North Korea’s “not quite” ICBM can’t hit the lower 48 states
The flight tests on July 4 and 28 were a carefully choreographed deception by North Korea to create a false impression that the Hwasong-14 is a near-ICBM that poses a nuclear threat to the continental U.S.
On the beach 2017
The U.S. submarine captain says, “We’ve all got to die one day, some sooner and some later. The trouble always has been that you’re never ready, because you don’t know when it’s coming. Well, now we do know and there’s nothing to be done about it.”
Remembering the Gulf of Tonkin, and the consequences of wanting to believe
Americans, Schanberg said, are “the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth.”
Tariq Ali: Full address and Questions
Tariq Ali is a British-Pakistani writer, journalist, historian, filmmaker, political activist, and public intellectual.
People celebrate Constituent Assembly in Caracas
The political struggle of the people in Venezuela is now passing a crucial phase. Expressing solidarity with the Venezuelan people is a task in this hour of their struggle.
Why the United States did not demonstrate the bomb’s power, ahead of Hiroshima
Would non-use at the end of a brutal total war have created a taboo against the use of nuclear weapons as strong as resulted from the demonstrated horror of their effects against the two Japanese cities? Perhaps not.
Advocate of ‘Death to Arabs’ is EU’s frontman in Israeli PR campaign
The European Union launched a video campaign to brand itself more positively last week (posted on the EU Israeli Embassy Facebook page) – and what could be a better choice, than to use a pundit who advocates Palestinian genocide?
Venezuela’s U.S.-backed opposition turns up the violence following assembly vote
Make the world believe the government is violent and there is no way to really figure out what violence the opposition is responsible for and any insurgency can engage in the armed overthrow of their government with global support.
U.S. health care: profits over people
The US health care system produces healthy profits while leaving growing numbers of people without access to affordable, quality health care.
Tillerson threatens regime change in Venezuela
Washington has made one of its most foreboding threats so far against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson openly floated the possibility of stepping up “regime change” measures against the government of democratically-elected President Nicolas Maduro.
Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 – 2016
This video illustrates how drastically temperatures in each of the world’s 191 countries have changed over the last century.
Reviving the strike
Having nurses’ being asked to work way too hard with far too few staff, leading to unsafe conditions, incredible stress, and burn out – is at the root of just about every healthcare dispute in this country, if not every workplace in America.
Monopoly vs. competition
Monopoly vs. competition
Diesels and honorable men
Lower the curtain, change the scene. The atmosphere in the government building in Berlin on August 2nd is fully different, not a bit of similarity. Those present, most in tailored apparel, sit in soft leather chairs and sip aromatic drinks from fine glassware. Who are they? Germany’s power people!
It’s getting real: google censors the left—and us
Preliminary indications are that we took roughly a 10% hit to overall traffic in April and May, a significant part of which may have been from the same cause.
Talking about a revolution
The conflict between the needs of the majority and the interests of the few runs throughout our economy.
The left alliance with U.S. imperialism
I don’t expect any of those who supported this barbarism on the left to change position, they are much too invested and beyond the politics—the moral implications of their collaboration is quite obvious. That is why they would never bring themselves to admit that they were wrong.
Fighting fascism
Today will be remembered as the day the resistance to dictatorship was reborn. Future generations will look to the assembly here today and say, yes, there were people who were not intimidated by the popularity of an authoritarian personality and placed themselves in the line of fire to prevent the advent of a full-blown dictatorship.
Are the latest Russia sanctions really about forcing U.S. LNG on Europe?
Unlike past sanctions against Russia, which European governments have backed, albeit with some grumbling, since some countries, particularly Germany and the Netherlands, have commercial ties with Russia, the EU is opposed to the latest US campaign.
10 Dead, 200 voting centers attacked as U.S. sanctions Maduro
In total, the Interior Ministry has reported that 21 state security personnel suffered gunshot wounds over the course of the day. Forty-nine people were arrested for attacks on military personnel on Sunday.