Advocate of ‘Death to Arabs’ is EU’s frontman in Israeli PR campaign
The European Union launched a video campaign to brand itself more positively last week (posted on the EU Israeli Embassy Facebook page) – and what could be a better choice, than to use a pundit who advocates Palestinian genocide?
Venezuela’s U.S.-backed opposition turns up the violence following assembly vote
Make the world believe the government is violent and there is no way to really figure out what violence the opposition is responsible for and any insurgency can engage in the armed overthrow of their government with global support.
Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 – 2016
This video illustrates how drastically temperatures in each of the world’s 191 countries have changed over the last century.
Monopoly vs. competition
Monopoly vs. competition
The left alliance with U.S. imperialism
I don’t expect any of those who supported this barbarism on the left to change position, they are much too invested and beyond the politics—the moral implications of their collaboration is quite obvious. That is why they would never bring themselves to admit that they were wrong.
Worlds richest person escapes scrutiny from his own paper–and its rivals
With Amazon’s stock surging to well over $1,000 a share, and its head recently crowned the richest person in the world, the stakes for putting Amazon and Bezos in a critical light couldn’t be higher. Yet time and again, the pillars of US media provide them all the critical rigor a high school paper typically provides the spring dance committee.
Book of the day: The Corruption of Capitalism by Guy Standing
I recommend this book, along with the rest of Standing’s body of work, as an example of the kind of outside-the-box thinking the Left needs in place of the dinosaur Old Left’s organization and policy models if it is to be relevant to the new economy.
Land grabs and uneven development in Cambodia
The global labor arbitrage means the only competitive “advantage” available to most countries is forcing workers to accept slave wages and environmental standards low enough to lure in multinationals. If the population resists, the only means available to diffuse it is brutal repression.
Trump just delivered the most chilling speech of his presidency
Trump sent a message to Latinos in America — both unauthorized immigrants who are liable to be arrested by ICE at any time and might be falsely accused of gang membership in the process, and legal immigrants and citizens who nonetheless might “look like a gang member” to the wrong person based on the color of their skin. Trump is telling them there is no one who can keep them safe.
Did the Koch family buy a piece of the University of Utah to ‘balance’ a Marxist faculty?
Koch and the countering of Marxian and Keynesian econoimcs at the University of Utah.
Trump and the christian fascists
Donald Trump’s ideological vacuum, the more he is isolated and attacked, is being filled by the Christian right. This Christianized fascism, with its network of megachurches, schools, universities and law schools and its vast radio and television empire, is a potent ally for a beleaguered White House.
The Momentum video that has divided opinion
I just don’t get why Jeremy Corbyn is so popular.
New Google algorithm restricts access to left-wing, progressive web sites
The company said in a blog post that the central purpose of the change to its search algorithm was to give the search giant greater control in identifying content deemed objectionable by its guidelines. It declared that it had “improved our evaluation methods and made algorithmic updates” in order “to surface more authoritative content.”
Trump hits Venezuela with new sanctions as CIA chief plugs intervention
The Trump government’s latest sanctions against Caracas come just two days after Venezuelan Foreign Minister Samuel Moncada publicly revealed that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was working alongside governments in Mexico and Colombia to topple the Maduro government.
Fighting for Okinawa
Our story though, is much more than three short paragraphs in a textbook. It is a story about a people’s determination for sovereignty in the face of imperialism, resilience in midst of colonization, and perseverance for peace as survivors of war. Our story is urgent and it is a call for global action in the name of peace and justice. The history of Okinawa is a story of resistance but also a call to the world.
Militant particularism and ecosocialism
Marx showed how history was materially transformed through a series of contradictions toward greater complexity, but held out the promise of one particular class representing the universal interests of humanity, if activated within objective conditions by political agency. The problem today is that cyclical and conjunctural crises that have propelled capitalism to hegemonic global reach and to the point of near absolute structural crisis have also eliminated resistance in the form of a consequential collective agent that would avert ecological collapse.
In retrospect: Das Kapital
The book’s impact on economics, politics and current affairs has been formidable, and aspects of Marx’s thinking have permeated areas of scientific research as disparate as robotics and evolutionary theory.
Drone warfare: The death of precision
With Obama’s “precision ethos” behind us and the “Trump doctrine” ahead. Neither is perfect, but latter with the priority for percision gone, is much more dangerous.
Boy Scouts Jamboree compared to Hitler Youth Rally after Trump’s speech
The president spoke to 24,000 Scouts ranging in age from 12 to 18, as eight presidents have before him. Unlike previous presidents, however, Trump appeared to view the event as an opportunity to slam his political opponents and the news media, call for “loyalty,” and rail against the “cesspool” of Washington, D.C., as the audience cheered
America’s Yemen policy is creating more terrorists
The current civilian slaughter, chaos, and daily indignities in Yemen create the perfect recruitment tool for the expansion of terrorist organizations. Al-Qaeda has been operating in Yemen for a long time.… In addition, IS has begun to make their presence felt in Yemen.