Trump is showering Saudi Arabia with last-minute gifts
Saudi Arabia’s use of American diplomatic cover and weapons alike has taken on a fevered pace as the Kingdom deepens the tragedy it has afflicted upon Yemen.
Parliamentary Elections in Venezuela: All you need to know
For the first time in recent history, Venezuela’s left is divided. Will this disrupt the PSUV’s plans to retake control of the National Assembly?
COVID explodes inside prisons, but only guards to get first doses of vaccine
Over the past week, 14,697 new cases of Coronavirus infection were reported inside of state and federal prisons—the highest level since the pandemic began.
200th birth anniversary of Friedrich Engels
The birth anniversary of Friedrich Engels, collaborator, co-thinker and a long-time friend of Karl Marx falls tomorrow, 28 November 2020.
Big Pharma and the search for a vaccine
A second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is sweeping across the world with countries reporting record daily case numbers and the World Health Organization (WHO) warning that the death toll could be much higher than during the first wave earlier this year.
Engels still lives at 200
Today marks 200 years since the birth of Friedrich Engels, the revolutionary leader who, side by side with Marx, elaborated a good part of what we know today as the theoretical bases of Marxism and built the first international organizations of “insurrectionist wage slaves” who adopted communism as the name for their objective.
Marx on exploitation: an ABC for an unequal world
Exploitation begins with the terms on which workers sell their labour power to capital. Marx saw that 140 years ago, and it hasn’t changed since.
Crisis & Critique: What is at stake in the parliamentary elections?
With legislative elections on the horizon, Ociel López looks at the different political forces and scenarios ahead.
Trump lawyer dumped after claiming Hugo Chavez rigged U.S. election
Sidney Powell’s conspiracy theories went too far for Trump’s legal team after her outlandish claims went viral online.
U.S.-China relations: Beijing slams State Department report ‘concocted by Cold War fossils’
China has described a U.S. report on how Washington should confront and contain Beijing as having been “concocted by Cold War fossils” who are destined to be “swept into the garbage dump of history”.
The marketisation of truth
As Trump continues to contest the validity of the U.S. election, it’s time we look deeper at the causes of our post-truth malaise, argues Marcus Gilroy-Ware
Creeping fascism after the U.S. election: Trump’s march to Gilead
Phil Hearse responds to socialist critics of the creeping fascism thesis who put their faith in parliamentary democracy and liberals like Joe Biden.
‘The Principal Contradiction’ by Torkil Lauesen
One of my frustrations with contemporary Marxist philosophy is the way in which the word ‘dialectical’ is often employed like a magical wand to sanctify various relational phenomena.
How Joe Biden plans to make the American empire great again
Behind his rhetoric, Joe Biden will seek nothing less than global supremacy, escalating a new and even more dangerous arms race that risks the destruction of humanity, what he calls “decency” and “normalcy.”
No Platform by Evan Smith
Smith’s book demonstrates that the far-right has always played the victim card when it comes to free-speech, writes Houman Barekat.
How do the dead celebrate? The bipartisan culture of death
Like most political formations in the United States, Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) members and supporters represent different tendencies.
The Swedish Herd Immunity myth
After a Spring in which Sweden had one of the worst Covid death rates in Europe, some latched on to their low summer case numbers to argue for a herd immunity approach. But as cases again rise dramatically, Madeleine Johansson challenges the Swedish herd immunity myth.
Why Venezuela’s Dec. 6 election is legitimate
With heightened U.S. attacks in Venezuela, including a tightening economic blockade, the elections are of great consequence to the future of the country.
Eric Hobsbawm’s dialectical materialism in the postwar period 1946-56
Hobsbawm’s thinking was guided by dialectical materialism, which was a scientific outlook based on analysis. It always accounted for unpredictable human agency and, though economic factors played the principal role in the development of history, this study rejects the claim that Hobsbawm was a mechanical determinist.
Births of a Nation, Redux: Surveying Trumpland with Cedric Robinson
What Robinson identified as “the rewhitening of America” a century ago is what we’re seeing play out today.