The New Postcolonial Economics with Fadhel Kaboub
In this episode, we speak with Fadhel Kaboub (@fadhelkaboub), associate professor of economics at Denison University and President of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity. Fadhel outlines a new critical approach to postcolonial political economy, arguing that re-gaining financial sovereignty is a crucial next step for postcolonial nations hoping to achieve social, economic, and environmental justice.
Why did López Obrador win the Mexican Presidency?
The center-left candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) won by a landslide in Sunday’s elections. Why did he win by such a huge margin?
There’s now proof that Soeharto orchestrated the 1965 killings
As Indonesia commemorates 20 years since the fall of the New Order military dictatorship, the foundation myth of the regime (and, indeed, the post-New Order state as well) remains stubbornly in place.
Despite Pruitt’s exit there is “no happy ending” for Planet Earth
“Before everyone gets excited about Pruitt, remember we’re going to get all the same horrific policy under Andrew Wheeler, without any of the comic, attention-drawing personal corruption.”
The Texas counter-revolution of 1836
This is a spot-on history of the birth of the American empire. But beyond recounting the regional and national events celebrated on the monument, re-viewing the Texas revolution in a world-historical perspective offers a far more insightful understanding of the conflict that occurred in northern Mexico in the 19th century.
A spectre is haunting us: it’s the past weighing like a nightmare on the present
The rise of extreme right wing politics is a response by sections of the ruling classes internationally to the economic stagnation.
In a repeat of Brazil model, judge orders detention of Rafael Correa
The former president of Ecuador is accused of being involved in the failed kidnapping of a coup plotter based on mails between officials.
Climbers in Vancouver blockade Trans Mountain oil tanker’s route
Seven climbers have rappelled from Vancouver’s Ironworkers Memorial Bridge and are blocking the path of a tar sands oil tanker, Serene Sea, currently docked at Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline terminal. The tanker was scheduled to leave port this morning.
Bolivian President reiterates U.S. pro-coup plan against Venezuela
Bolivian President Evo Morales reiterated today the existence of armed invasion plans against Venezuela and the head of State, Nicolas Maduro, by U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration.
The chicken game and rotten eggs
Germany’s politicians played the chicken game last week, testing which party, Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union or its Bavarian “sister party”, Horst Seehofer’s Christian Social Union, would be the first to swerve.
Race, gender and social reproduction in British capitalism, 1945-78
How can we understand the way that capitalism comes to be gendered and racialised?
Labour is back as the ‘political voice of the working class’
Jeremy Corbyn tells Unite conference class politics is essential for ‘transformational change’.
Trump’s “infrastructure” plan: pump up the Pentagon
This year alone will bring total spending on the Pentagon and related agencies (like the Department of Energy where work on nuclear warheads takes place) to $716 billion.
Nuclear power: private profits, social costs
Nuclear power is enormously expensive and yet successive U.S. governments, including that of President Donald Trump, have supported the industry in many ways. The net result is that various costs are passed on to society at large, while the profits accruing from this pursuit are privatized.
Love me I’m a liberal – updated for Trump
Phil Ochs’s song “Love Me I’m a Liberal” updated with some of my own words since the election of DJT.
Transformation problem unraveled
Moseley’s interpretation establishes the internal coherence of Marx’s theory, thereby creating a more solid basis for its further development on our own, Marxist, terms. Stated differently, there is no need to import unrealistic, abstract-ideal concepts from other economic theories in an attempt to “modernize” Marxist economics.
Nicaragua, unraveling a plot
The United States’ National Endowment for Democracy distributed some 4.2 million dollars in Nicaragua, between 2014 and 2017, to train “new leaders” to overthrow the Sandinista government | Francisco Arias Fernández*
U.S. body ‘laid groundwork for insurrection’ in Nicaragua
A publication funded by the U.S. government’s regime-change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy, boasts of spending millions of dollars “laying the groundwork for insurrection.”
American behavioral fascism, anti-fascism and democracy
Dark Thoughts from Paris on a Hot and Sunny Friday.
How the West and its allies sabotaged Venezuela
Venezuela and Colombia differ in their relations and involvement with the U.S. government and its functions.