Canada Labour Congress with 3M members, denounces Trudeau’s support for intervention in Venezuela
The CLC vehemently rejects a militarized solution to this crisis; the people of Latin America have not forgotten the brutal history of military rule in the region.
Maduro denounces Citgo takeover as ‘robbery’
Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro says he plans to take legal action against the United States to defy the sanctions.
Venezuela cuts relations with United States over coup support
Maduro cut relations with the U.S. and said that envoys of the countries who have stopped recognizing him as elected president have 72 hours to leave the country.
Congresswoman-elect Rashida Tlaib to lead delegation to Palestine
Tlaid , one of two Muslim women who are the first to be elected to U.S. Congress, says she supports BDS and intends to shift perspective on the Palestinian-Israel conflict.
Humanity faces simultaneous climate disasters: study
The future risk of dealing with multiple climate impacts at once depends on geography and whether humanity succeeds in rapidly drawing down greenhouse gas emissions.
Jorit, artist behind Che Guevara, Ahed Tamimi mural: ‘graffiti is the voice of protest’
Italian street artist Jorit Agoch unveiled one of the largest and most impressive murals of the Latin American revolutionary Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara days ahead of the 51st anniversary of his assassination at the hands of the Bolivian army in La Higuera, Bolivia.
Corbyn calls for global movement against inequality, offers support to Latin America’s left
In an interview with Mexican newspaper La Jornada, Jeremy Corbyn said international efforts challenging economic injustice and inequality is needed.
History made as minorities elected to Congress
An election of “firsts:” Women, LGBTQ, Muslims, African-Americans and Native Americans score seats in the House and Senate.
Brazil: Workers’ Party challenges political persecution decree
Social movements and political opposition fear Temer’s security decree will be used to persecute left-wing groups.
Bolivian President Evo Morales warns of plan ‘to invade Venezuela’ by U.S., OAS
Morales explained that “the empire acts out of fear of the sovereign vote and knows that it will never again subject the free people.”
Corbyn: UK needs ‘war powers act’ after legally questionable Syria strike
The British opposition leader said his country needs the war powers act to limit government’s control over military interventions.
Putin: U.S.-led attack on Syria violation of international law
The Russia president said Washington and its allies have used such strategies of unconfirmed reports to launch interventions against local governments.
Trump to Russia: get ready to shoot down ‘smart’ missiles
U.S. President Donald Trump says Russia should be prepared to shoot many missiles out of the sky because they will be “coming, nice and new and smart.” Trump tweeted early Wednesday saying Moscow was supporting a ‘gas killing animal.’
Oscar Lopez Rivera calls U.S. intervention in Puerto Rico ‘biggest experiment in neoliberalism’
Oscar Lopez Rivera, the anti-colonial leader from Puerto Rico, has criticized the United States’ callousness and “experimental” approach towards the U.S. colony.
Too hot to handle: Facebook mistakes Willendorf Virgin for porn
“An archaeological object, especially iconic, should not be banned from Facebook,” the Museum of Natural History in Vienna said.
New book reveals Israel’s covert operations, including nearly 2,700 assassinations
A new book unveiled this month sheds light on Israel’s covert operations of state-sponsored killings.
U.S. and Argentina threaten to ban Venezuelan oil
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is threatening to ban the import and export of oil and crude products from Venezuela into the U.S. to pressure President Nicolas Maduro to “return to the constitution.”
Mexico’s first ‘seduction school’, rape culture and femicides
On Sunday, the international press agency EFE did not have enough words to praise the not-even-that-new initiative of a Mexican “seduction school”, lamenting that this kind of workshop remains largely “taboo” in the country.
Lula, Brazil elections and the left
In an exclusive interview with teleSUR, Brazilian professor and researcher Sabrina Fernandes discusses former President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva’s Jan. 24 corruption trial and forthcoming elections in the South American country.
Multimedia Artist Projects ‘Try Our Shithole’ on Trump building
Following U.S. President Donald Trump’s disparaging remarks about Haiti and African countries, a projection was made on the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC declaring it was a “shithole.”