Star Trek: Progressivism and corporatism don’t mix (part 1)
The television series Star Trek has appeared in several iterations with a few handfuls of movies thrown in that have fired the imaginations of viewers of all ages for nigh 55 years.
More young Japanese look to Marx amid pandemic, climate crisis
As the global challenge of climate change mounts and the coronavirus pandemic magnifies economic inequalities, Karl Marx, who pointed to the contradictions and limitations of capitalism, is gaining new admirers in Japan, particularly among the young.
Community Infrastructure and the Care Crises: An evaluation of China’s COVID-19 experience
COVID-19 has exacerbated the gendered impact of care work globally, but lessons can be learned from countries like China that have relied on community organizations for solutions.
CONAIE leader Leonidas Iza — ‘The Correismo/anti-Correismo polarisation only benefits the right’
Nodal spoke with Leonidas Iza, president of the Indigenous and Campesino Movement of Cotopaxi (MICC), in between two elections.
Biden uses first major address to lay out his program for the working class
In his first speech to a joint session of Congress on April 28, Joe Biden made the calculation that he needed to directly address the needs of the working class.
Shocking omissions: ‘Capitalism’s Conscience – 200 Years Of The Guardian’ – John Pilger and Jonathan Cook respond
Freedman notes that Guardian editor, Kath Viner, promised that her newspaper would ‘challenge the economic assumptions of the last three decades’, ‘challenge the powerful’ and ‘use clarity and imagination to build hope’.
Behind the lives lost during the pandemic lie India’s failing public institutions
The privatisation model pursued by successive governments, in health to education, has led to the perpetuation of class and caste divides, with the poor often left to suffer.
Intellectual monopoly capitalism and its effects on development
What is new with contemporary (global) leading corporations? If gigantic monopolies are a repeated phenomenon in capitalism’s history, why all the fuss we see every day regarding high concentration?
Notes from the underground
Scott McLemee reviews The Man Who Lived Underground: A Novel by Richard Wright.
International rights experts condemn U.S. police killings as ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
“The world is not only watching, it’s judging.”
Julian Casablancas interviews Noam Chomsky | SOS Earth is a mess
Julian Casablancas has released a new interview with famed philosopher, linguist and social critic Noam Chomsky on the latest episode of his Rolling Stone interview series, S.O.S. — Earth Is a Mess.
Sexed semen—Why the technology of producing only female calves should be opposed firmly
There is a fast increasing trend in cattle breeding towards sex semen technology which will result in birth of only female calves. 90 per cent success in ensuring success (in terms of having only female calves) is claimed by promoters of this technology.
Amidst pandemic and economic sufferings, 2020’s global military spending reached highest level in decades
In 2020, nations were struggling to support their economies through the times of hardships and lockdowns caused by the pandemic. Those efforts apparently did not prevent governments from spending more money on their militaries than ever before in more than three decades, the report said.
The Myanmar coup and Aung San Suu Kyi
In this second part of the Morning Star’s exclusive interview with a spokesman from the Communist Party of Burma, KENNY COYLE asks how they analyse the roots of the conflict between the military elite and the National League for Democracy
Review – The Care Manifesto, The Care Crisis
Reviewing two recent books on care in the 21st century, Emily Kenway suggests the only solution to the current crisis lies in a full-scale reorganization of our political economy.
Reporting demonstrates multiple links between white supremacists and police
Sworn police officers take an oath to protect and serve. Recent independent news reports have drawn attention to the growing number of white supremacists and white nationalists infiltrating local law enforcement agencies, calling into question police officers’ commitment and ability to uphold this oath when encountering people and communities of color.
Myanmar’s communists speak out on the coup
In the first of a two-part series KENNY COYLE interviews the Communist Party of Burma about the social and economic mismanagement of the military regime.
Today, defense of the revolution rests with the media
Víctor Dreke, legendary commander of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, called for those defending the Revolution today to recognize that the battlefield of the 21st century is the media.
Parenting in a time of anti-Asian hate
The author, an expert in early childhood development, shares her struggles in talking to her own child about racism.
Climate scientists: concept of net zero is a dangerous trap
Sometimes realization comes in a blinding flash. Blurred outlines snap into shape and suddenly it all makes sense. Underneath such revelations is typically a much slower-dawning process. Doubts at the back of the mind grow.