‘Stimulus bill’: Congress gives working class the middle finger
Democrat and Republican leaders in Congress announced a new $900 billion stimulus bill over the weekend for a second round of “relief” in the face of the worsening pandemic and related economic crisis.
Climate and environmental crisis: Sorcerer’s apprentices at the World Bank and the IMF
In December 2020, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the signature of the Paris Agreement on Climate, the UN General Secretary sounded the alarm because the situation has fundamentally worsened. In this article we analyze what the World Bank and the IMF have done in connection with the environmental crisis and climate change.
Chart of the day
Both the number of initial unemployment claims for unemployment compensation and the number of continued claims for unemployment compensation are once again on the rise, signaling a worsening of the Pandemic Depression.
Bilateral swaps in China’s global presence
China’s use of yuan-denominated central bank swaps, while enhancing its influence, is a source of support for developing countries in an unequal international order.
The capitalist economy doesn’t work for workers
We believe that socialism provides the solution to the world’s ills and that marxist theory gives us the tools to enact social change we so desperately need.
Meet the filthy rich war hawks that make up Biden’s new foreign policy team
“I expect the prevailing direction of U.S. foreign policy over these last decades to continue: more lawless bombing and killing multiple countries under the cover of “limited engagement,” – Biden Biographer Branko Marcetic
Why the military establishment backed Biden
The U.S. military establishment will breathe a sigh of relief at Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. Nearly 800 former high-ranking military and security officials penned an open letter in support of the Democratic candidate during the campaign.
China is working to expand its ties to Latin America
In mid-January 2020, 800 people gathered at Mexico’s Ministry of Economy to celebrate “China Day” with a seminar on Chinese-Mexican relations.
Billionaires’ net worth grows to $10.2 trillion during pandemic
The super-rich increased their combined fortunes by 27.5% during the worst of the market turmoil from April through July.
A response to Pollin and Chomsky: We need a Green New Deal without growth
Robert Pollin and Noam Chomsky have a new book out, Climate Crisis and the Green New Deal. It’s an important contribution to the emerging GND literature, from two thinkers I respect.
The best response is to communicate the Revolution
The new U.S. financed counter-revolution hopes to manipulate sensitive issues and create the conditions for a social confrontation, for conflict and destabilization of the country.
Venezuela’s ability to fight COVID-19 is badly hamstrung by the 31 metric tons of gold stolen from its treasury
On October 5, 2020, the England and Wales Court of Appeal overturned a lower court decision from July that denied the Venezuelan government access to 31 metric tons of its gold stored in the Bank of London.
It’s all work and no pay for most women in India
The NSSO’s time use survey reveals striking facts about how men and women in India spend their time very differently, with women hugely burdened by unpaid work
Why America’s economic war on China is failing
U.S. President Donald Trump—supported by most of the U.S. establishment—deepened the U.S. government’s assault on the Chinese economy.
From Paul Wolfowitz (2005-2007) to David Malpass (2019-…): the U.S. President’s men control the World Bank
In 2020, the World Bank (WB) and the IMF are 76 years old. These two international financial institutions (IFI), founded in 1944, are dominated by the USA and a few major allied powers who work to generalize policies that run counter the interests of the world’s populations.
Money After Redlining with Rebecca Marchiel
In this episode, Money on the Left hosts speak with Rebecca Marchiel, Assistant Professor of History at University of Mississippi, about her important new book, After Redlining: The Urban Reinvestment Movement in the Era of Financial Deregulation (University of Chicago Press, 2020). After Redlining tells the story of the anti-racist urban reinvestment movement in early […]
Deutsche Bank money laundering scandal could create greatest economic crisis in history
The leak of the FinCEN Files over the weekend has rocked global markets and augurs a financial crisis of epic proportions as Deutsche Bank hovers over the precipice.
Beyond the mainstream
This is certainly not the first time people have looked beyond mainstream economics.
Wise People Know That Winning a War Is No Better Than Losing One
U.S. President Donald Trump and his ‘war council’–led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo–have amplified their aggression against China.
A victory for students and parents: SPLC, allies win case blocking DeVos from diverting COVID-19 relief funds away from public schools
A federal court has sent a clear message to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos: You cannot use a national crisis as an excuse to advance your education privatization agenda by siphoning desperately needed COVID-19 relief money away from public schools.