Guaido set to enact uprising rooted in U.S. Regime-change operations manual
With its hands tied when it comes to military intervention, only covert actions—such as those described in the RED Team document—are likely to be enacted by the U.S. government, at least at this stage of its ongoing “regime change” effort in Venezuela.
Venezuela’s Maduro announces electricity rationing plan as protests break out
Scattered demonstrations took place in parts of Caracas and several provinces as the government tries to address water and electricity shortages.
Rethinking the normalization of fascism in the post-truth era
Talk of a fascist politics emerging in the United States is often criticized as either a naive exaggeration or a failure to acknowledge the strength of liberal institutions. Yet, the case can be made that rather than harbor an element of truth, such criticism further normalizes the very fascism it critiques, allowing the extraordinary and implausible to become ordinary.
White supremacist symbol found spray-painted at the site of fire, civil rights center says
Someone painted a white supremacist symbol at the scene where fire ravaged a building tied to the civil rights movement, according to a statement from the Highlander Research and Education Center.
Why the EU is not internationalist
Seeing the EU as internationalist is a fundamental error rooted in a misdiagnosis of its aims and effects, argues Chris Nineham.
Venezuela, again
Latin America has suffered these coup attempts from America for generations, and still, it continues. A conversation on the history and the new ways and attempts.
Economic analysis & imperialism today
An introduction and slideshow of Tony Norfield’s presentation at the Rethinking Economics conference in Greenwich University, London, on the topic of ‘Economic Analysis & Imperialism Today’.
The south, the blackout and beyond: As chavismo mobilizes in Venezuela, the U.S. increases pressure
After two months, the images are clear: Chavismo has maintained its capacity for mobilization, while the right wing is in the process of losing what it had managed to regain on January 23.
Russiagate implodes, pleasing Trump but leaving the left in the cold
With Mueller’s “no collusion” verdict, Donald Trump can claim to have been vindicated in the Russiagate saga, but there will be no respite for the real left—not to be confused with the phony “resistance” that has run on Kremlin-hate (and Syria hate and Venezuela hate) for the past two years.
Venezuela in the Crisis
The solution of the Venezuelan “crisis” lies in good faith negotiations between the government and the opposition, an end to the economic war, and the lifting of sanctions.
How can we prevent climate catastrophe?
An organized working class will be a crucial part of any movement that is capable of winning the kinds of changes we need. Workers not only can demonstrate in large numbers: they also they have the power to shut down sectors of the economy, which provides crucial leverage against a powerful ruling class.
What a U.S. military intervention against Venezuela would look like, according to Foreign Affairs
Foreign Affairs concludes that this type of operation would necessitate the military occupation of Venezuela for some 20 years, taking as examples the experiences of Iraq and Afghanistan, but also Panama in 1989, where military operations dragged on over for eight and a half years.
The Green New Deal’s magical realism
The half-measures and failed “market mechanisms” of the mainstream more “unrealistic” than the bold plans put forward by the Green New Deal. The arc of the moral universe may bend towards justice, but that won’t mean very much if, within just a few decades, the planet can no longer sustain life as we know it.
Brazilian president to commemorate 1964 fascist military coup
Brazilians took to social media following the news calling out Bolsonaro for “celebrating” the military dictatorship and its coup using the hashtag #DitaduraNuncaMais (No More Dictatorship).
Reconstructing the history of the electricity sabotage in Venezuela
Fictitious narratives spun by the opposition failed to go viral in social media—such as those showing images of people apparently collecting water from the Guaire River, which is not suitable for consumption. A report made by the Catia TV team, debunked this false story.
Singing in a cage is possible and so is happiness
Once more, punctually, Israel—with the vengeance of Zeus—has begun to bomb Gaza, from which the sounds and smells of war are never absent due to Israeli bombings. It helps Israel that the United States is fully behind its policy of annihilation.
The sunrise will be the same for those who wake and those who never will
Disregard by the dominant powers of human lives in places such as Iraq has a long history. It goes back a hundred years.
Killing the most beautiful things we own
The fight over the Amazon is not new, but the scale of its potential destruction has considerably increased. The protagonists of the murder of the Amazon are clear: capitalist firms of different scales and the political class that enables them.
New attack on electricity system seeks to halt Chavista counteroffensive
This time the attack was physical: an operation against the bank of high voltage transformers that convert electricity to be transmitted.
Venezuela: New widespread power outage as gov’t denounces alleged attacks
Venezuelan authorities denounced a “double attack” against the country’s electrical infrastructure.