Forgotten workers and the U.S. expansion
There is a lot of celebrating going on in mainstream policy circles. The economy is said to be running at full steam with the unemployment rate now below 4 percent.
‘We would be opening the heavens to war’
CounterSpin interview with Karl Grossman on the weaponization of space.
Nicaragua: ‘Scientific American should try sticking to science’
The last thing we need is to introduce all of the world’s political conflicts into climate change policy, writes Dr. Paul Oquist, Nicaragua’s chief climate negotiator.
Economic moats and American capitalism
In a 1999 interview with Fortune, legendary investor Warren Buffett coined the term “economic moats” to sum up the main pillar of his investing strategy.
UN scientific paper suggests capitalism has to die in order for the planet to be saved
Capitalism and global sustainability are incongruous with one another, according to a recent paper for the UN’s 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report.
Social reproduction: what’s the big idea?
Key to social reproduction theory (SRT) is an understanding of the ‘production of goods and services and the production of life are part of one integrated process’, or in other words: acknowledging that race and gender oppression occur capitalistically.
“These days shall also pass, like a thousand days have before them”
Since the extreme right-wing government of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014, there has been an increasing crackdown on political and student activists, who are often branded as Maoists and anti-nationals.
U.S. prison strike seeks an end to slave labour, corporate profiteering and rights violations
Organized in the face of a crackdown by authorities, the action seeks to strike at the root of the prison-industrial complex.
U.S.-backed violent coups are not new or rare
Nicaragua just defeated a U.S.-backed violent coup attempt, and no one cares.
A ‘regime’ is a government at odds with the U.S. empire
In the aftermath of the assassination attempt against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, an article in the Miami Herald (8/5/18) reported that “a clandestine group formed by Venezuelan military members opposed to the regime of Nicolás Maduro claimed responsibility.”
The trade deal which fines governments for acting on climate change
An obscure agreement–the Energy Charter Treaty–allows energy firms to sue countries who take action to stop climate breakdown.
Elections in Brazil–guess who turns up?
Just when you think that they have already done enough damage, that they have seen the light, and maybe they have repented and disappeared to enjoy the wealth they have amassed thanks to an insane capitalist system, they surface again like a cancer that no surgery or radiation has been able to remove.
In the wake of coup attempts in Nicaragua
Ongoing violence meant to destabilize the country and oust President Ortega, has cost the lives of 198 persons and severely damaged the economy.
The mind of the mass media
You write Trump “made no mention of Russia’s adventures in Ukraine”. Well, neither he nor Putin nor you made any mention of America’s adventures in the Ukraine, which resulted in the overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014, which led to the justified Russian adventure. Therefore…?
Modern slavery: the labor history behind the new nationwide prison strike
A labor historian traces the origins of the 2018 prison strike through a legacy of involuntary servitude.
18 theses on Marxism and animal liberation
Marxist critique of society remains incomplete if it does not consider the fact that, to make profits, the ruling classes have not only exploited the oppressed classes within the history of class struggle, but also and always animals (and nature).
In battling floods, Kerala is also forced to fight the hostility of the Indian government
THE communist-ruled Indian state of Kerala, hit by the most severe rains and floods in nearly a century, has had to overcome not just nature’s fury but also the active hostility of the central government in Delhi led by the far-right Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Utopia and materialist critique
The argument I’ve been making during this series on utopia is that the utopian moment of the Marxian alternative to mainstream economics is critique.*
Boots Riley’s critique of Spike Lee’s “BlacKkKlansman”
Sorry to Bother You director and musician Boots Riley on Spike Lee’s, BlacKkKlansman: “It’s a made up story in which the false parts of it to try to make a cop the protagonist in the fight against racist oppression. It’s being put out while Black Lives Matter is a discussion—and that is not coincidental. There is a viewpoint behind it.”
Invitation to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the 1968 Miss America protest
50 years ago Women’s Liberation protested the Miss America Pageant and threw.