Protest and power
Building People’s Power is the vital arena of struggle under late stage capitalism, when the “system” is not only objectively failing, but the people know it is coming apart at the seams.
Confederates in the Capital
The National Statuary Collection announced the unification of the former slave economy’s emotional heartland with the heart of national government.
COINTELPRO: How the U.S. state dealt with the last radicalization
Twenty-one-year-old Black Panther Party deputy chair Fred Hampton and his comrade Mark Clark were assassinated in a 1969 pre-dawn raid in Chicago. Arguably the most talented and politically astute of the Panther leaders, Hampton was renowned for inspiring activists of all colours. But he was betrayed by William O’Neal, his bodyguard and the Panthers’ head of security, who was an FBI informant.
The storm of protest in the United States
“Neofascism has its source in monopoly-finance capital, at the apex of the system, but depends for its existence on the ability to mobilize, with the help of a führer-like figure such as Trump, a very considerable part of the overall population.”
Marlon Craft – Gang Shit (Official Music Video)
Craft takes us inside prison for a chilling, hair raising verse from a ‘black’ gang member. He encompasses an identical, mirrored reality. Birthed into a gang with allies as brothers until death, he strikes fear before it strikes him. He clears up the controversy in one simple lyric, ‘we all on our gang shit’.
‘An Extraordinary Moment’: Angela Davis says protests recognize long overdue anti-racist work
As politicians and activists across the country try to reenvision law enforcement, Black revolutionary Angela Davis says reform can only go so far in addressing the inherent racism in policing.
Watch Angela Davis and Boots Riley speak at Oakland’s Juneteenth rally
“Our power comes from the fact that we create the wealth. Wealth is power. We have the ability to withhold that power.”
UN Chief calls for reparations to amend slavery’s legacy
The U.N.’s Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet urged countries to confront legacy of slavery and colonialism.
Racism, COVID-19, and the fight for economic justice
While the Black Lives Matter protests sweeping the United States were triggered by recent police murders of unarmed African Americans, they are also helping to encourage popular recognition that racism has a long history with punishing consequences for black people that extend beyond policing.
Freedom Rider: Churchill, Columbus and Leopold fall down
The discomfort caused to elites is of no concern to anyone who wants to strike at the heart of racism. Goodbye and good riddance to Churchill, Columbus, Leopold and all of their ilk, writes Margaret Kimberley.
Whitewashing capitalism
How ECON 100 obscures the relationships among capitalism, racism and racial inequality.
Re-embracing internationalism and class solidarity in the time of #BlackLivesMatter
The struggle against systemic racism and the police state in the U.S. is integral and linked to the struggle against U.S. wars of aggression overseas.
Struggle Theater: Don’t let theatrics shroud the reality of systemic oppression
America’s power brokers are hoping murals, kente cloth, and a series of half-baked legislative reforms will appease activists into giving up the fight for real change.
Abolition will not be randomized
In the wake of the current uprising in support of Black Lives Matter, there has been increasing interest in the use of mainstream empirical methods in economics–like randomized control trials (RCTs) and administrative data evaluation–to address issues of racism and violence in the institution of policing.
Persecuted Egyptian LGBTQ activist Sarah Hegazy dies of suicide
30-year-old Sara Hagezy was in exile in Canada since her release from jail in 2018. She was arrested after she waved a rainbow flag at a concert in Cairo
Revolutionary ideals of the Paris Commune live on in Black Lives Matter autonomous zone in Seattle
The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle–or Chaz as it has come to be known–was set up on June 8 in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle. It came about as a result of BLM protesters moving in after the Seattle police abandoned the precinct due to clashes with protesters.
Black socialist leader: ‘Demands must clarify our reality’
You see, not all Black folk look or think alike. And not every organization will have the same political analysis of the events before our eyes.
“And This Happened in Los Angeles:” Malcolm X describes police brutality against members of the Nation of Islam
There was police brutality and there was atrocity, and the press was just as atrocious as the police. Because they helped the police to cover it up by propagating a false image across the country, that there was a blazing gun battle which involved Muslims and police shooting at each other.
Odetta – ‘Another Man Done Gone’
Odetta – Another Man gone Done
Atlanta Police shoot and kill Rayshard Brooks as protests demanding racial justice continue worldwide
“This is not the first time a black man has been killed for sleeping,” said Rev. James Woodall, state president of the Georgia NAACP.