Through the “Bolivar Act” U.S. Congressmen intend to tighten the blockade against Venezuela
On January 28th, a group of U.S. Congressmen, led by former Green Beret and now Republican Party legislator, Michael Waltz, introduced to the U.S. Congress a new bill dedicated to Venezuela entitled the “Bipartisan Banning Operations and Leases with Illegitimate Authoritarian Regime Act”.
Wall Street admits curing diseases is bad for business
Goldman Sachs is openly saying in financial reports that curing people of terrible diseases is not good for business.
Breaking the Glass Screen – Framing monopoly capitalism in global commodity chains
In 2007–a digital time not spatially long ago–a month before the iPhone was production scheduled, the late Steven Jobs took some of his staff to an office. He had been carrying a prototype of the device in his pocket daily for weeks.
How the Gulf War sparked China’s military revolution
With the technology and firepower on show during the conflict – precision bombing, satellite guidance, missile interception, air-to-surface strike to eliminate tanks, electronic warfare, one-way transparency on the battlefield, stealth bombers – the Gulf War was a “psychological nuclear attack” on China, observers say.
Incarcerated and at COVID’s mercy: New York must do more for elderly imprisoned people
COVID-19 is now raging uncontrolled throughout the United States. New variants that are more easily transmitted have entered the country from the U.K., Brazil and South Africa. Vaccine is scarce.
Myanmar coup: the generals are back – but then they never went away
Susan Ram explores the factors behind the February 1st military coup in Myanmar.
Covering school reopening, Chicago papers pit unions against parents
As FAIR (12/9/20) has reported, the New York Times has pushed for reopening public schools over teachers union concerns in New York City.
California must lead the way in abolishing school and university campus police
The 2020 uprisings articulated transformative visions of a world without anti-Black violence, a world without hyper-funded police forces and thus a world with deep community safety and care.
Battle over legality of cannabis grow clubs hits high court as cops clamp down on dagga lab
A battle by a business that ‘privately’ grew and prepared cannabis for clients, to have this service declared lawful, landed in the Western Cape high court this week–this as police clamped down on another dagga laboratory.
Covid, climate, and ‘dual metabolic rupture’
We thought climate catastrophe the main danger. Now we know there is another. A double-whammy ecological crisis threatens collapse into dystopian chaos.
How does Washington rob the entire world?
Against the backdrop of the recent change in the White House administration, and the absence of clear harbingers of the United States’ desire to reduce the number of armed conflicts around the world, it is worth noting that in many respects the present conflicts owe their existence to how they are pumped with American weaponry.
The global struggle for bodily autonomy
The example of Sparta is an interesting precedent for the way in which people’s bodies have been controlled and utilized beyond their consent throughout history. The control of our bodies presupposes capitalism, but capitalism in turn has entrenched it.
We are Cuba Viva, the country that insists on resisting and emerging victorious
During 2019 and 2020 Cuba suffered the greatest impact ever from the blockade, with losses estimated at more than 5 billion dollars.
‘Who ended the Holocaust?’
The 2014 coup is now called with masterly irony in Wikipedia “The Revolution of Dignity.” That is a Big Lie even Josef Goebbels would have envied.
Marxism and Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality under Contemporary Capitalism by Ashley J Bohrer reviewed by Christian Lotz
In Marxism and Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality under Contemporary Capitalism its author, Ashley J. Bohrer, presents a tour de force, offering and contributing to a wide-ranging debate that has occupied left academic and activist audiences for some time now.
Ontario’s long-term care sector is in a Grave Humanitarian Crisis
We are a group of physicians, researchers, and advocates who have come together to express our grave concern for the safety and well-being of Ontarians who reside and work in long-term care (LTC) homes. We call upon the Ontario government to immediately end the violations of peoples’ human rights and control the spread of COVID-19 in LTC. Action is needed today.
Poor lives matter, but less
Agencies, funds, programmes and others lobby and fight for attention by showcasing their own policy agendas, ostensible achievements and potential. Many believe that the more indicators they get endorsed by the ‘international community’, the more financial support they can expect to secure.
Oligarchy in Russia–Alexei Navalny’s telling mistake
On the subject of oligarchy and the treasure storehouses which oligarchs build for themselves, Alexei Navalny reveals that he’s following a U.S. and NATO script: this takes no account of how President Vladimir Putin rules Russia, or the choice most Russians believe is the preferred alternative to Putin–that’s rule by a combination of officers and civilians acceptable to the military.
Cuba will vaccinate its entire population against COVID-19 in 2021
Dr. Eduardo Martínez, president of the BioCubaFarma state pharmaceutical enterprise group, reports that work is advancing to expand production capacity of Cuba’s candidate vaccine Soberana 02.
THE ANGRY ARAB: Machinations in the Gulf
Trump was too busy nursing his grudge to bother with overseas matters, but both his son-in-law and secretary of state rushed through a package of foreign policy initiatives and policies, writes As`ad AbuKhalil.