Muslim Community Aiding Tsunami Victims
People from all walks of life and different faiths have come to the aid of the victims. Members of the Muslim community of Tokyo are among the thousands of sincere and caring volunteers who are rushing supplies to Japan’s needy. . . . Between Tokyo and the ravaged areas lies Fukushima Prefecture, where radiation […]
In Memory of Leonard Weinglass
Not that long ago Len came to visit me and we worked for several hours preparing for the next step of my appeal. I noticed at the time that he was tired. I was worried with his advanced age that he was driving alone after a long trip from New York. The weather was […]
An Appeal to All Foreign Embassy Personnel and International Media Present in Japan, regarding the Nuclear Disaster
You have seen the Japanese government’s response to the nuclear disaster unfolding in Japan. Top officials have been slow to expand the exclusion zone around the Fukushima 1 and 2 Nuclear Power Plants. They have been less than forthcoming in providing information about exactly in what state the reactors in trouble are. By failing in […]
The Cash Option
When I was growing up, several decades ago, middle-class society in India was always a little delayed in catching on to Western fashions whether in music or dress or in other aspects. The past decades of globalisation seemed to have changed all that. Modern communications technology has ensured that at least the upper income deciles […]
You Can’t Pee for Free: Notes on the Privatization of the Public Sphere
In his 1994 book entitled The Location of Culture, post-colonial theorist Homi Bhaba writes that “cafes are part of the social phenomena of the ‘third place’ [which] . . . people occupy outside of the home and work. It’s a place to relax, to be alone, to socialize, to read, to gossip, to meet […]
Day of Anger on Friday in Saudi Arabia
Cyber activists have created a group on Facebook calling for a “Day of Anger” on Friday in the eastern Saudi region, following the arrest of a Muslim cleric.
It’s Up to You to Take Action and Fight Back
Senate Bill 5 will destroy the way of life of hundreds of thousands of Ohioans and hurt our communities. One way to take a stand is by coming out to the biggest Statehouse rally yet TODAY: from 9 AM, Statehouse‘s West Lawn on the High Street side. The Senate Insurance, Commerce, and Labor Committee […]
Ohio Police Officers against Senate Bill 5
Testimony before the Insurance, Commerce, and Labor committee, 17 February 2011 Statehouse Mobilization against SB 5 and Kasich’s Anti-Worker Agenda Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time: 1 PM Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH Click here for more info. Chairman Bacon, Vice Chair Faber, and Ranking Member Schiavoni, and all members of […]
Bahrain: Teachers on Strike
“When the General Strike was announced yesterday, I didn’t give it much heed. . . . Teachers, some of them at least, heeded that call. I noticed a few gathering with their Bahraini flags and a couple of hastily written placards standing in front of their school’s gate near where I live. I approached […]
In Opposition to Ohio Senate Bill 5
Testimony before the Insurance, Commerce, and Labor committee, 17 February 2011 Statehouse Mobilization against SB 5 and Kasich’s Anti-Worker Agenda Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time: 1 PM Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH Click here for more info. My name is Sherry Linkon, and I’m John Russo. Thank you for giving […]
Bahrain: The Third Day of Wrath
“They renamed it [Manama’s central square] Tahrir Square after the one in Cairo. They’ve started setting up tents, and vans are bringing supplies of food and water.” — Ahmed Hazim The Euronews video at the top and the Al Jazeera videos below it were released on 16 February 2011. Cf. <www.facebook.com/TrueRoyalDemocracy>. | Print
World Day of Solidarity with UPR to Mark 40th Anniversary of March 11
February 16, 2011 — Networks of sympathizers with the ongoing student strike at the University of Puerto Rico announced today that they will stage simultaneous demonstrations in solidarity with the UPR in cities around the world on Friday, March 11, 2011, and invited all supporters to join them, coordinating their own activities in their […]
Integration instead of a Clash of Cultures: An Open Letter regarding the “LSE German Symposium 2011 — Integration Debate”
We are irritated by the invitation extended to Mr. Thilo Sarrazin and Mr. Henryk M. Broder to sit on the panel of the opening event of this year’s “German Symposium” at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on 14 February 2011, which is entitled ‘Integration Debate: Europe’s Future — “Decline of the […]
Struggle for Democracy and Public Education in Puerto Rico
“The epicenter of the struggle for the public university in Latin America is Puerto Rico.” — José Carlos Luque Brazán, professor and researcher of political science and urban planning at the Autonomous University, Mexico City1 The social conflict taking place at the University of Puerto Rico is polarizing this island to such an extent […]
Puerto Rico: Police Assault Students and Professors Go on Strike
The Association of Puerto Rican University Professors (APPU) on Wednesday called a 24-hour strike at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), vowing that there will be no classes on Thursday. The decision to strike was made as students held a protest on campus, after a fierce confrontation with riot police in front of the […]
Tunisia’s Future: Opposition Says It Feels Threatened
Moncef Marzouki: We got rid of the dictator, but the dictatorship is still there. I mean the secret police is still there, the party of the dictatorship is still there. Nazanine Moshiri: . . . Rachid Ghannouchi was also exiled under Ben Ali. With many members of his Islamic al-Nahda movement imprisoned or tortured, […]