It’s official: The United States is a rogue state
It is clear U.S. officials have no intention of operating within the rule-based international order designed to govern relations between states and between people and governments.
When is a “retreat” really an attack? Trump’s decree hides devil’s horns under angel’s wings
“This Executive Order is just the latest in a never-ending series of cynical policy choices that tear apart families, put children at risk and do absolutely nothing to keep our borders secure or our communities safe. That’s not only craven, it’s evil.”
Trump versus the rest
Donald Trump’s leaving the G-7 summit without budging an iota on protectionism is indicative of the disunity among the leading capitalist countries on the strategy to overcome the capitalist crisis.
Plastics crisis set to intensify as more countries look to restrict foreign waste
Data analysis reveals sharp rise in exports to Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Poland amid concerns of countries being ‘flooded’ by waste imports.
Xenophobia in America: immigrant children detention centers promote terror and fear
U.S. Immigration Patrol is detaining immigrant families and separating parents from their children.
Venezuela’s Maduro unveils renewed ‘young and feminist’ cabinet
The president has expanded his team beyond the ruling PSUV with the surprise incorporation of Tupamaro’s Hipolito Abreu.
Watch Kshama Sawant call out councilmembers who voted to repeal the Amazon tax
Only days after passing a tax on Amazon and big business in Seattle, the corporate politicians in Seattle repeal the ordinance.
Beyond racism, immigrant mass detention is all about profit
Trump’s “Make America Great” policies have resulted in misery for thousands of poor migrants, but the rise in human suffering has resulted in jackpot prizes for players at the New York Stock Exchange.
‘Corbynomics’ as fair and caring socialism
Karl Polanyi’s reciprocal, redistributive substantive-socialism; ‘Corbynomics’ as fair and caring socialism.
Potency of Walter Rodney’s ideas 38 years after assassination
Thirty-eight years have passed since Walter Rodney was assassinated in Guyana on 13 June 1980 in Georgetown, Guyana’s capital city, but his legacy lives on beyond his home-country.
The war of hunger that afflicts the world’s poor
It is impossible to go anywhere in India without being confronted with the terrible enormity of hunger.
New battlegrounds in the class war
Joe Hayns talks to Kim Moody about how global capital is reshaping the terrain of class struggle-and how workers are adapting.
On the 90th anniversary of his birth, Che Guevara remains an icon
Offers a series of photographs to show that 90 years after his birth, the image of Che Guevara can be found even in the most unlikely places. His image continues to form part of Cuban daily life, as vivid and intense as during those first years of the Revolution.
Roseanne, Immigration, and the Unasked Question
The constant threat of detention and deportation discourages the undocumented employee from demanding or organizing for more pay and better working conditions—and this status is preferred by big corporations and the superrich, who profit handsomely as a result.
Upholding black radical internationalism
A wise person said being attacked by one’s enemies means you have become effective. Events over the last weekend at the Left Forum in New York City prove the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) is now seen as a threat, making our 1-year-old organization a target.
The corporate media’s world of illusions
Our planet and our children’s futures depend on us liberating ourselves, seeing the ghosts in the machine for what they truly are. We have to begin rebuilding our societies on the basis that we share a common humanity. That other humans are not our enemies, only those who wish to enslave us to their power.
Tribute to Paul Sweezy: A rapid comment on the article A Marxist Correspondence
All those who like me have learned much from Paul Sweezy’s down-to-hearth, pragmatic but scientifically loyal Marxist approach will be delighted by Tom Mayer’s review of the book written by Nicholas Baran and John Bellamy Foster, editors, The Age of Monopoly Capital: Selected Correspondence of Paul A. Baran and Paul M. Sweezy, 1949–1964
Open letter to Amnesty International by a former Amnesty International prisoner of conscience
Through this letter I express my unequivocal condemnation of Amnesty International with regards to the destabilizing role it has played in Nicaragua, my country of birth.
The Blockade: what happens if it continues?
Venezuelan economist Luis Salas looks at the nature and makeup of the U.S.-inspired blockade against Venezuela.
Defeating the soft coup
The government strategy has been to accept extraordinary levels of opposition violence and intimidation so as to allow the opposition to discredit themselves with public opinion.